使用 BibLaTeX 和 pgffor 时避免打印空书目的标题

使用 BibLaTeX 和 pgffor 时避免打印空书目的标题

我正在使用pgfforbiblatex生成年度书目,并将书目标题设置为年份。如何避免在下面的 MWE 中打印空书目的标题?

        author    = {Kalman, R. E.},
        title     = {When is a linear control system optimal?},
        journal   = {J. Basic Eng.},
        year      = {1964},
        volume    = {86},
        number    = {1},
        pages     = {51--60},
        author    = {Kalman, R. E.},
        title     = {Lyapunov functions for the problem of lur'e in automatic control},
        booktitle = {Proceedings of the national academy of sciences},
        year      = {1963},
        volume    = {49},
        number    = {2},
        pages     = {201--205},
        author  = {Kalman, R. E.},
        title   = {A new approach to linear filtering and prediction problems},
        journal = {Trans. ASME J. Basic. Eng.},
        year    = {1960},
        volume  = {82D},
        pages   = {35--45},


    \noindent \textbf{This works as expected, the title ``Books'' is not printed.}
        \printbibliography[type=inproceedings,title={Conference Papers}]
        \printbibliography[type=article,title={Journal Papers}]
    \noindent \textbf{This does not work as expected, the title ``1962'' is printed even though the bibliography is empty.}
    \foreach \year in {1960,1962,1963,1964} {


编译的 MWE



使用(使用 、 、type也类似)可以从一开始就判断参考书目是否为空。使用 则无法做到这一点。keywordcategorysegmentbiblatexcheck


\usepackage[backend=biber, defernumbers=true]{biblatex}




  author    = {Kalman, R. E.},
  title     = {When is a linear control system optimal?},
  journal   = {J. Basic Eng.},
  year      = {1964},
  volume    = {86},
  number    = {1},
  pages     = {51--60},
  author    = {Kalman, R. E.},
  title     = {Lyapunov functions for the problem of lur'e in automatic control},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the national academy of sciences},
  year      = {1963},
  volume    = {49},
  number    = {2},
  pages     = {201--205},
  author  = {Kalman, R. E.},
  title   = {A new approach to linear filtering and prediction problems},
  journal = {Trans. ASME J. Basic. Eng.},
  year    = {1960},
  volume  = {82D},
  pages   = {35--45},

  \printbibliography[type=inproceedings,title={Conference Papers}, resetnumbers]
  \printbibliography[type=article,title={Journal Papers}, resetnumbers]
  \printbibliography[type=book,title={Books}, resetnumbers]

  \def\do#1{\printbibliography[category=year:#1, title=#1, resetnumbers]}



\usepackage[backend=biber, defernumbers=true]{biblatex}





  author    = {Kalman, R. E.},
  title     = {When is a linear control system optimal?},
  journal   = {J. Basic Eng.},
  year      = {1964},
  volume    = {86},
  number    = {1},
  pages     = {51--60},
  author    = {Kalman, R. E.},
  title     = {Lyapunov functions for the problem of lur'e in automatic control},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the national academy of sciences},
  year      = {1963},
  volume    = {49},
  number    = {2},
  pages     = {201--205},
  author  = {Kalman, R. E.},
  title   = {A new approach to linear filtering and prediction problems},
  journal = {Trans. ASME J. Basic. Eng.},
  year    = {1960},
  volume  = {82D},
  pages   = {35--45},

  \printbibliography[type=inproceedings,title={Conference Papers}]
  \printbibliography[type=article,title={Journal Papers}]

  \def\do#1{\printbibliography[category=year:#1, title=#1]}



        author    = {Kalman, R. E.},
        title     = {When is a linear control system optimal?},
        journal   = {J. Basic Eng.},
        year      = {1964},
        volume    = {86},
        number    = {1},
        pages     = {51--60},
        author    = {Kalman, R. E.},
        title     = {Lyapunov functions for the problem of lur'e in automatic control},
        booktitle = {Proceedings of the national academy of sciences},
        year      = {1963},
        volume    = {49},
        number    = {2},
        pages     = {201--205},
        author  = {Kalman, R. E.},
        title   = {A new approach to linear filtering and prediction problems},
        journal = {Trans. ASME J. Basic. Eng.},
        year    = {1960},
        volume  = {82D},
        pages   = {35--45},

    \noindent \textbf{This works as expected, the title ``Books'' is not printed.}
        \printbibliography[type=inproceedings,title={Conference Papers}]
        \printbibliography[type=article,title={Journal Papers}]
    \noindent \textbf{This does not work as expected, the title ``1962'' is printed even though the bibliography is empty.}
    \foreach \year in {1960,...,1964}{

