在第 11 行到第 30 行,您可以找到坐标计数器的声明和初始化,以及用于保存坐标的tikzset
save coordinates/.style={
mark=at position 0 with { \coordinate (coordinate\thecoordinateindex); },
mark=between positions 0 and 1 step 0.1 with {
\coordinate[preaction=stepcounter] (coordinate\thecoordinateindex);
在第 159 行,save coordinates
\draw[L1,very thick,save coordinates] (FarEndX1) arc[start angle=180,end angle=160,x radius=100, y radius = 10] coordinate(Img1);
再次,如何在 Tikz 中保存沿路径选定数量的坐标?我在 3.1.9.a 版的 Tikz&PGF 手册中没有找到答案。
\usetikzlibrary {decorations.markings}
save coordinates/.style={
mark=at position 0 with { \coordinate (coordinate\thecoordinateindex); },
mark=between positions 0 and 1 step 0.1 with {
\coordinate[preaction=stepcounter] (coordinate\thecoordinateindex);
\coordinate (X1) at (0.5,0.75);
\newcommand{\uppercircle}{(X1) circle(\smallradius)};
\path [name path=upper circle] \uppercircle;
\coordinate(X2) at (0,0);
\newcommand{\leftlowercircle}{(X2) circle(\smallradius)};
\path [name path=left lower circle] \leftlowercircle;
\coordinate(X3) at (1,0);
\newcommand{\rightlowercircle}{(X3) circle(\smallradius)};
\path [name path=right lower circle] \rightlowercircle;
% Point of median (X1--Mx1) in the triangle (X1--X2--X3) on the side (X2--X3)
\coordinate (Mx1) at ($(X2)!.5!(X3)$);
\path [name path= median x1] (X1)--(Mx1);
% Point of median (X2--Mx2) in the triangle (X1--X2--X3) on the side (X1--X3)
\coordinate (Mx2) at ($(X1)!.5!(X3)$);
\path [name path= median x2] (X2)--(Mx2);
% Point of median (X3--Mx3) in the triangle (X1--X2--X3) on the side (X1--X2)
\coordinate (Mx3) at ($(X1)!.5!(X2)$);
\path [name path= median x3] (X3)--(Mx3);
% Centroid of the triangle (X1--X2--X3) and, more importantly, the center of the circumscribed circle of the circles (X1,1), (X2,1), and (X3,1)
\path [name intersections={of=median x1 and median x2,by=X1X2X3}];
% Line width options: "line width=<dimension>", and abbreviations "ultra thin" for 0.1pt, "very thin" for 0.2pt, "thin" for 0.4pt (the default width), "semithick" for 0.6pt, "thick" for 0.8pt, "very thick" for 1.2pt, "ultra thick" for 1.6pt.
\newcommand{\boundingbox}{($(X1X2X3) - (\bigradius,\bigradius)$) rectangle ($(X1X2X3) + (\bigradius,\bigradius)$)}
\path [name intersections={of=upper circle and left lower circle,by={FarEndX1X2,LowerRightEndX1X2X3}}];
\path [name intersections={of=upper circle and right lower circle,by={FarEndX1X3,LowerLeftEndX1X2X3}}];
\path [name intersections={of=left lower circle and right lower circle,by={UpperEndX1X2X3,FarEndX2X3}}];
\coordinate(FarEndX1) at ($(X1)-(Mx1)+(Mx1)!\smallradius!(X1X2X3)$);
\coordinate(FarEndX1LeftContourStart) at ($(FarEndX1)-(X1X2X3)+(X1X2X3)!\contourthickness!90:(FarEndX1)$);
\coordinate(FarEndX1RightContourStart) at ($(FarEndX1)-(X1X2X3)+(X1X2X3)!\contourthickness!270:(FarEndX1)$);
\coordinate(FarEndX2) at ($(X2)-(Mx2)+(Mx2)!\smallradius!(X1X2X3)$);
\coordinate(FarEndX3) at ($(X3)-(Mx3)+(Mx3)!\smallradius!(X1X2X3)$);
% Upper greater petal
\clip \boundingbox
\fill[color=L1] \uppercircle;
% Left greater petal
\clip \boundingbox
\fill[color=L2] \leftlowercircle;
% Right greater petal
\clip \boundingbox
\fill[color=L3] \rightlowercircle;
% Left smaller petal
\clip \boundingbox
