我有一个 tikz 绘图,我想将其导出为 PDF。\documentclass{standalone}
允许将 PDF 裁剪为绘图的大小。但是,子图随后会水平堆叠。如何才能垂直堆叠子图\documentclass{standalone}
我的 MWE:
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, arrows, shapes,shadows,positioning}
\tikzstyle{class} = [rectangle, rounded corners, minimum width=1cm, minimum height=1cm,text centered, draw=black, text = black]
\tikzstyle{process} = [rectangle, rounded corners, minimum width=1cm, minimum height=0.0cm,text centered, draw=white, text = black]
\tikzstyle{io} = [rectangle, rounded corners, minimum width=3cm, minimum height=1cm,text centered, draw=black, fill=white]
\tikzstyle{arrow} = [thick,->,>=stealth, color=black]
\tikzstyle{container} = [draw, rectangle, dashed, rounded corners, minimum height = 1.6cm, minimum width=1.55cm]
\tikzstyle{note} = [rectangle, dashed, draw, fill=white, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=1.5cm, draw=black]
\subfigure[Caption for sub figure A.]{
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 3.5cm]
\node(trans)[process, right of = MSa]{$P^{\left(\text{\textit{trans}}\right)}$};
\node(MSb)[class, right of = trans]{MS+1};
\node(MSc)[class, below of = MSa, yshift = 1.8cm]{MS};
\draw[arrow](MSa.east) -- node[above, scale = 0.8, align=left]{$U(T^{\uparrow}_{min},T^{\uparrow}_{max})$} (trans.west);
\draw[arrow](trans.east) -- (MSb.west);
\draw[arrow](trans.south) |- (MSc.east);
\label{fig:MS dynamics prg}
\subfigure[Caption for sub figure B]{
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 3.5cm]
\node(cure)[process, right of = MSa]{$P^{\left(\text{\textit{cure}}\right)}$};
\node(MSb)[class, right of = cure]{MS-1};
\draw[arrow]([yshift = 0.1cm]MSa.east) -- ([yshift = 0.1cm]cure.west);
\draw[arrow](cure.east) -- node[above, scale = 0.8, align=left]{$U(T^{\downarrow}_{min},T^{\downarrow}_{max})$} (MSb.west);
\draw[arrow]([yshift = -0.1cm]cure.west) -- ([yshift = -0.1cm]MSa.east);
\label{fig:MS dynamics reg}
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, arrows, shapes,shadows,positioning}
\tikzstyle{class} = [rectangle, rounded corners, minimum width=1cm, minimum height=1cm,text centered, draw=black, text = black]
\tikzstyle{process} = [rectangle, rounded corners, minimum width=1cm, minimum height=0.0cm,text centered, draw=white, text = black]
\tikzstyle{io} = [rectangle, rounded corners, minimum width=3cm, minimum height=1cm,text centered, draw=black, fill=white]
\tikzstyle{arrow} = [thick,->,>=stealth, color=black]
\tikzstyle{container} = [draw, rectangle, dashed, rounded corners, minimum height = 1.6cm, minimum width=1.55cm]
\tikzstyle{note} = [rectangle, dashed, draw, fill=white, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=1.5cm, draw=black]
% \centering
% \subfigure[Caption for sub figure A.]{
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 3.5cm]
\node(trans)[process, right of = MSa]{$P^{\left(\text{\textit{trans}}\right)}$};
\node(MSb)[class, right of = trans]{MS+1};
\node(MSc)[class, below of = MSa, yshift = 1.8cm]{MS};
\draw[arrow](MSa.east) -- node[above, scale = 0.8, align=left]{$U(T^{\uparrow}_{min},T^{\uparrow}_{max})$} (trans.west);
\draw[arrow](trans.east) -- (MSb.west);
\draw[arrow](trans.south) |- (MSc.east);
\label{fig:MS dynamics prg}
% }
% \subfigure[Caption for sub figure B]{
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 3.5cm]
