我的问题与旋转页面的常见问题有关。我使用 pdflscape 包旋转页面,但页码保持不变。我使用/找到了以下代码块来创建新的页面样式:
\fancyhf{} %Clears the header/footer
\fancyfoot{% Footer
\makebox[\textwidth][r]{% Right
\rlap{\hspace{.75cm}% Push out of margin by \footskip
\smash{% Remove vertical height
\raisebox{4.87in}{% Raise vertically
\rotatebox{90}{\thepage}}}}}}% Rotate counter-clockwise
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt}% No header rule
\renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0pt}% No footer rule
示例中的数字(例如 4.87 英寸)取决于页面大小、边距等。因此,您必须进行实验,或者最好进行适当的计算。
% Save papersize and text size
% Luatex doesn't have \pdfpagewidth/\pdfpageheight, but
% uses \pagewidth/pageheight instead. So we check if \pdf... are available,
% if not, use alias them to \pagewidth/pageheight.
\AtBeginDocument{% after the geometry has really been set
% Officially should use \setlength, just being lazy.
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0.5pt} % Thickness
\renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0.5pt} % Thickness
\fancyhead[L]{Test Header}
\fancyhfoffset{0pt}% this makes \headwidth follow \textwidth
\section{Section 1}
Page 1
\pdfpagewidth=\mypageheight \pdfpageheight=\mypagewidth
\newgeometry{textwidth=\mytextheight, textheight=\mytextwidth,top=25mm,left=25mm}
\section{Section 2}
Page 2
\pdfpagewidth=\mypagewidth \pdfpageheight=\mypageheight
\section{Section 3}
Page 3