%------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %
\usepackage[fleqn]{amsmath} %
\usepackage{amsthm,amssymb} %
\usepackage{tikz} % tikz - essential
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %
\usepackage{newtxtext} %
\usepackage{newtxmath} %
\usepackage{xcolor} %
\usepackage{colortbl} % changed to just colortbl
\usepackage[paperwidth=170mm,paperheight=240mm,textwidth=132mm,lmargin=12.5mm,rmargin=12.5mm,bindingoffset=12.5mm,noheadfoot,nomarginpar,showframe,showcrop]{geometry} %
% --------------------------------------- START DECLARATIONS --------------------------- %
\newcommand\dashfill{\leaders\hbox to 18pt{\hss-\hss}\hskip\fill\hspace{-12pt}}
Using the latest 64-bit versions of Technic Center and MiKTeX 2.9\hspace{2.2pt}\ldots
How can I create a vertical bar just inside the right margin to draw attention to only \\ a selected mixture of math mode and normal text?
I would like to control its thickness and colour.
I do not want to include this line of text.
I do not want to include this line of text.
I do not want to include this line of text.
I want the vertical bar to commence at this level > > >
Some introductory remarks\ldots
l+m=m+l \dashfill \label{eqn:chap_intro_to_num_02}
(l+m)+n=l+(m+n)\dashfill \label{eqn:chap_intro_to_num_04}
Some comment on the equations that I want to include.
I want the vertical bar to cease at this level > > >
I do not want to include this text.
I do not want to include this text.
I do not want to include this text.
via \vrule width
为p{0.95\textwidth}!{\color{blue}\vrule width 3pt}
%------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %
\usepackage[fleqn]{amsmath} %
\usepackage{amsthm,amssymb} %
\usepackage{tikz} % tikz - essential
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %
\usepackage{newtxtext} %
\usepackage{newtxmath} %
\usepackage{xcolor} %
\usepackage{colortbl} % changed to just colortbl
\usepackage[paperwidth=170mm,paperheight=240mm,textwidth=132mm,lmargin=12.5mm,rmargin=12.5mm,bindingoffset=12.5mm,noheadfoot,nomarginpar,showframe,showcrop]{geometry} %
\usepackage{colortbl} % For vertical bar control in tabular environment.
% --------------------------------------- START DECLARATIONS --------------------------- %
\newcommand\dashfill{\leaders\hbox to 18pt{\hss-\hss}\hskip\fill\hspace{-12pt}}
Using the latest 64-bit versions of Technic Center and MiKTeX 2.9\hspace{2.2pt}\ldots
How can I create a vertical bar just inside the right margin to draw attention to only \\ a selected mixture of math mode and normal text?
I would like to control its thickness and colour.
I do not want to include this line of text.
I do not want to include this line of text.
I do not want to include this line of text.
I want the vertical bar to commence at this level > > >
\begin{tabular}{p{0.95\textwidth}!{\color{blue}\vrule width 3pt}}
Some introductory remarks\ldots
l+m=m+l \dashfill \label{eqn:chap_intro_to_num_02}
(l+m)+n=l+(m+n)\dashfill \label{eqn:chap_intro_to_num_04}
Some comment on the equations that I want to include.
I want the vertical bar to cease at this level > > >
I do not want to include this text.
I do not want to include this text.
I do not want to include this text.