\node(cure)[process, right of = MSab]{$P^{\left(\text{\textit{cure}}\right)}$};
\node(MSbb)[class, right of = cure]{MS-1};
\draw[arrow]([yshift = 0.1cm]MSab.east) -- ([yshift = 0.1cm]cure.west);
\draw[arrow](cure.east) -- node[above, scale = 0.8, align=left]{$U(T^{\downarrow}_{min},T^{\downarrow}_{max})$} (MSbb.west);
\draw[arrow]([yshift = -0.1cm]cure.west) -- ([yshift = -0.1cm]MSab.east);
\label{fig:MS dynamics reg}
% }
varwidth] % <---
\usetikzlibrary{arrows, positioning, quotes}
arrow/.style = {thick,-stealth},
lbl/.style = {font=\footnotesize, above},
class/.style = {rectangle, draw, rounded corners, minimum size=1cm, align=center},
process/.style = {class, draw=none, minimum size=1ex},
io/.style = {class, minimum width=3cm, },
container/.style = {class, dashed, minimum sized=1.6cm},
note/.style = {container},
every edge/.style = {draw, arrow},
every edge quotes/.style = {auto, font=\footnotesize}
\subfigure[Caption for sub figure A. \label{fig:MS dynamics prg}]{
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 22mm]
\node (MSa) [class]{MS};
\node (trans)[process, right=of MSa] {$P^{\text{trans}}$};
\node (MSb) [class, right=of trans] {MS+1};
\node (MSc) [class, below=of MSa, yshift = 1.8cm]{MS};
\draw (MSa) edge ["${U(T^{\uparrow}_{\min},T^{\uparrow}_{\max})}$"] (trans)
(trans) edge (MSb);
\draw[arrow] (trans) |- (MSc);
\subfigure[Caption for sub figure B \label{fig:MS dynamics reg}]{
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 22mm]
\node (MSab) [class]{MS};
\node (cure) [process, right=of MSab]{$P^{(\text{cure})}$};
\node (MSbb) [class, right=of cure]{MS-1};
\draw ([yshift= 1mm] MSab.east) edge ([yshift = 0.1cm]cure.west)
(cure) edge ["${U(T^{\uparrow}_{\min},T^{\uparrow}_{\max})}$"] (MSbb)
([yshift=-1mm] cure.west) edge ([yshift = -0.1cm]MSab.east);
\label{fig:MS dynamics reg}
varwidth % <---
\usetikzlibrary{arrows, positioning, quotes}
arrow/.style = {thick,-stealth},
lbl/.style = {font=\footnotesize, above},
class/.style = {rectangle, draw, rounded corners, minimum size=1cm, align=center},
process/.style = {class, draw=none, minimum size=1ex},
io/.style = {class, minimum width=3cm, },
container/.style = {class, dashed, minimum sized=1.6cm},
note/.style = {container},
every edge/.style = {draw, arrow},
every edge quotes/.style = {auto, font=\footnotesize}
\usepackage[skip=1ex, justification=centering]{subcaption}
\subfloat[Caption for sub figure A \label{fig:MS dynamics prg}]{
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 22mm]
\node (MSa) [class]{MS};
\node (trans)[process, right=of MSa] {$P^{\text{trans}}$};
\node (MSb) [class, right=of trans] {MS+1};
\node (MSc) [class, below=of MSa, yshift = 1.8cm]{MS};
\draw (MSa) edge ["${U(T^{\uparrow}_{\min},T^{\uparrow}_{\max})}$"] (trans)
(trans) edge (MSb);
\draw[arrow] (trans) |- (MSc);
\subfloat[Caption for sub figure B \label{fig:MS dynamics reg}]{
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 22mm]
\node (MSab) [class]{MS};
\node (cure) [process, right=of MSab]{$P^{(\text{cure})}$};
\node (MSbb) [class, right=of cure]{MS-1};
\draw ([yshift= 1mm] MSab.east) edge ([yshift = 0.1cm]cure.west)
(cure) edge ["${U(T^{\uparrow}_{\min},T^{\uparrow}_{\max})}$"] (MSbb)
([yshift=-1mm] cure.west) edge ([yshift = -0.1cm]MSab.east);
\label{fig:MS dynamics reg}
在这两种情况下,MWE 中的代码都是索引的更正书写,并且也因此而缩短。