我刚开始使用 LaTex,它是一款很棒的工具。鉴于我对代码开发的了解有限,有人能为我的问题提供解决方案吗?我需要在年龄间隔之间添加连字符。年龄和 VO2 应位于男性和女性下方的中心。此外,我需要所有数字都位于年龄和 VO2 下方的中心,并且最后一列中的数字不要合并。有 LaTex 编码知识的人能告诉我如何做到这一点吗?代码在文本下方显示。提前致谢
问候 Svein
\usepackage{booktabs, makecell,
threeparttable} % <---
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\caption{Cadirorespiratory fitness stratified by age}
c % Column 1
S[table-format=1.3] % Column 2
S[table-format=2.3] % Column 3
S[table-format=1.6] % Column 4
S[table-format=1.5] % Column 5
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{Male}
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{Female} \\
\cmidrule(lr){2-3} \cmidrule(l){4-5}
{Age} & {\splitcell{VO2{\footnotesize \(^b\)(\(mL/kg/min\)})\\}} &
{Age} & {\splitcell{VO2{\footnotesize \(^b\)(\(mL/kg/min\)})}}\\
& 20 29 & 46.1 & 20 29 & 38.2\\
& \numrange{30}{39} & 38.5 & \numrange{30}{39} & 43\\
& \numrange{40}{49} & 26.7 & \numrange{40}{49} & 21.6\\
& \numrange{50}{59} & 29.1 & \numrange{50}{59} & 30.6\\
& \geq 60 & 28.3 & \geq 60 & 27.3\\
\usepackage{booktabs, makecell, threeparttable} % <---
\setlength\heavyrulewidth{2pt} % <---
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\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{uc}{\MakeUppercase{#1}~#2} % <===
\DeclareCaptionFont{teal}{\color{teal}\fontfamily{iwona}\selectfont} % <===
\usepackage{siunitx,booktabs, makecell}
\sisetup{range-phrase= --}
\caption{Cardiorespiratory fitness stratified by age}
c % Column 1
S[table-format=1.3] % Column 2
S[table-format=2.3] % Column 3
S[table-format=1.6] % Column 4
S[table-format=2.1] % Column 5
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{Men}
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{Female} \\
\cmidrule(lr){2-3} \cmidrule(l){4-5}
{Age} & {\makecell{VO2\(^b\)\\ (\unit{mL/kg/min})\\}}
{Age} & {\makecell{VO2\(^b\)\\(\unit{mL/kg/min})}}\\
& \numrange{20}{29} & 46.1 & \numrange{20}{29} & 38.2\\
& \numrange{30}{39} & 51.5 & \numrange{30}{39} & 33\\
& \numrange{40}{49} & 35.7 & \numrange{40}{49} & 31.6\\
& \numrange{50}{59} & 39.1 & \numrange{50}{59} & 29.6\\
& {60--\phantom{90}} & 30.3 & {60--\phantom{90}} & 27.3\\
\sisetup{range-phrase= --}
\caption{Cardiorespiratory fitness stratified by age}
c % Column 1
S[table-format=1.3] % Column 2
S[table-format=2.3] % Column 3
S[table-format=1.6] % Column 4
S[table-format=2.1] % Column 5
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{Men\hskip1.5em\mbox{}}
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{Female\hskip1.5em\mbox{}} \\
\cmidrule(lr){2-3} \cmidrule(l){4-5}
{Age} & {\makecell{VO2\(^b\)\\ \footnotesize(\unit{mL/kg/min})\\}}
{Age} & {\makecell{VO2\(^b\)\\ \footnotesize(\unit{mL/kg/min})}}\\
& \numrange{20}{29} & 46.1 & \numrange{20}{29} & 38.2\\
& \numrange{30}{39} & 51.5 & \numrange{30}{39} & 33\\
& \numrange{40}{49} & 35.7 & \numrange{40}{49} & 31.6\\
& \numrange{50}{59} & 39.1 & \numrange{50}{59} & 29.6\\
& {60--\phantom{90}} & 30.3 & {60--\phantom{90}} & 27.3\\
- 第一列是空的,删除它
- 答案是考虑
版本 3 - 选择具有范围编号的列作为
%\usepackage{babel} % which one?