\clip \leftlowercircle;
\fill[color=L1L2] \uppercircle;
% Right smaller petal
\clip \boundingbox
\clip \uppercircle;
\fill[color=L1L3] \rightlowercircle;
% Lower smaller petal
\clip \boundingbox
\clip \leftlowercircle;
\fill[color=L2L3] \rightlowercircle;
% Center
\clip \uppercircle;
\clip \leftlowercircle;
\clip \rightlowercircle;
\fill[color=L1L2L3] \boundingbox;
% outline
\draw \uppercircle
\node[draw, circle, minimum size= \bigdiameter, label=below:$X_1 \times X_2 \times X_3$] at (X1X2X3) {};
% Solutions from upper greater petal
% TODO: consider using loop since FarEndX1LeftContourStart and FarEndX1RightContourStart are intersections of circles (X1,1) and (FarEndX1, delta)
\draw[black,very thin] (FarEndX1LeftContourStart) arc[start angle=180,end angle=160,x radius=100, y radius = 10];
\draw[black,very thin] (FarEndX1RightContourStart) arc[start angle=180,end angle=160,x radius=100, y radius = 10];
\draw[L1,very thick,save coordinates] (FarEndX1) arc[start angle=180,end angle=160,x radius=100, y radius = 10] coordinate(Img1);
% Image (as in set theory) of the first function
\fill[color=white] (Img1) circle (1);
\node[draw, circle, color=black, minimum size=2cm, label=below:{$[(x_1,x_2,x_3) \mapsto x_1-2x_2-x_3]^{\rightarrow}$} ] at (Img1) {};
\draw[fill] (FarEndX2) circle[radius=2pt];
\draw[fill] (FarEndX3) circle[radius=2pt];
\draw[fill] (UpperEndX1X2X3) circle[radius=2pt];
\draw[fill] (LowerLeftEndX1X2X3) circle[radius=2pt];
%\foreach \i in {1,2,...,\thecoordinateindex}
% \draw[fill] (coordinate\i) circle[radius=2pt];
(注意:当您写入时\coordinate[preaction=stepcounter] ...
\usetikzlibrary {decorations.markings}
save coordinates/.style={
mark=at position 0 with { \coordinate (coordinate\thecoordinateindex); },
mark=between positions 0 and 1 step 0.1 with {
\coordinate[stepcounter] (coordinate\thecoordinateindex);
\coordinate (X1) at (0.5,0.75);
\newcommand{\uppercircle}{(X1) circle(\smallradius)};
\path [name path=upper circle] \uppercircle;
\coordinate(X2) at (0,0);
\newcommand{\leftlowercircle}{(X2) circle(\smallradius)};
\path [name path=left lower circle] \leftlowercircle;
\coordinate(X3) at (1,0);
\newcommand{\rightlowercircle}{(X3) circle(\smallradius)};
\path [name path=right lower circle] \rightlowercircle;
% Point of median (X1--Mx1) in the triangle (X1--X2--X3) on the side (X2--X3)
\coordinate (Mx1) at ($(X2)!.5!(X3)$);
\path [name path= median x1] (X1)--(Mx1);
% Point of median (X2--Mx2) in the triangle (X1--X2--X3) on the side (X1--X3)
\coordinate (Mx2) at ($(X1)!.5!(X3)$);
\path [name path= median x2] (X2)--(Mx2);
% Point of median (X3--Mx3) in the triangle (X1--X2--X3) on the side (X1--X2)
\coordinate (Mx3) at ($(X1)!.5!(X2)$);
\path [name path= median x3] (X3)--(Mx3);
% Centroid of the triangle (X1--X2--X3) and, more importantly, the center of the circumscribed circle of the circles (X1,1), (X2,1), and (X3,1)
\path [name intersections={of=median x1 and median x2,by=X1X2X3}];
% Line width options: "line width=<dimension>", and abbreviations "ultra thin" for 0.1pt, "very thin" for 0.2pt, "thin" for 0.4pt (the default width), "semithick" for 0.6pt, "thick" for 0.8pt, "very thick" for 1.2pt, "ultra thick" for 1.6pt.
