如何从文件 .dat 中绘制虚线部分

如何从文件 .dat 中绘制虚线部分

我正在处理这种文件 .dat

   t1a      psi1a          t1b      psi1b          t1c      psi1c           t2       psi2           t3       psi3
 0.000   95.32842        0.000   99.37904        0.000   93.80294        0.000   89.99999        0.000    0.00000
 0.234   95.15137        0.199   99.11545        0.252   93.66990        0.135   89.82256        0.103    0.00000
 0.468   94.97408        0.397   98.85091        0.505   93.53677        0.270   89.64513        0.206    0.00000
 0.703   94.79656        0.596   98.58542        0.757   93.40355        0.405   89.46770        0.309    0.00000
 0.937   94.61880        0.795   98.31898        1.009   93.27024        0.540   89.29029        0.412    0.00000
 1.171   94.44080        0.994   98.05160        1.261   93.13684        0.675   89.11289        0.514    0.00000
 1.405   94.26258        1.192   97.78329        1.514   93.00335        0.810   88.93551        0.617    0.00000
 1.640   94.08413        1.391   97.51405        1.766   92.86977        0.945   88.75814        0.720    0.00000
 1.874   93.90546        1.590   97.24389        2.018   92.73610        1.080   88.58080        0.823    0.00000
 2.108   93.72658        1.789   96.97283        2.270   92.60235        1.215   88.40349        0.926    0.00000
 2.342   93.54747        1.987   96.70086        2.523   92.46852        1.350   88.22621        1.029    0.00000
 2.577   93.36815        2.186   96.42799        2.775   92.33460        1.485   88.04897        1.132    0.00000
 2.811   93.18862        2.385   96.15423        3.027   92.20060        1.620   87.87176        1.235    0.00000
 3.045   93.00889        2.584   95.87960        3.279   92.06653        1.755   87.69459        1.338    0.00000

为了得到一个图,我使用了\pgfplots环境。这里是 MWE:

\usepackage[dvipsnames]{xcolor} %color extension

        title = Time evolution of thrust angle $\psi$ along the trajectory,
        xmin = 0, xmax = 27,
        ymin = -0.5, ymax = 105,
        xtick distance = 5,
        ytick distance = 30,
        grid = both,
        grid style = {dotted},
        minor tick num = 1,
        major grid style = {lightgray!75},
        minor grid style = {lightgray!75},
        width = 0.85\textwidth,
        height = 0.50\textwidth,
        %scale only axis,
        legend cell align = {left},
        legend pos = south east
    \addplot[smooth, black, very thick] table [x = {t1a}, y = {psi1a}] {\table};
    \addplot[smooth, Lavender, very thick] table [x = {t1b}, y = {psi1b}] {\table};
    \addplot[smooth, Violet, very thick] table [x = {t1c}, y = {psi1c}] {\table};
    \addplot[smooth, Emerald, very thick] table [x = {t2}, y = {psi2}] {\table};
    \addplot[smooth, Melon, very thick] table [x = {t3}, y = {psi3}] {\table};

    n1 (k),
    n1 (k+2),
    n1 (k-2),
\caption{Thrust angle $\psi$ as a function of time}


我想知道如何在 t1a、t1b、t1c、t2 和 t3 的特定域中的每个图内绘制虚线,而域的其余部分则保留实线。例如,我希望在以下对应位置绘制虚线:



