




\caption{ Various research efforts to improve the design of Mixing tank}

        Article &   Target Part & Design Modification & $S_{50}$ Range(\micron) &Summary of Findings\\\hline
        \multicolumn{5}{|c|}{Design changes on a mixing tank to function as a Particle Separator($D_{50}$ \leq 3\micron)}                                         \\ \hline
        \multicolumn{1}{|m{2cm}|}{Arjun Kumar Pukkella(2018)}& Inlet section &\multicolumn{1}{m{3cm}|}{Baffle Plate design}& 0.45-0.75 &
        \multicolumn{1}{m{5cm}|}{Controlled the cut point by adjusting the guide plate location to alter the inlet clearance  }\\\hline

        \multicolumn{1}{|m{2cm}|}{\citeauthor{yoshida2005}(2005) \cite{yoshida2005}}& Inlet section &\multicolumn{1}{m{3cm}|}{Secondary injection flow}& 0.7-1.25 &
        \multicolumn{1}{m{5cm}|}{The secondary injection flow should be in the proximity of upper plate and the injection velocity should be a maximum. High tangential velocities are reported in the region close to the secondary injection flow.}\\\hline
        \multicolumn{1}{|m{2cm}|}{\citeauthor{HIRAIWA2013}(2013) \cite{HIRAIWA2013}}& Inlet section  &\multicolumn{1}{m{3cm}|}{Compressed air injection. Secondary flow} & 1.1-1.75 &
        \multicolumn{1}{m{5cm}|}{It was observed that the tangential and axial velocities are higher in the upper cylindrical part with the free air inflow cyclone than that without the free air inflow cyclone.}\\\hline

