


对于该问题,直接复制并粘贴回忆录文献(第 203-205 页,第 9.2.5 节)创建不同的简短和详细目录,我遇到了以下错误:

Redoing nameref's sectioning
Redoing nameref's label
(./minworkingexampl.out) (./minworkingexampl.out)

! LaTeX Error: Command \cftpartformatpnum undefined.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
l.10 \setupshorttoc
                                % This section is copied directly from pg. 203-205 fr...

产生错误的一个稍微简单的 .tex 示例是:

% Minimum working example for ! LaTeX Error: Command \cftpartformatpnum undefined.

\usepackage{hyperref}           % Included hyperref: a) in case it was causing errors, b) hyperlink the TOC's


\setupshorttoc              % This section is copied directly from pg. 203-205 from the `The memoir class'
\tableofcontents*               % documentation PDF. 
\setlength{\unitlength}{1pt}        % pg. 205 `The memoir class' PDF documentation




使用的.sty 文件是\usepackage{Minworkingexample}

% Minimum working example for ! LaTeX Error: Command \cftpartformatpnum undefined.

% This code is copied directly from pg. 203-205 from the `The memoir class' documentation PDF

\ProvidesPackage{Minworkingexample}[2021/06/28 Example package]

    \renewcommand*{\contentsname}{Short contents}
    \setcounter{tocdepth}{0}% chapters and above
    \renewcommand*{\cftchapterleader}{ \textperiodcentered\space}
        \hbox to 1.5em{\cftchapterpagefont ##1\hfil}\cftchapterafterpnum\par}
    \addtolength{\unitlength}{1.5em} % Add curly brace here before %, comment the code below out and no error is produced.
    %The code below is what is causing the issues with \cftpartformatpnum
        \hbox to\unitlength{{\cftpartpagefont ##1}}}
        \hbox to\unitlength{{\cftbookpagefont ##1}}}}

    %The code above is what is causing the issues \cftpartformatpnum

%%% The code below seems to work correctly and has no issues
%%% so I believe it can be ignored. Needs to be included in this though I think

        \ifhmode ,\ \else\noindent\fi
    {\cftsubsectionfont ##1}~{\cftsubsectionpagefont##2}%


我将宏放在 .sty 文件中,因为它们包含 @ 符号,并且建议egreg 在另一篇文章中。我认为这样做是合适的,但对此有任何想法都会受到欢迎。如果我只是继续按 [enter] 来忽略错误,那么两个 ToC 都会正确加载,但我不想将来我的代码出现问题,并且希望它没有错误。



您到底是从哪个版本的手册中复制的?在当前版本的回忆录手册中,第 203-205 页与 ToC 和朋友无关。


    \setcounter{tocdepth}{2}} % <---- error



