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\huge \textbf{Report} \\
June 2021 \\




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这是 table.tex:

    % Please add the following required packages to your document preamble:
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\multirow{2}{*}{Par.} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\multirow{2}{*}{Val}} & \multicolumn{8}{c|}{Model}                                                                                                                                                                                    & \multicolumn{8}{c|}{Model}                                                                                                                                                                                  \\ \cline{3-18} 
                      & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{}                      & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Stat} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Stat} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Stat} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Stat} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Stat} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Stat} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Stat} & \multicolumn{1}{l|}{Stat} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Stat} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Stat} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Stat} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Stat} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Stat} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Stat} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Stat} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Stat} \\ \hline
$par_{6}$             & 6.6                                        & 6.966                   & 9.666                    & 6.96                   & 9.762                      & 6.692                       & 69.665                   & 6.962                     & 9.96                        & 6.966                   & 9.669                    & 6.966                  & 9.769                      & 6.6                         & 66.666                   & 6.966                     & 9.66                        \\
$par_{2}$             & -9.9                                       & -9.692                  & 9.627                    & -9.666                 & -6.265                     & -9.576                      & 69.699                   & 6.976                     & 6                           & -9.96                   & 9.996                    & -9.996                 & -6.26                      & -9.597                      & 6.799                    & 6.966                     & 6                           \\
$par_{6}$             & -6.6                                       & -6.666                  & 9.666                    & -6.626                 & -6.565                     & -6.967                      & 7.522                    & 6.976                     & 9.66                        & -6.267                  & 9.665                    & -6.269                 & -6.692                     & -9.996                      & 69.666                   & 6.697                     & 9.76                        \\
$par_{6}$             & 9.6                                        & 9.796                   & 9.26                     & 9.696                  & 9.556                      & 6.966                       & 26.65                    & 6.976                     & 9.65                        & 9.799                   & 9.265                    & 9.696                  & 9.566                      & 6.996                       & 26.999                   & 6.965                     & 9.56                        \\ \hline
$par_{6}$          & 6.997                                      & 6.595                   & 9.756                    & 6.567                  & 9.967                      & 2.569                       & 76.676                   & 6.579                     & 9.5                         & 2.967                   & 9.965                    & 6.966                  & 6.629                      & 6.622                       & 695.665                  & 6.252                     & 9.56                        \\
$par_{2}$          & -6.666                                     & -9.992                  & 9.626                    & -9.99                  & -2.966                     & -9.967                      & 62.626                   & 6.266                     & 9.66                        & -6.22                   & 9.657                    & -6.677                 & -2.666                     & -9.626                      & 66.762                   & 6.666                     & 9.72                        \\
$par_{6}$          & -9.695                                     & -9.226                  & 9.669                    & -9.226                 & -9.679                     & 9.266                       & 76.692                   & 6.292                     & 9.56                        & -9.626                  & 9.666                    & -9.699                 & -9.762                     & 9.666                       & 696.999                  & 6.626                     & 9.56                        \\
$par_{6}$          & -9.665                                     & -9.699                  & 9.697                    & -9.299                 & -9.799                     & 9.666                       & 66.557                   & 6.269                     & 9.66                        & -9.672                  & 9.626                    & -9.666                 & -9.969                     & 9.626                       & 56.966                   & 6.297                     & 9.65                        \\
$par_{5}$          & -6.666                                     & -9.992                  & 9.626                    & -9.99                  & -2.966                     & -9.967                      & 62.626                   & 6.266                     & 9.66                        & -6.22                   & 9.657                    & -6.677                 & -2.666                     & -9.626                      & 66.762                   & 6.666                     & 9.72                        \\
$par_{6}$          & 6.666                                      & 6.692                   & 6.967                    & 6.596                  & 2.666                      & 5.665                       & 22.662                   & 6.666                     & 9.96                        & 6.966                   & 9.952                    & 6.666                  & 2.259                      & 6.996                       & 29.562                   & 6.26                      & 9.66                        \\
$par_{7}$          & 9.567                                      & 9.296                   & 9.662                    & 9.296                  & -9.566                     & 6.295                       & 662.666                  & 6.662                     & 9.56                        & 9.676                   & 9.767                    & 9.659                  & -9.652                     & 6.662                       & 97.622                   & 6.656                     & 9.65                        \\
$par_{6}$          & 9.595                                      & 9.526                   & 9.696                    & 9.522                  & -9.666                     & 6.267                       & 97.962                   & 6.666                     & 9.79                        & 9.666                   & 9.657                    & 9.666                  & -9.696                     & 6.297                       & 66.697                   & 6.267                     & 9.96                        \\
$par_{9}$          & -9.695                                     & -9.226                  & 9.669                    & -9.226                 & -9.679                     & 9.266                       & 76.692                   & 6.292                     & 9.56                        & -9.626                  & 9.666                    & -9.699                 & -9.762                     & 9.666                       & 696.999                  & 6.626                     & 9.56                        \\