\newcommand{\boundingbox}{($(X1X2X3) - (\bigradius,\bigradius)$) rectangle ($(X1X2X3) + (\bigradius,\bigradius)$)}
\path [name intersections={of=upper circle and left lower circle,by={FarEndX1X2,LowerRightEndX1X2X3}}];
\path [name intersections={of=upper circle and right lower circle,by={FarEndX1X3,LowerLeftEndX1X2X3}}];
\path [name intersections={of=left lower circle and right lower circle,by={UpperEndX1X2X3,FarEndX2X3}}];
\coordinate(FarEndX1) at ($(X1)-(Mx1)+(Mx1)!\smallradius!(X1X2X3)$);
\coordinate(FarEndX1LeftContourStart) at ($(FarEndX1)-(X1X2X3)+(X1X2X3)!\contourthickness!90:(FarEndX1)$);
\coordinate(FarEndX1RightContourStart) at ($(FarEndX1)-(X1X2X3)+(X1X2X3)!\contourthickness!270:(FarEndX1)$);
\coordinate(FarEndX2) at ($(X2)-(Mx2)+(Mx2)!\smallradius!(X1X2X3)$);
\coordinate(FarEndX3) at ($(X3)-(Mx3)+(Mx3)!\smallradius!(X1X2X3)$);
% Upper greater petal
\clip \boundingbox
\fill[color=L1] \uppercircle;
% Left greater petal
\clip \boundingbox
\fill[color=L2] \leftlowercircle;
% Right greater petal
\clip \boundingbox
\fill[color=L3] \rightlowercircle;
% Left smaller petal
\clip \boundingbox
\clip \leftlowercircle;
\fill[color=L1L2] \uppercircle;
% Right smaller petal
\clip \boundingbox
\clip \uppercircle;
\fill[color=L1L3] \rightlowercircle;
% Lower smaller petal
\clip \boundingbox
\clip \leftlowercircle;
\fill[color=L2L3] \rightlowercircle;
% Center
\clip \uppercircle;
\clip \leftlowercircle;
\clip \rightlowercircle;
\fill[color=L1L2L3] \boundingbox;
% outline
\draw \uppercircle
\node[draw, circle, minimum size= \bigdiameter, label=below:$X_1 \times X_2 \times X_3$] at (X1X2X3) {};
% Solutions from upper greater petal
% TODO: consider using loop since FarEndX1LeftContourStart and FarEndX1RightContourStart are intersections of circles (X1,1) and (FarEndX1, delta)
\draw[black,very thin] (FarEndX1LeftContourStart) arc[start angle=180,end angle=160,x radius=100, y radius = 10];
\draw[black,very thin] (FarEndX1RightContourStart) arc[start angle=180,end angle=160,x radius=100, y radius = 10];
\draw[L1,very thick,save coordinates] (FarEndX1) arc[start angle=180,end angle=160,x radius=100, y radius = 10] coordinate(Img1);
% Image (as in set theory) of the first function
\fill[color=white] (Img1) circle (1);
\node[draw, circle, color=black, minimum size=2cm, label=below:{$[(x_1,x_2,x_3) \mapsto x_1-2x_2-x_3]^{\rightarrow}$} ] at (Img1) {};
\draw[fill] (FarEndX2) circle[radius=2pt];
\draw[fill] (FarEndX3) circle[radius=2pt];
\draw[fill] (UpperEndX1X2X3) circle[radius=2pt];
\draw[fill] (LowerLeftEndX1X2X3) circle[radius=2pt];
\foreach \i in {1,2,...,\thecoordinateindex}
\draw[fill] (coordinate\i) circle[radius=2pt];