%\draw[help lines] (-2,-4) grid (10,4);
\draw[-latex] (-2,0) -- (10,0) node[above]{$E(V)$};
\draw[-latex] (0,-3) -- (0,3) node[above]{$i(\text{A}) \text{ ou } j_s(\text{A}²\cdot m^{-2})$};
\node[circle,fill=black,inner sep=2pt,label=below right:{$E_{\text{Nernest}}$}] at (5,0) {};
\draw[red,line width=1pt] (1,-3) to[out=80,in=180,looseness=1.5] (5,0) to[out=0,in=-100,looseness=1.5] (9,3);
\node at (1.2,-2) {Red $\longleftarrow$ Ox};
\node at (8.8,2) {Red $\longrightarrow$ Ox};
\node[draw,red,rounded corners=3pt,line width=1.5pt,inner sep=5pt,anchor=south] at (4,-4) {Système lent};
\pgfplotsset{compat = 1.17}
% Based on http://pgfplots.sourceforge.net/example_323.tex (had to add deg(x))
% See http://pgfplots.sourceforge.net/gallery.html
restrict y to domain = -10:10,
samples = 1000,
width = 100mm,
height = 50mm,
xmin = -1,
xmax = 6,
ticks = none, % uncomment to see ticks
axis x line = center,
axis y line = center,
xlabel = {$E(V)$},
ylabel = {$i(A)$ ou $j_s$},
\addplot[red, domain=0.5*pi:1.5*pi] {tan(deg(x))};
% Stolen from SebGlav's answer :)
\node[circle,fill=black,inner sep=2pt,label=below right:{$E_{\text{Nernest}}$}] at (3.14,0) {};
\node at (1.5,-5) {Red $\longleftarrow$ Ox};
\node at (5,5) {Red $\longrightarrow$ Ox};
在听了 SebGlav 的评论后,我尝试了一下restrict y to domain = -30:30,
\pgfplotsset{compat = 1.17}
% Based on http://pgfplots.sourceforge.net/example_323.tex
% See http://pgfplots.sourceforge.net/gallery.html
restrict y to domain = -30:30,
samples = 1000,
width = 100mm,
height = 50mm,
xmin = -1,
xmax = 6,
ticks = none,
axis x line = center,
axis y line = center,
xlabel = {$E(V)$},
ylabel = {$i(A)$ ou $j_s$},
\addplot[red, domain=0.5*pi:1.5*pi] {tan(deg(1*x))};
% Stolen from SebGlav's answer :)
\node[circle,fill=black,inner sep=2pt,label=below right:{$E_{\text{Nernest}}$}] at (3.14,0) {};
\node at (1.5,-15) {Red $\longleftarrow$ Ox};
\node at (4.5,10) {Red $\longrightarrow$ Ox};