      \multicolumn{1}{|m{2cm}|}{\citeauthor{HIRAIWA2013}(2013) \cite{HIRAIWA2013}}& Inlet section  &\multicolumn{1}{m{3cm}|}{Compressed air injection. Secondary flow} & 1.1-1.75 &
        \multicolumn{1}{m{5cm}|}{It was observed that the tangential and axial velocities are higher in the upper cylindrical part with the free air inflow cyclone than that without the free air inflow cyclone.}\\\hline
    \multicolumn{1}{|m{2cm}|}{\citeauthor{HIRAIWA2013}(2013) \cite{HIRAIWA2013}}& Inlet section  &\multicolumn{1}{m{3cm}|}{Compressed air injection. Secondary flow} & 1.1-1.75 &
        \multicolumn{1}{m{5cm}|}{It was observed that the tangential and axial velocities are higher in the upper cylindrical part with the free air inflow cyclone than that without the free air inflow cyclone.}\\\hline
    \multicolumn{1}{|m{2cm}|}{\citeauthor{HIRAIWA2013}(2013) \cite{HIRAIWA2013}}& Inlet section  &\multicolumn{1}{m{3cm}|}{Compressed air injection. Secondary flow} & 1.1-1.75 &
        \multicolumn{1}{m{5cm}|}{It was observed that the tangential and axial velocities are higher in the upper cylindrical part with the free air inflow cyclone than that without the free air inflow cyclone.}\\\hline
    \multicolumn{1}{|m{2cm}|}{\citeauthor{HIRAIWA2013}(2013) \cite{HIRAIWA2013}}& Inlet section  &\multicolumn{1}{m{3cm}|}{Compressed air injection. Secondary flow} & 1.1-1.75 &
        \multicolumn{1}{m{5cm}|}{It was observed that the tangential and axial velocities are higher in the upper cylindrical part with the free air inflow cyclone than that without the free air inflow cyclone.}\\\hline
    \multicolumn{1}{|m{2cm}|}{\citeauthor{HIRAIWA2013}(2013) \cite{HIRAIWA2013}}& Inlet section  &\multicolumn{1}{m{3cm}|}{Compressed air injection. Secondary flow} & 1.1-1.75 &
        \multicolumn{1}{m{5cm}|}{It was observed that the tangential and axial velocities are higher in the upper cylindrical part with the free air inflow cyclone than that without the free air inflow cyclone.}\\\hline
    \multicolumn{1}{|m{2cm}|}{\citeauthor{HIRAIWA2013}(2013) \cite{HIRAIWA2013}}& Inlet section  &\multicolumn{1}{m{3cm}|}{Compressed air injection. Secondary flow} & 1.1-1.75 &
        \multicolumn{1}{m{5cm}|}{It was observed that the tangential and axial velocities are higher in the upper cylindrical part with the free air inflow cyclone than that without the free air inflow cyclone.}\\\hline
    \multicolumn{1}{|m{2cm}|}{\citeauthor{HIRAIWA2013}(2013) \cite{HIRAIWA2013}}& Inlet section  &\multicolumn{1}{m{3cm}|}{Compressed air injection. Secondary flow} & 1.1-1.75 &
        \multicolumn{1}{m{5cm}|}{It was observed that the tangential and axial velocities are higher in the upper cylindrical part with the free air inflow cyclone than that without the free air inflow cyclone.}\\\hline
    \multicolumn{1}{|m{2cm}|}{\citeauthor{HIRAIWA2013}(2013) \cite{HIRAIWA2013}}& Inlet section  &\multicolumn{1}{m{3cm}|}{Compressed air injection. Secondary flow} & 1.1-1.75 &
        \multicolumn{1}{m{5cm}|}{It was observed that the tangential and axial velocities are higher in the upper cylindrical part with the free air inflow cyclone than that without the free air inflow cyclone.}\\\hline
    \multicolumn{1}{|m{2cm}|}{\citeauthor{HIRAIWA2013}(2013) \cite{HIRAIWA2013}}& Inlet section  &\multicolumn{1}{m{3cm}|}{Compressed air injection. Secondary flow} & 1.1-1.75 &
        \multicolumn{1}{m{5cm}|}{It was observed that the tangential and axial velocities are higher in the upper cylindrical part with the free air inflow cyclone than that without the free air inflow cyclone.}\\\hline
    \multicolumn{1}{|m{2cm}|}{\citeauthor{HIRAIWA2013}(2013) \cite{HIRAIWA2013}}& Inlet section  &\multicolumn{1}{m{3cm}|}{Compressed air injection. Secondary flow} & 1.1-1.75 &
        \multicolumn{1}{m{5cm}|}{It was observed that the tangential and axial velocities are higher in the upper cylindrical part with the free air inflow cyclone than that without the free air inflow cyclone.}\\\hline
    \multicolumn{1}{|m{2cm}|}{\citeauthor{HIRAIWA2013}(2013) \cite{HIRAIWA2013}}& Inlet section  &\multicolumn{1}{m{3cm}|}{Compressed air injection. Secondary flow} & 1.1-1.75 &
        \multicolumn{1}{m{5cm}|}{It was observed that the tangential and axial velocities are higher in the upper cylindrical part with the free air inflow cyclone than that without the free air inflow cyclone.}\\\hline
   % \end{tabular}




