将小页面环境中的最后一行文本与 TikZ 图中线段对齐

将小页面环境中的最后一行文本与 TikZ 图中线段对齐

我正在尝试将 minipage 环境中最后一行文本的底部与随附的 tikzpicture 图中 $\triangle{ABC}$ 的线段 $\overline{AB}$ 对齐。我怀疑在 minipage 环境中使用 minipage 环境不是正确的格式 - 并且是不必要的 - 但这不应该导致错位。

另外,如果我想让顶点“$​​A$”和“$B$”与最后一行文本的底部对齐,那么 minipage 环境的可选命令是什么?它会是“current bounding box.south”吗?



\usepackage{array, boldline, makecell}

\setlength{\evensidemargin}{0.0in} \setlength{\textwidth}{6.1in}
\setlength{\topmargin}{0.0in} \setlength{\textheight}{9in}


\noindent \begin{minipage}[b]{4.5in}
\noindent \textbf{Theorem} \vskip1.25mm
\noindent \hspace*{1em}
{\em An \textbf{isosceles triangle} is a triangle with two congruent sides; the congruent sides are called the \textbf{legs} of the isosceles triangle. If $\triangle\mathit{ABC}$ is an isosceles \\
triangle, and if $\overline{\mathit{AC}}$ and $\overline{\mathit{BC}}$ are its legs, $\angle\mathit{ABC}$ and $\angle\mathit{BAC}$
are the \textbf{base} \\
\textbf{angles} of the isosceles triangle, and they are congruent to each other.}

%An isosceles triangle is drawn. (The figure is magnified by 1/3.)
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at ({(1/3)*6},0);
\coordinate (C) at ({(1/3)*3},{(1/3)*9});

%The labels for the vertices are typeset.
\node[anchor=north, inner sep=0] at ($(A) +(0,-0.15)$){$A$};
\node[anchor=north, inner sep=0] at ($(B) +(0,-0.15)$){$B$};
\node[anchor=south, inner sep=0] at ($(C) +(0,0.15)$){$C$};

%The triangle is drawn.
\draw (A) -- (B) -- (C) -- cycle;

%Line segments AC and BC are marked with "|".
\draw ($($(A)!0.5!(C)$)!3pt!90:(C)$) -- ($($(A)!0.5!(C)$)!3pt!-90:(C)$);
\draw ($($(B)!0.5!(C)$)!3pt!90:(C)$) -- ($($(B)!0.5!(C)$)!3pt!-90:(C)$);

%A mark indicating the measure of $\angle{ABC}$ is drawn.
\draw[draw=blue] let \n1={atan(3)} in ($(B) +({180-\n1}:0.4)$) arc ({180-\n1}:180:0.4);
\draw[blue] let \n1={atan(3)} in ($(B) +({180-0.5*\n1}:{0.4cm-3pt})$) -- ($(B) +({180-0.5*\n1}:{0.4cm+3pt})$);

%A mark indicating the measure of $\angle{BAC}$ is drawn.
\draw[draw=blue] let \n1={atan(3)} in (0.4,0) arc (0:\n1:0.4);
\draw[blue] let \n1={atan(3)} in  ({0.5*\n1}:{0.4cm-3pt}) -- ({0.5*\n1}:{0.4cm+3pt});



option [b]通过以下代码将第二个小页面向下推

\noindent \begin{minipage}[b]{4.5in}
\noindent \textbf{Theorem} \vskip1.25mm
\noindent \hspace*{1em}
{\em An \textbf{isosceles triangle} is a triangle with two congruent sides; the congruent sides are called the \textbf{legs} of the isosceles triangle. If $\triangle\mathit{ABC}$ is an isosceles \\
triangle, and if $\overline{\mathit{AC}}$ and $\overline{\mathit{BC}}$ are its legs, $\angle\mathit{ABC}$ and $\angle\mathit{BAC}$
are the \textbf{base} \\
\textbf{angles} of the isosceles triangle, and they are congruent to each other.}







\textbf{Isosceles triangle} is a triangle with two congruent sides; the congruent sides are called the \textbf{legs} of the isosceles triangle. If $\triangle\mathit{ABC}$ is an isosceles triangle, and if $\overline{\mathit{AC}}$ and $\overline{\mathit{BC}}$ are its legs, $\angle\mathit{ABC}$ and $\angle\mathit{BAC}$ are the \textbf{base angles} of the isosceles triangle, and they are congruent to each other.
  mark=at position 0.5 with {\draw (0,2pt) -- (0,-2pt);}},
  postaction={decorate}, line cap=round
my angle/.style = {draw=blue, angle radius = 5mm},
%An isosceles triangle is drawn. 
\coordinate[label=below:$A$] (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate[label=below:$B$] (B) at (2,0);
\coordinate[label=above:$C$] (C) at (1,3);

%The triangle with marks "|".
\draw[-|-] (A) -- (C);
\draw[-|-] (C) -- (B);
\draw   (B) -- (A);

%Draw angles.
\pic [my angle]     {angle = B--A--C};
\pic [my angle]     {angle = C--B--A};

% A mark indicating equal angles
\draw[draw=blue] (A) ++ ( \ang: 4mm) -- ++ ( \ang: 2mm);
\draw[draw=blue] (B) ++ (-\ang:-4mm) -- ++ (-\ang:-2mm);



