

我是 latex 包的新手forest。如何在 中实现预期结果LaTeX。如何arrows在 forest 包中移动?

我的 MWE 是:


 sn edges/.style={for tree={parent anchor=south, child anchor=north}},
        background tree/.style={for tree={
            text opacity=0.8,draw opacity=0.8,edge={draw opacity=0.8}}}

        [\phantom{xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx}\v{\!\!\!\d{c}}\hbox{'}al-$\textrm{ew}_{\textrm{i}}$\phantom{xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx},name=spec CP]
                            [$\textrm{Op}_{\textrm{i}}$,name=spec PC]
                                [\!\!\!$_{-\!\!\!-\!\!\!-\!\!\!-\!\!\!-}{_{\textrm{PG}}}$ z-\v{s}, name=objects, roof]]]
                            [\!\!\!$t_i({{\scriptstyle{\textrm{IO}}}}) \emptyset${-ze-r-j-t}, name=object, roof]]]
    \draw[->] (object) to[out=south west,in=south] (spec CP);
    \draw[->] (objects) to[out=south west,in=south] (spec PC);




严格来说,绘制箭头是 TikZ 的事情,即使是在森林树中绘制也是如此。我想这是一门艺术——PGF/TikZ 手册的第 13 章和第 15 章是这里的终极参考来源,该手册中的教程也应该会很有帮助。

继续讨论森林业务,有两个技巧必须使用才能得到所需的树。第一个很简单:“fit=band”将创建一个下面没有任何内容的节点;当嵌入“for tree”时,如下所示,我们得到一个“宽”树。(因此,“for tree={fit=band}”消除了对 OP 的幻象“xxx”的需求。)

第二个技巧很复杂。我们如何让外箭头在绕 DP 子树一圈后笔直向上射出?如果我们对此不做任何处理,它会稍微向左射出,因为“č'al-ew_i”向左移动太多——请记住,“fit=band”的效果是将节点下方的空间留空。这里的想法是使用空节点排版树——下面,我另外删除了 (i) 该节点的内部 x 空间和 (ii) 节点与其兄弟节点之间的“s 分隔”——然后才放入所需的内容。要了解如何绘制箭头本身,请查看(注释的)代码。



  for tree={
    plain content, % The linguistics library default has a little bug which results in some undesired space below each node. (The culprit is "align=center" in "default preamble".) Key "plain content" reverses that, but note that it only allows for single-line nodes.
    fit=band, % Removing this will result in a more compact tree.
    [% \d{\v{c}}'al-ew\textsubscript{i},
      % We don't set the content of the node right away (it is commented out above), but rather pack the tree with this node empty --- which results in the center of "č'al-ew_i" being right above the west of Op_i --- and swap the empty node for the real node only just before drawing the tree.
      ,inner xsep=0, for parent={s sep=0}, before drawing tree={content=\d{\v{c}}'al-ew\textsubscript{i}, typeset node},
      name=spec CP,
      fit=band, % Strictly speaking, this is not necessary, it is only here so that if we remove the upper "fit=band", the arrow to spec-CP still shoots straight up.
            [Op\textsubscript{i},name=Op] % text mode subscript
              [\textsubscript{\text{------PG}} \textipa{z@-\v{s}}, inner xsep=0, roof]
              % "---" = em dash
              {\draw[->] () to[out=south west,in=south] (Op);}
            [$t$\textsubscript{i}(\textsc{io}) $\emptyset$\textipa{-ze-r-j@-t@}, roof, inner xsep=0]
              (.south west) % start at the bottom left of the node
              +(1.2em,0pt) % move a bit to the right, without drawing a line
              (Op.west) % loop to the west of Op_i, loosely ("looseness" sets two parameters, "in looseness" and "out looseness")
              -- (spec CP);}
        [T[\textipa{-Ke}]] % IPA
      [{C[\textsc{wh}]}] % small caps

