\documentclass[tikz, border=20]{report}
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale = 2]
% ladder
\draw[thick] (-1.5, 0) -- (2.5, 0);
\draw[thick] (-1.5, .7) -- (2.5, .7);
\draw[thick,dashed] (-2, 0) -- (-1.5, 0);
\draw[thick,dashed] (2.5, 0) -- (3, 0);
\draw[thick,dashed] (-2, .7) -- (-1.5, .7);
\draw[thick, dashed] (2.5, .7) -- (3, .7);
% hopping
\draw [thick, dashed, red] (0.5,0) to (.5,.7);
\draw [thick, dashed, red] (2.05,0) to [out=40,in=-40] (2.05,.7);
\draw [thick, dashed, red] (1.95,.7) to [out=-140,in=-220] (1.95,0) ;
\draw [thick, dashed, red] (-1,0) -- (-1,.7);
% arrow J_jos
\draw [thick, -stealth] (0.5,-0.15) -- (0.4,0.15);
\draw [thick, -stealth] (0.55,0.15) -- (0.65,-0.15);
\draw [thick, red] (0.4,0.33) -- (.5,0.43);
\draw [thick, red] (.5,0.43) -- (.6,0.33);
% arrow t_\perp
\draw [thick, red] (-1.1,0.33) -- (-1,0.43);
\draw [thick, red] (-1,0.43) -- (-.9,0.33);
% arrow J_superexchange
\draw [thick, -stealth] (1.95,0.15) -- (2.05,-0.15);
\draw [thick, -stealth] (2.05,0.55) -- (1.95,0.85);
\draw [thick, red] (2.1,0.3) -- (2.2,0.4);
\draw [thick, red] (2.2,0.4) -- (2.3,0.3);
\draw [thick, red] (1.7,0.4) -- (1.8,0.3);
\draw [thick, red] (1.8,0.3) -- (1.9,0.4);
% arrow t_perp
\draw [thick, -stealth] (-.95,-0.15) -- (-1.05,0.15);
% name hoppigs
\node[] at (-1,1.2) {a)};
\node[] at (-0.8,0.35) {t};
\draw [] (-0.75,0.2) -- (-0.6,0.2);
\draw [] (-0.675,0.2) -- (-0.675,0.35);
\node[] at (.5,1.2) {b)};
\node[] at (0.7,.35) {t};
\node[] at (0.9,.4) {\scriptsize pair};
\node[] at (2,1.2) {c)};
\node[] at (2.5,.35) {t};
\node[] at (2.7,.4) {\scriptsize sing};
\caption{Schematic representations of the possible instabilities. (a) Due to the transverse coupling, we can end up with a simultaneous hop of particles. (b) Two particles bound in the same site hop together in the transverse direction (Josephson hopping of pair). (c) The particles hop simultaneously by swapping their positions (super-exchange or particle-hole). }
\documentclass[tikz, border=20]{standalone}
\draw (-0.5, 0) -- ++(3.0, 0) (-0.5, .7) -- ++(3,0);
\draw[dashed] (-1, 0) -- ++(0.5,0) (2.5, 0) -- ++(0.5,0) (-1, .7) -- ++(0.5,0) (2.5, .7) -- ++(0.5,0);
\node[] at (0,1) {a)};
\draw [dashed, red] (0,0) -- ++(0,.7);
\draw [-stealth] (0.05,-0.15) -- ++(-0.1,0.3);
\draw [red] (-0.1,0.33) -- ++(0.1,0.1) -- ++(0.1,-0.1) node[anchor=south west,black] {t$_{\perp}$};
\node[] at (0,1) {b)};
\draw [-stealth] (0,-0.15) -- ++(-0.1,0.3);
\draw [-stealth] (0.05,0.15) -- ++(0.1,-0.3);
\draw [red] (-0.1,0.33) -- ++(0.1,0.1) -- ++(0.1,-0.1) node[anchor=south west,black] {{t\textsubscript{pair}}};
\draw [dashed, red] (0,0) -- ++(0,.7);
\node[] at (0,1) {c)};
\draw[dashed,red] (0,.35) ellipse (.4cm and .7cm);
\draw [red] (0.1,0.3) -- ++(0.1,0.1) -- ++(0.1,-0.1) node[anchor=south west,black] {{t\textsubscript{sing}}};
\draw [red] (-0.3,0.4) -- ++(0.1,-0.1) -- ++(0.1,0.1);
\draw [-stealth] (-0.05,0.15) -- (0.05,-0.15);
\draw [-stealth] (0.05,0.55) -- (-0.05,0.85) ;