\usepackage{booktabs, makecell,
threeparttable} % <---
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\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{uc}{\MakeUppercase{#1}~#2} % <===
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\usepackage{siunitx} % considered v3
\usepackage{booktabs, makecell}
range-phrase= {\,--\,}
\caption{Cadirorespiratory fitness stratified by age}
c % Column 1
S[table-format=2.1] % Column 2
c % Column 3
S[table-format=2.1] % Column 4
& \mcc[2]{Female} \\
\cmidrule(r){1-2} \cmidrule(l){3-4}
Age & {\makecell{VO2\tnote{b}\\
& Age
& {\makecell{VO2\tnote{b}\\
(\unit{mL/kg/min})}} \\
& 46.1 & \numrange{20}{29} & 38.2 \\
& 51.5 & \numrange{30}{39} & 33 \\
& 35.7 & \numrange{40}{49} & 31.6 \\
& 39.1 & \numrange{50}{59} & 29.6 \\
$\geq$ 60 & 30.3 & $\geq 60$ & 27.3 \\
\item[b] some description
\setlength\heavyrulewidth{2pt} % <---
\setlength\lightrulewidth{1.2pt} % <---
\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{uc}{\MakeUppercase{#1}~#2} % <===
\DeclareCaptionFont{teal}{\color{teal}\fontfamily{iwona}\selectfont} % <===
\setcounter{table}{1}% just for the example, isn't it?
\caption{Cardiorespiratory fitness stratified by age}
c % Column 1
S[table-format=2.1] % Column 2
c % Column 3
S[table-format=2.1] % Column 4
\multicolumn{2}{c}{Male} &
\multicolumn{2}{c}{Female} \\
\cmidrule(lr){1-2} \cmidrule(l){3-4}
Age & {\splitcell{VO2\textsuperscript{\itshape b} \\ (\si{mL/kg/min})}} &
Age & {\splitcell{VO2\textsuperscript{\itshape b} \\ (\si{mL/kg/min})}} \\
20--29 & 46.1 & 20--29 & 38.2 \\
30--39 & 38.5 & 30--39 & 43 \\
40--49 & 26.7 & 40--49 & 21.6 \\
50--59 & 29.1 & 50--59 & 30.6 \\
$\geq 60$ & 28.3 & $\geq 60$ & 27.3 \\
\caption{Isn't this better?}
c % Column 1
S[table-format=2.1] % Column 2
S[table-format=2.1] % Column 3
Age & \multicolumn{2}{c}{VO2\textsuperscript{\itshape b} (\si{mL/kg/min})} \\
& {\makebox[5em]{Male}} & {\makebox[5em]{Female}} \\
20--29 & 46.1 & 38.2 \\
30--39 & 38.5 & 43 \\
40--49 & 26.7 & 21.6 \\
50--59 & 29.1 & 30.6 \\
$\geq 60$ & 28.3 & 27.3 \\
\setlength\heavyrulewidth{2pt} % <---
\setlength\lightrulewidth{1.2pt} % <---
\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{uc}{\MakeUppercase{#1}~#2} % <===
\DeclareCaptionFont{teal}{\color{teal}\fontfamily{iwona}\selectfont} % <===
\setcounter{table}{1}% just for the example, isn't it?
\caption{Cardiorespiratory fitness stratified by age}
c % Column 1
S[table-format=2.1] % Column 2
S[table-format=2.1] % Column 3
Age & \multicolumn{2}{c}{VO2 (\si{mL/kg/min})\tnote{b}} \\
& {\makebox[5em]{Male}} & {\makebox[5em]{Female}} \\
20--29 & 46.1 & 38.2 \\
30--39 & 38.5 & 43 \\
40--49 & 26.7 & 21.6 \\
50--59 & 29.1 & 30.6 \\
$\geq 60$ & 28.3 & 27.3 \\
\item[b] VO2 means…