我对参考书目有疑问。第一个位置,我不知道为什么它超出了页面,我设置了 2 厘米的右边距。在第二个位置,标题“什么是僵尸网络攻击?”下,单词之间的间隙太大,我也不知道为什么。也许有人会告诉你问题出在哪里?
\bibitem{DDoS3} What is a botnet attack?, URL:
\textit{https://www.akamai.com/uk/en/resources/what-is-a-botnet.jsp/, [access: 22 january
\bibitem{18} Input Validation Cheat Sheet, URL:
\textit{https://cheatsheetseries.owasp.org/cheatsheets/InputValidationCheatSheet.html, [access
15 november 2020]
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\bibitem{DDoS3} What is a botnet attack?, URL:
[last access: 6 June 2021]
\bibitem{18} Input Validation Cheat Sheet, URL:
[last access: 6 June 2021]