我需要在乳胶代码中表示这一点它超出了投影仪类 \开始{表格}[]
\textbf{Chatting topics:} William Shakespeare; Sun; Jane Austen\\
\textbf{Knowledge:} ...... Shakespeare invented the names Miranda, Jessica, and Olivia. ...... \\ \hline
A: Do you like shakespeare?\\
B: Yes a little bit. He is often called england’ s national
poet and the "bard of avon".\\
A: He is a great dramatist that influenced a lot of people,
like Joenesbo. \\ \hline
\textbf{Response 1:} Did you know that Ronald Reagan was
rejected for a movie role because an entertainment executive
didn’ t look presidential enough?\\
\textbf{Response 2:} I love shakespeare’ s works. Did you know
that he invented the names Miranda, Jessica, and Olivia ?\\ \hline
\textbf{Chatting topics:} William Shakespeare; Sun; Jane Austen
\textbf{Knowledge:} ...... Shakespeare invented the names Miranda, Jessica, and Olivia. ......
\textbf{Dialog} ......
A: Do you like shakespeare?
B: Yes a little bit. He is often called england’ s national
poet and the "bard of avon".
A: He is a great dramatist that influenced a lot of people,
like Joenesbo.
\textbf{Response 1:} Did you know that Ronald Reagan was
rejected for a movie role because an entertainment executive
didn’ t look presidential enough?
\textbf{Response 2:} I love shakespeare’ s works. Did you know
that he invented the names Miranda, Jessica, and Olivia ?