


 \documentclass[10pt,a4paper,twoside]{article} % 10pt font size, A4 paper and two-sided margins

\usepackage[top=3.5cm,bottom=3.5cm,left=3.7cm,right=4.7cm,columnsep=30pt]{geometry} % Document margins and spacings

\usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} % Required for inputting international characters
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Output font encoding for international characters

\usepackage{palatino} % Use the Palatino fontm

\usepackage{microtype} % Improves spacing

\usepackage{multicol} % Required for splitting text into multiple columns

\usepackage[bf,sf,center]{titlesec} % Required for modifying section titles - bold, sans-serif, centered

\usepackage{fancyhdr} % Required for modifying headers and footers

\fancyhead[L]{\textsf{\rightmark}} % Top left header
\fancyhead[R]{\textsf{\leftmark}} % Top right header
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{1.4pt} % Rule under the header
\fancyfoot[C]{\textbf{\textsf{\thepage}}} % Bottom center footer
\renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{1.4pt} % Rule under the footer
\pagestyle{fancy} % Use the custom headers and footers throughout the document

\newcommand{\entry}[5] {\markboth{#1}{#1}\textbf{#1} \ \textit{#2} \textbf{#3} \ \textit{#4}{ #5}} % Defines the command to print each word on the page, \markboth{}{} prints the first word on the page in the top left header and the last word in the top right

    %   SECTION A
        \entry{abandon}{(v.)}{}{}{relinquō, relinquere, reliquisse, relictum} \textit{} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {}\textit{}{}{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \ {}{}{}\textbf{} \textit {} \ {} \ {}{}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ {}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {} {} \ {}
        \entry{ablative}{(gram.)}{}{}{ablātīvus} \textit{} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {}\textit{}{}{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \ {}{}{}\textbf{} \textit {} \ {} \ {}{}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ {}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {} {} \ {}\\
        \entry{about}{(prep.)}{}{}{super } \textit{prep+abl.} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {}\textit{}{}{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \ {}{}{}\textbf{} \textit {} \ {} \ {}{}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ {}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {} {} \ {}\\
        \entry{above}{(prep.)}{}{}{suprā} \textit{prep+acc} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {}\textit{}{}{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \ {}{}{}\textbf{} \textit {} \ {} \ {}{}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ {}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {} {} \ {}\\
        \entry{absent}{(adj.)}{}{}{absēns, absentis} \textit{} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {}\textit{}{}{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \ {}{}{}\textbf{} \textit {} \ {} \ {}{}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ {}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {} {} \ {}\\
        \entry{abundance}{(subs.)}{}{}{cōpia, -ae} \textit{f.} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {}\textit{}{}{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \ {}{}{}\textbf{} \textit {} \ {} \ {}{}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ {}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {} {} \ {}\\
        \entry{abyss}{(subs.)}{}{}{vorāgō, vorāginis} \textit{f.} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {}\textit{}{}{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \ {}{}{}\textbf{} \textit {} \ {} \ {}{}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ {}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {} {} \ {}\\
        \entry{accidentally}{(adv.)}{}{by chance}{forte} \textit{} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {}\textit{}{}{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \ {}{}{}\textbf{} \textit {} \ {} \ {}{}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ {}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {} {} \ {}\\
        \entry{accompany}{(v.)}{}{}{comitor, comitārī, comitātum esse} \textit{v. dep.} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {}\textit{}{}{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \ {}{}{}\textbf{} \textit {} \ {} \ {}{}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ {}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {} {} \ {}\\
        \entry{accomplish}{(v.)}{}{make, manufacture}{conficiō, conficere, confēcisse, confectum} \textit{} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {}\textit{}{}{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \ {}{}{}\textbf{} \textit {} \ {} \ {}{}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ {}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {} {} \ {}\\
        \entry{accusative}{(gram.)}{}{}{accūsātīvus} \textit{} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {}\textit{}{}{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \ {}{}{}\textbf{} \textit {} \ {} \ {}{}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ {}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {} {} \ {}\\
        \entry{accuse}{(v.)}{}{}{accūsāre} \textit{} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {}\textit{}{}{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \ {}{}{}\textbf{} \textit {} \ {} \ {}{}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ {}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {} {} \ {}\\
        \entry{acknowledge}{(v.)}{}{}{fateor, fatērī, fassum esse} \textit{} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {}\textit{}{}{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \ {}{}{}\textbf{} \textit {} \ {} \ {}{}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ {}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {} {} \ {}\\
        \entry{across}{(prep.)}{}{}{trāns} \textit{prep + acc.} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {}\textit{}{}{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \ {}{}{}\textbf{} \textit {} \ {} \ {}{}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ {}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {} {} \ {}\\
        \entry{active }{(adj.)}{}{energetic}{impiger, impigra, impigrum} \textit{} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {}\textit{}{}{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \ {}{}{}\textbf{} \textit {} \ {} \ {}{}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ {}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {} {} \ {}\\
        \entry{active voice}{(gram.)}{}{}{vōx āctīva} \textit{} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {}\textit{}{}{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \ {}{}{}\textbf{} \textit {} \ {} \ {}{}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ {}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {} {} \ {}\\
        \entry{add}{(v.)}{I. 1.}{}{addō, addere, addidisse,  additum} \textit{} \ {} \ \textbf{2.} \ {adiciō, adicere, adiēcisse, adiectum}\textit{with dat or with ad + acc}{}{} \textbf{II. 1} \ \textit{add to, join} \ {adiungō, adiungere, adiunxisse, adiunctum} \ \textit{} \ {}{}{}\textbf{} \textit {} \ {} \ {}{}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ {}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {} {} \ {}\\
        \entry{address}{(v.)}{}{call}{appellāre} \textit{} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {}\textit{}{}{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \ {}{}{}\textbf{} \textit {} \ {} \ {}{}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ {}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {} {} \ {}\\
        \entry{adjective}{(gram.)}{}{}{adiectīvum, -ī} \textit{n.} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {}\textit{}{}{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \ {}{}{}\textbf{} \textit {} \ {} \ {}{}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ {}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {} {} \ {}\\
        \entry{admiration}{(subs.)}{}{}{admīrātiō, admirātiōnis} \textit{f.} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {}\textit{}{}{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \ {}{}{}\textbf{} \textit {} \ {} \ {}{}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ {}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {} {} \ {}\\
        \entry{admit }{(v.)}{}{to allow to enter}{admittō, admittere, admīsisse, admissum} \textit{} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {}\textit{}{}{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \ {}{}{}\textbf{} \textit {} \ {} \ {}{}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ {}\textbf{} \textit{} \ {} \ \textit{} \textbf{} \ \textit{} \ {} \ {} \ \textbf{} \ {} {} \ {}\\



