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% Some paragraphs........
\section{Systematic literature review}\label{sec:systematic_review}
\subsection{Analysis of publication data}
Wacker (1998), who identified two broad macrocategories of research methods (analytical and empirical) further divided
into six categories (analytical: conceptual, mathematical and statistical; empirical: experimental design, statistical sam-
pling and case studies). The classification developed by Wacker has already been used by Burgess, Singh, and Korogl
\begin{tabularx}{\columnwidth}{@{}L{0.8}L{1.1}L{1.1} @{}}
Type of document & Frequency & Proportion (\%) \\
Journal & 930 & 23\% \\
Conference Proceeding & 168 & 23\% \\
Book series & 111 & 23\% \\
Book & 5 & 23\% \\
\caption{Types of retrieved documents for 3D ultrasound query}
Wacker (1998), who identified two broad macrocategories of research methods (analytical and empirical) further divided
into six categories (analytical: conceptual, mathematical and statistical; empirical: experimental design, statistical sam-
pling and case studies). The classification developed by Wacker has already been used by Burgess, Singh, and Korogl
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\section{Systematic literature review}\label{sec:systematic_review}
\subsection{Analysis of publication data}
Wacker (1998), who identified two broad macrocategories of research methods (analytical and empirical) further divided
into six categories (analytical: conceptual, mathematical and statistical; empirical: experimental design, statistical sam-
pling and case studies). The classification developed by Wacker has already been used by Burgess, Singh, and Korogl
\caption{Types of retrieved documents for 3D ultrasound query}
\toprule Type of document & {Frequency} & {Proportion (\%)} \\
Journal & 930 & 23\,\% \\
Conference Proceeding & 168 & 23\,\% \\
Book series & 111 & 23\,\% \\
Book & 5 & 23\,\% \\
Wacker (1998), who identified two broad macrocategories of research methods (analytical and empirical) further divided
into six categories (analytical: conceptual, mathematical and statistical; empirical: experimental design, statistical sam-
pling and case studies). The classification developed by Wacker has already been used by Burgess, Singh, and Korogl
软件包版本 2,那么\,
% in o
S` 列的额外空间的规范略有不同:
\caption{Types of retrieved documents for 3D ultrasound query}
table-space-text-post={\,\%}] % when you have installed siunitx version 2}
\toprule Type of document & {Frequency} & {Proportion (\%)} \\
Journal & 930 & 23\,\% \\
Conference Proceeding & 168 & 23\,\% \\
Book series & 111 & 23\,\% \\
Book & 5 & 23\,\% \\