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    \caption{ Various research efforts to improve the design of Mixing tank}
    \label{Tab:CycloneDesignChanges}    \\
    & \makecell{Target\\ Part} 
        & \makecell{Design\\ Modification}
            & \makecell{X Range\\ (\si{\micro\metre})}
                & \makecell{Summary of\\ Findings}    \\
    \caption[]{Various research efforts to improve the design of Mixing tank (cont.)} \\
    & \makecell{Target\\ Part}
        & \makecell{Design\\ Modification}
            & \makecell{X Range\\ (\si{\micro\metre})}
                & \makecell{Summary of\\ Findings}    \\
    \multicolumn{5}{r}{\footnotesize\textit{Continued on the next page}}
% table body
\multicolumn{5}{|c|}{Design changes on a mixing tank to function as a Particle Separator ($D_{50}\leq \qty{3}{\micro\metre}$)}\\ 
Arjun Kumar Pukkella (2018)
    & Inlet section 
        & Baffle Plate design 
            & 0.45-0.75
                & Controlled the cut point by adjusting the guide plate location to alter the inlet clearance.  \\
\citeauthor{yoshida2005} (2005) \cite{yoshida2005}
    & Inlet section 
        & Secondary injection flow
            & 0.7-1.25 
                & The secondary injection flow should be in the proximity of upper plate and the injection velocity should be a maximum. High tangential velocities are reported in the region close to the secondary injection flow.   \\
\citeauthor{HIRAIWA2013} (2013) \cite{HIRAIWA2013}
    & Inlet section  
        & Compressed air injection. Secondary flow
                & 1.1-1.75 
                    & It was observed that the tangential and axial velocities are higher in the upper cylindrical part with the free air inflow cyclone than that without the free air inflow cyclone.    \\
\citeauthor{HIRAIWA2013}(2013) \cite{HIRAIWA2013}
    & Inlet section  
        &  Compressed air injection. Secondary flow 
            & 1.1-1.75 
                & It was observed that the tangential and axial velocities are higher in the upper cylindrical part with the free air inflow cyclone than that without the free air inflow cyclone.    \\
\citeauthor{HIRAIWA2013} (2013) \cite{HIRAIWA2013}
    & Inlet section  
        & Compressed air injection. Secondary flow
            & 1.1-1.75 & It was observed that the tangential and axial velocities are higher in the upper cylindrical part with the free air inflow cyclone than that without the free air inflow cyclone.    \\
\citeauthor{HIRAIWA2013} (2013) \cite{HIRAIWA2013}
    & Inlet section  
        & Compressed air injection. Secondary flow
            & 1.1-1.75 
                & It was observed that the tangential and axial velocities are higher in the upper cylindrical part with the free air inflow cyclone than that without the free air inflow cyclone. \\
\citeauthor{HIRAIWA2013} (2013) \cite{HIRAIWA2013}
    & Inlet section  
        & Compressed air injection. Secondary flow
            & 1.1-1.75 
                & It was observed that the tangential and axial velocities are higher in the upper cylindrical part with the free air inflow cyclone than that without the free air inflow cyclone.    \\
\citeauthor{HIRAIWA2013} (2013) \cite{HIRAIWA2013}
    & Inlet section  
        & Compressed air injection. Secondary flow
            & 1.1-1.75 
                & It was observed that the tangential and axial velocities are higher in the upper cylindrical part with the free air inflow cyclone than that without the free air inflow cyclone.    \\
\citeauthor{HIRAIWA2013} (2013) \cite{HIRAIWA2013}
    & Inlet section  
        & Compressed air injection. Secondary flow
             & 1.1-1.75 
                & It was observed that the tangential and axial velocities are higher in the upper cylindrical part with the free air inflow cyclone than that without the free air inflow cyclone.    \\
\citeauthor{HIRAIWA2013} (2013) \cite{HIRAIWA2013}
    & Inlet section  
        & Compressed air injection. Secondary flow
            & 1.1-1.75
                & It was observed that the tangential and axial velocities are higher in the upper cylindrical part with the free air inflow cyclone than that without the free air inflow cyclone.    \\
\citeauthor{HIRAIWA2013} (2013) \cite{HIRAIWA2013}
    & Inlet section  
        & Compressed air injection. Secondary flow
            & 1.1-1.75 
                & It was observed that the tangential and axial velocities are higher in the upper cylindrical part with the free air inflow cyclone than that without the free air inflow cyclone.    \\
\citeauthor{HIRAIWA2013} (2013) \cite{HIRAIWA2013}
    & Inlet section  
        &  Compressed air injection. Secondary flow
            & 1.1-1.75 
                & It was observed that the tangential and axial velocities are higher in the upper cylindrical part with the free air inflow cyclone than that without the free air inflow cyclone.    \\
\citeauthor{HIRAIWA2013} (2013) \cite{HIRAIWA2013}
    & Inlet section  
        & Compressed air injection. Secondary flow
            & 1.1-1.75 
                & It was observed that the tangential and axial velocities are higher in the upper cylindrical part with the free air inflow cyclone than that without the free air inflow cyclone.    \\
\citeauthor{HIRAIWA2013} (2013) \cite{HIRAIWA2013}
    & Inlet section  
        & Compressed air injection. Secondary flow
            & 1.1-1.75 
                & It was observed that the tangential and axial velocities are higher in the upper cylindrical part with the free air inflow cyclone than that without the free air inflow cyclone.    \\







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