我对 TikZ 图片的位置有疑问。我有以下代码:
xlabel={STD$_{medidos}$}, % label x axis
ylabel={STD$_{corregidos}$}, % label y axis
axis lines=left, %set the position of the axes
xmin=0, xmax=599, % set the min and max values of the x-axis
ymin=0, ymax=599, % set the min and max values of the y-axis
title=\color{red}{STD$_{corr.}=\alpha $ STD$_{med.}$+ $\beta$},
\addplot[only marks] table[row sep=\\]{
X Y\\
0 0.01\\
244.74 244.83\\
379.52 379.38\\
552.3 553.63\\
\addplot table[row sep=\\,
y={create col/linear regression={y=Y}}] % compute a linear regression from the
%input table
X Y\\
0 0.01\\
244.74 244.83\\
379.52 379.38\\
552.3 553.63\\
\caption{Recta de calibrado para la corrección de medidas de $x$CO$_2$}