我删除了所有单词间距,并开始\entry了一个新段落,这样无论源中是否有空行,您都可以获得相同的垂直空间。与此相关的是,我删除了所有\\。该\entry命令似乎只能处理单个条目的单词,* 的多个类别添加似乎是“手工”完成的,我保持原样,因为我不确定各种条款和字体变化表示什么,尽管\entry直接处理它的扩展版本会更好。


\documentclass[10pt,a4paper,twoside]{article} % 10pt font size, A4 paper and two-sided margins

\usepackage[top=3.5cm,bottom=3.5cm,left=3.7cm,right=4.7cm,columnsep=30pt]{geometry} % Document margins and spacings

% no \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} % Required for inputting international characters
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Output font encoding for international characters

\usepackage{palatino} % Use the Palatino fontm

\usepackage{microtype} % Improves spacing

% already loaded above \usepackage{multicol} % Required for splitting text into multiple columns

\usepackage[bf,sf,center]{titlesec} % Required for modifying section titles - bold, sans-serif, centered

\usepackage{fancyhdr} % Required for modifying headers and footers
% not used here \usepackage{datatool}

\fancyhead[L]{\textsf{\rightmark}} % Top left header
\fancyhead[R]{\textsf{\leftmark}} % Top right header
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{1.4pt} % Rule under the header
\fancyfoot[C]{\textbf{\textsf{\thepage}}} % Bottom center footer
\renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{1.4pt} % Rule under the footer
\pagestyle{fancy} % Use the custom headers and footers throughout the document

\newcommand\useifnotempty[2]{\if\relax\detokenize{#2}\relax\else\ #1{#2}\fi}

% Defines the command to print each word on the page, \markboth{}{} prints the first word on the page in the top left header and the last word in the top right
\markboth{#1}{#1}\textbf{#1} \textit{#2}%

