使用 acro 包编译速度很慢?

使用 acro 包编译速度很慢?



I \input{myacronyms.tex}myacronyms.tex包含大约 450 个缩写词,如下所述。

\DeclareAcronym{aa}{short = allocation d'actifs,long = allocation d'actifs,tag = jargon ,foreign = Asset Allocation,foreign-babel = english ,foreign-locale = french ,plural-form = allocations d'actifs,}

...(还有 400 个类似内容)。

编译下面的 MWE 的编译时间似乎不正常(在 icore 5/miktex/windows 上>1 分钟)。


显然,我首先认为问题出在这一长串的首字母缩略词声明上(虽然我怀疑 450 对于 LaTeX 来说是否太多了),但即使列表很短,它似乎也很慢,所以我想我可能遗漏了其他东西。




\makeindex[columns=2, title=Alphabetical Index]


    first-style = long-short,
    format/long = \itshape ,
    format/short = \bfseries,
    index/use = true,


\DeclareAcronym{aa}{short = allocation d'actifs,long = allocation d'actifs,tag = jargon ,foreign = Asset Allocation,foreign-babel = english ,foreign-locale = french ,plural-form = allocations d'actifs,}

\DeclareAcronym{aapl}{short = AAPL,long = Apple Inc,tag = ticker ,foreign = Apple Inc,foreign-babel = english ,foreign-locale = french ,extra = prix au 09/07/2021 : 143.24 USD,}

\DeclareAcronym{action}{short = action,long = action,tag = jargon ,foreign = stock,foreign-babel = english ,foreign-locale = french ,plural-form = actions,}

\DeclareAcronym{afb}{short = AFB,long = Association Bancaire Française,tag = abbrev ,}

\DeclareAcronym{alm}{short = ALM,long = Asset And Liability Management,tag = abbrev ,foreign = Gestion Actif-Passif,foreign-babel = french ,foreign-locale = english ,}

\DeclareAcronym{am}{short = \ensuremath{\mathcal{AM}},long = gestion d'actifs ,tag = abbrev ,foreign = Asset Management,foreign-babel = english ,foreign-locale = french ,sort = A,}

\DeclareAcronym{AM}{short = FOR TEST,long = FOR TEST,foreign = FOR TEST,}

\DeclareAcronym{amex}{short = AMEX,long = American Stock Exchange,tag = abbrev ,foreign = ,}

\DeclareAcronym{amf}{short = AMF,long = Autorité des marchés financiers,tag = abbrev ,}

\DeclareAcronym{aoa}{short = AOA,long = Absence d'Opportunité d'Arbitrage,tag = abbrev ,foreign = Absence of Arbitrage Opportunity,foreign-babel = english ,foreign-locale = french ,}

\DeclareAcronym{ape}{short = APE,long = Appel Publique à l'\'Epargne,tag = abbrev ,}

\DeclareAcronym{ar}{short = actif risqué,long = actif risqué,tag = jargon,foreign = risky asset,foreign-babel = english ,foreign-locale = french ,plural-form = actifs risqués,}

\DeclareAcronym{asian}{short = asian,long = asiatique,tag = jargon,foreign = asian,foreign-babel = english ,foreign-locale = french ,plural-form = asiatiques,}

\DeclareAcronym{asj}{short = ASJ,long = actif sous-jacent ,tag = abbrev ,foreign = Underlying,foreign-babel = english ,foreign-locale = french ,plural-form = actifs sous-jacent,}



Just a check








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