\draw plot[smooth, tension=.4] coordinates {(-2.5,-0.5) (-3.5,0) (-2.5,0.5) (-3.5,1) (-2.5,1) (-3.5,1.5) (-2.5,1.8) (-3.5,2.5) (-2.5,3) (-3.5,3.5) (-2.5,4)};
\draw [thick](-2.5,0.5)--(0.5,0.5)--(0.5,3)--(-2.5,3);
\draw (-2.5,-0.5) -- (3,-0.5) -- (3,4) -- (-2.5,4);
%\draw (1,1) circle (1cm);
%\draw[thick,->] (2,2) -- (1,1);
%\draw(2.5,2.2) node{center};
tikz 库绘制,或者像下面的代码一样用随机点绘制曲线。我认为其余部分非常简单。
\usepackage {tikz}
\usetikzlibrary{babel} % because sometimes tikz and some babel packages don't get along
\begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round,line join=round]
% dimensions
\def\lb{2.5} % little rectangle base
\def\lh{1} % little rectangle semi-height
\def\bb{6} % big rectangle base
\def\bh{3} % big ractangle semi-height
% coordinates
\coordinate (O) at (0,0);
\coordinate (Ar1) at (\lb+1,-0.5*\lh-0.5*\bh);
\coordinate (Ar2) at (\lb+1,0);
\coordinate (Ar3) at (\lb+1, 0.5*\lh+0.5*\bh);
% rectangles
\draw (0,-\lh) -| (\lb,\lh) -- (0,\lh);
\draw (0,-\bh) -| (\bb,\bh) -- (0,\bh);
% points
\draw[dotted] (\lb,-\lh) to[bend left] (Ar1);
\draw[dotted] (\lb, \lh) to[bend right] (Ar3);
\fill (Ar1) circle (1pt) node [right] {$\underline{A}_r$};
\fill (Ar2) circle (1pt) node [right] {$A_r$};
\fill (Ar3) circle (1pt) node [right] {$\overline{A}_r$};
\fill (O) circle (1pt) node [below left] {$(0,0)$};
% ragged lines
\pgfmathsetseed{3} % this fixes the random points to be always the same
\draw plot[domain=-\bh:-\lh,samples=6,smooth] ({-0.25*(rand+1)*(\bh+\x)*(\lh+\x)},\x);
\draw[thick] plot[domain=-\lh:0 ,samples=6,smooth] ({-(rand+1)*\x*(\lh+\x)},\x);
\draw[thick] plot[domain=0:\lh ,samples=6,smooth] ({(rand+1)*\x*(\lh-\x)},\x);
\draw plot[domain=\lh:\bh ,samples=6,smooth] ({-0.25*(rand+1)*(\bh-\x)*(\lh-\x)},\x);
% labels
\node (xn) at (-2,\bh) {$x_n=f(x',t)$};
\node (dr) at (-2,0.5*\lh) {$\Delta r$};
\node at (0.75,0.5) {$\Psi_r$};
\node at (\bb,\bh) [below left] {$D$};
\draw[-latex] (xn.south) to [bend right] ++ (2,-0.5);
\draw[-latex] (dr.north) to [bend left] ++ (2,0);
\def\sep{0.1} % arrow lines separation
\draw[red,<->] (\lb-\sep,-\lh+\sep) -- (\lb-\sep,\lh-\sep) node [midway,left] {$2r^2$};
\draw[red,<->] (\sep,-\lh-\sep) -- (\lb-\sep,-\lh-\sep) node [midway,below] {$\sim r$};
% axes
\draw[-latex] (0,0) -- ( 1 , 0 ) node [right] {$x_n$};
\draw[-latex] (0,0) -- ( 0 , 1 ) node [above] {$t$};
\draw[-latex] (0,0) -- (-0.7,-0.7) node [below left] {$x'$};