    %   SECTION A
% use the \raggedright below \begin{flushleft}
        \entry{abandon}{(v.)}{}{}{relinquō, relinquere, reliquisse, relictum}
        \entry{about}{(prep.)}{}{}{super } \textit{prep+abl.}
        \entry{above}{(prep.)}{}{}{suprā} \textit{prep+acc}
        \entry{absent}{(adj.)}{}{}{absēns, absentis}
        \entry{abundance}{(subs.)}{}{}{cōpia, -ae} \textit{f.}
        \entry{abyss}{(subs.)}{}{}{vorāgō, vorāginis} \textit{f.}
        \entry{accidentally}{(adv.)}{}{by chance}{forte}
        \entry{accompany}{(v.)}{}{}{comitor, comitārī, comitātum esse} \textit{v. dep.}
        \entry{accomplish}{(v.)}{}{make, manufacture}{conficiō, conficere, confēcisse, confectum}        
        \entry{acknowledge}{(v.)}{}{}{fateor, fatērī, fassum esse}
        \entry{across}{(prep.)}{}{}{trāns} \textit{prep + acc.}
        \entry{active}{(adj.)}{}{energetic}{impiger, impigra, impigrum}
        \entry{active voice}{(gram.)}{}{}{vōx āctīva}
        \entry{add}{(v.)}{I. 1.}{}{addō, addere, addidisse,  additum}\quad\textbf{2.}  {adiciō, adicere, adiēcisse, adiectum} \textit{with dat or with ad + acc}\quad \textbf{II. 1}  \textit{add to, join}  {adiungō, adiungere, adiunxisse, adiunctum}
        \entry{adjective}{(gram.)}{}{}{adiectīvum, -ī} \textit{n.}
        \entry{admiration}{(subs.)}{}{}{admīrātiō, admirātiōnis} \textit{f.}
        \entry{admit}{(v.)}{}{to allow to enter}{admittō, admittere, admīsisse, admissum}
%                    \end{flushleft}



 \documentclass[10pt,a4paper,twoside]{article} % 10pt font size, A4 paper and two-sided margins

\usepackage[top=3.5cm,bottom=3.5cm,left=3.7cm,right=4.7cm,columnsep=30pt]{geometry} % Document margins and spacings

\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % Required for inputting international characters
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Output font encoding for international characters
\usepackage{palatino} % Use the Palatino fontm
\usepackage{microtype} % Improves spacing

\usepackage{multicol} % Required for splitting text into multiple columns

\usepackage[bf,sf,center]{titlesec} % Required for modifying section titles - bold, sans-serif, centered

\usepackage{fancyhdr} % Required for modifying headers and footers

\fancyhead[L]{\textsf{\rightmark}} % Top left header
\fancyhead[R]{\textsf{\leftmark}} % Top right header
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{1.4pt} % Rule under the header
\fancyfoot[C]{\textbf{\textsf{\thepage}}} % Bottom center footer
\renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{1.4pt} % Rule under the footer
\pagestyle{fancy} % Use the custom headers and footers throughout the document

\newcommand{\entry}[5]{\markboth{#1}{#1}\textbf{#1} \ \textit{#2} \textbf{#3} \ \textit{#4}{#5}} % Defines the command to print each word on the page, \markboth{}{} prints the first word on the page in the top left header and the last word in the top right

    %   SECTION A
        \entry{abandon}{(v.)}{}{}{relinquō, relinquere, reliquisse, relictum}\bigskip
        \entry{about}{(prep.)}{}{}{super } \textit{prep+abl.}\bigskip
        \entry{above}{(prep.)}{}{}{suprā} \textit{prep+acc}\bigskip
        \entry{absent}{(adj.)}{}{}{absēns, absentis}\bigskip
        \entry{abundance}{(subs.)}{}{}{cōpia, -ae} \textit{f.}\bigskip
        \entry{abyss}{(subs.)}{}{}{vorāgō, vorāginis} \textit{f.}\bigskip
        \entry{accidentally}{(adv.)}{}{by chance}{forte}\bigskip
        \entry{accompany}{(v.)}{}{}{comitor, comitārī, comitātum esse} \textit{v. dep.}\bigskip
        \entry{accomplish}{(v.)}{}{make, manufacture}{conficiō, conficere, confēcisse, confectum}\bigskip
        \entry{acknowledge}{(v.)}{}{}{fateor, fatērī, fassum esse}\bigskip
        \entry{across}{(prep.)}{}{}{trāns} \textit{prep + acc.}\bigskip
        \entry{active}{(adj.)}{}{energetic}{impiger, impigra, impigrum}\bigskip
        \entry{active voice}{(gram.)}{}{}{vōx āctīva}\bigskip