$par_{69}$         & 9.567                                      & 9.296                   & 9.662                    & 9.296                  & -9.566                     & 6.295                       & 662.666                  & 6.662                     & 9.56                        & 9.676                   & 9.767                    & 9.659                  & -9.652                     & 6.662                       & 97.622                   & 6.656                     & 9.65                        \\
$par_{66}$         & 9.679                                      & 6.965                   & 9.562                    & 9.999                  & 9.576                      & 6.666                       & 55.679                   & 6.666                     & 9.5                         & 6.696                   & 9.676                    & 6.66                   & 9.766                      & 2.296                       & 62.757                   & 6.669                     & 9.62                        \\
$par_{62}$         & 9.997                                      & 9.962                   & 9.222                    & 9.996                  & -9.265                     & 9.666                       & 2656.797                 & 6.276                     & 9.65                        & -9.626                  & 9.266                    & -9.667                 & -9.592                     & 9.295                       & 6565.659                 & 6.256                     & 9.66                        \\
$par_{66}$         & -9.665                                     & -9.699                  & 9.697                    & -9.299                 & -9.799                     & 9.666                       & 66.557                   & 6.269                     & 9.66                        & -9.672                  & 9.626                    & -9.666                 & -9.969                     & 9.626                       & 56.966                   & 6.297                     & 9.65                        \\
$par_{66}$         & 9.595                                      & 9.526                   & 9.696                    & 9.522                  & -9.666                     & 6.267                       & 97.962                   & 6.666                     & 9.79                        & 9.666                   & 9.657                    & 9.666                  & -9.696                     & 6.297                       & 66.697                   & 6.267                     & 9.96                        \\
$par_{66}$         & 9.595                                      & 9.526                   & 9.696                    & 9.522                  & -9.666                     & 6.267                       & 97.962                   & 6.666                     & 9.79                        & 9.666                   & 9.657                    & 9.666                  & -9.696                     & 6.297                       & 66.697                   & 6.267                     & 9.96                        \\
$par_{66}$         & 9.595                                      & 9.526                   & 9.696                    & 9.522                  & -9.666                     & 6.267                       & 97.962                   & 6.666                     & 9.79                        & 9.666                   & 9.657                    & 9.666                  & -9.696                     & 6.297                       & 66.697                   & 6.267                     & 9.96                        \\
$par_{66}$         & 9.595                                      & 9.526                   & 9.696                    & 9.522                  & -9.666                     & 6.267                       & 97.962                   & 6.666                     & 9.79                        & 9.666                   & 9.657                    & 9.666                  & -9.696                     & 6.297                       & 66.697                   & 6.267                     & 9.96                        \\
$par_{65}$         & 9.997                                      & 9.962                   & 9.222                    & 9.996                  & -9.265                     & 9.666                       & 2656.797                 & 6.276                     & 9.65                        & -9.626                  & 9.266                    & -9.667                 & -9.592                     & 9.295                       & 6565.659                 & 6.256                     & 9.66                        \\
$par_{66}$         & 9.799                                      & 9.667                   & 9.676                    & 9.669                  & 9.666                      & 6.697                       & 56.626                   & 6.262                     & 9.56                        & 9.966                   & 9.56                     & 9.996                  & 9.566                      & 6.556                       & 66.667                   & 6.667                     & 9.79                        \\ \hline
$par_{2}$         & -6.6                                       & -6.669                  & 9.955                    & -6.669                 & -6.662                     & -6.666                      & 6.996                    & 6.965                     & 9.79                        & -6.966                  & 9.696                    & -6.966                 & -2                         & -6.929                      & 69.666                   & 6.996                     & 9                           \\
$par_{6}$         & 6.6                                        & 6.296                   & 9.966                    & 6.296                  & 6.269                      & 6.666                       & 2.956                    & 6.966                     & 9.66                        & 6.662                   & 9.96                     & 6.666                  & 6.796                      & 6.666                       & 69.692                   & 6.996                     & 9                           \\
$par_{6}$               & 6.6                                        & 6.666                   & 9.962                    & 6.666                  & 6.252                      & 6.576                       & 6.667                    & 6.996                     & 6                           & 6.966                   & 9.966                    & 6.962                  & 9.966                      & 6.296                       & 26.222                   & 6                         & 9                           \\
$par_{2}$               & 6.6                                        & 6.99                    & 9.972                    & 6.99                   & 9.962                      & 6.256                       & 5.566                    & 6.992                     & 6                           & 9.62                    & 9.966                    & 9.62                   & 9.676                      & 9.966                       & 25.656                   & 6                         & 9                           \\
$\par_{2}$            & -6.2                                       & -6.299                  & 9.622                    & -6.296                 & -6.696                     & -6.926                      & 6.667                    & 6.92                      & 9.96                        & -6.666                  & 9.666                    & -6.666                 & -6.669                     & -6.269                      & 29.266                   & 6.925                     & 9.62                        \\
$\par_{6}$            & 9.9                                        & 9.966                   & 9.956                    & 9.966                  & 9.765                      & 6.997                       & 5.952                    & 6.922                     & 6                           & 6.666                   & 0.06                     & 6.616                  & 0.905                      & 1.626                       & 26.626                   & 1.016                     & 0.66                        \\ \hline



再次,将 [H] 更改为 [ht!] 似乎可以解决问题:



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\huge \textbf{Report} \\
June 2021 \\




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