        \entry{add}{(v.)}{I. 1.}{}{addō, addere, addidisse,  additum} \textit{} \ {} \ \textbf{2.} \ {adiciō, adicere, adiēcisse, adiectum}\textit{with dat or with ad + acc}{}{} \textbf{II. 1} \ \textit{add to, join} \ {adiungō, adiungere, adiunxisse, adiunctum}\bigskip
        \entry{adjective}{(gram.)}{}{}{adiectīvum, -ī} \textit{n.}\bigskip
        \entry{admiration}{(subs.)}{}{}{admīrātiō, admirātiōnis} \textit{f.}\bigskip
        \entry{admit }{(v.)}{}{to allow to enter}{admittō, admittere, admīsisse, admissum}\bigskip





\documentclass[10pt,a4paper,twoside]{article} % 10pt font size, A4 paper and two-sided margins

\usepackage[top=3.5cm,bottom=3.5cm,left=3.7cm,right=4.7cm,columnsep=30pt]{geometry} % Document margins and spacings 

\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % Required for inputting international characters
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Output font encoding for international characters

\usepackage{palatino} % Use the Palatino fontm

\usepackage{microtype} % Improves spacing

\usepackage{multicol} % Required for splitting text into multiple columns

\usepackage[bf,sf,center]{titlesec} % Required for modifying section titles - bold, sans-serif, centered

\usepackage{fancyhdr} % Required for modifying headers and footers

\fancyhead[L]{\textsf{\rightmark}} % Top left header
\fancyhead[R]{\textsf{\leftmark}} % Top right header
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{1.4pt} % Rule under the header
\fancyfoot[C]{\textbf{\textsf{\thepage}}} % Bottom center footer
\renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{1.4pt} % Rule under the footer
\pagestyle{fancy} % Use the custom headers and footers throughout the document

\newcommand{\entry}[5] {\markboth{#1}{#1}\textbf{#1} \ \textit{#2} \textbf{#3} \ \textit{#4}{ #5}} % Defines the command to print each word on the page, \markboth{}{} prints the first word on the page in the top left header and the last word in the top right

    %   SECTION A
            \setlength{\parskip}{1ex} % added <<<<<<
            \entry{abandon}{(v.)}{}{}{relinquō, relinquere, reliquisse, relictum} 
            \entry{about}{(prep.)}{}{}{super } \textit{prep+abl.} 
            \entry{above}{(prep.)}{}{}{suprā} \textit{prep+acc}
            \entry{absent}{(adj.)}{}{}{absēns, absentis}
            \entry{abundance}{(subs.)}{}{}{cōpia, -ae} \textit{f.} 
            \entry{abyss}{(subs.)}{}{}{vorāgō, vorāginis} \textit{f.} 
            \entry{accidentally}{(adv.)}{}{by chance}{forte} 
            \entry{accompany}{(v.)}{}{}{comitor, comitārī, comitātum esse} \textit{v. dep.}
            \entry{accomplish}{(v.)}{}{make, manufacture}{conficiō, conficere, confēcisse, confectum} 
            \entry{acknowledge}{(v.)}{}{}{fateor, fatērī, fassum esse}
            \entry{across}{(prep.)}{}{}{trāns} \textit{prep + acc.} 
            \entry{active }{(adj.)}{}{energetic}{impiger, impigra, impigrum} 
            \entry{active voice}{(gram.)}{}{}{vōx āctīva} 
            \entry{add}{(v.)}{I. 1.}{}{addō, addere, addidisse,  additum} \textit{} \ {} \ \textbf{2.} \ {adiciō, adicere, adiēcisse, adiectum}\textit{with dat or with ad + acc}{}{} \textbf{II. 1} \ \textit{add to, join} \ {adiungō, adiungere, adiunxisse, adiunctum }             
            \entry{adjective}{(gram.)}{}{}{adiectīvum, -ī} \textit{n.} 
            \entry{admiration}{(subs.)}{}{}{admīrātiō, admirātiōnis} \textit{f.} 
            \entry{admit }{(v.)}{}{to allow to enter}{admittō, admittere, admīsisse, admissum} 
