& Country & Article.No. & \%Freq & SCP & \%SCP & MCP & \%MCP & TGC & TGC/t \\
1 & Usa & 83 & 41.29 & 64 & 47.76 & 19 & 28.36 & 8120 & 97.80 \\
2 & United Kingdom & 26 & 12.93 & 19 & 14.18 & 7 & 10.45 & 1024 & 39.40 \\
3 & China & 14 & 6.97 & 7 & 5.22 & 7 & 10.45 & 421 & 30.10 \\
4 & Italy & 7 & 3.48 & 5 & 3.73 & 2 & 2.99 & 125 & 17.90 \\
5 & India & 6 & 2.99 & 5 & 3.73 & 1 & 1.49 & 354 & 59.00 \\
6 & France & 5 & 2.49 & 2 & 1.49 & 3 & 4.48 & 206 & 41.20 \\
7 & Germany & 5 & 2.49 & 2 & 1.49 & 3 & 4.48 & 491 & 98.20 \\
8 & Netherlands & 4 & 1.99 & 2 & 1.49 & 2 & 2.99 & 502 & 125.50 \\
9 & New Zealand & 4 & 1.99 & 4 & 2.99 & 0 & 0.00 & 142 & 35.50 \\
10 & South Africa & 4 & 1.99 & 4 & 2.99 & 0 & 0.00 & 32 & 8.00 \\
\multicolumn{10}{@{}p{\textwidth}@{}}{\footnotesize Note: The table is sorted based on total number of Article.No.
\%Freq, \%SCP, and \%MCP are the percentage of the total Article.No., SCP, and MCP, respectively.}
\caption{The most influential countries} %he total number published articles
我提出这个解决方案,基于tabularx, siunitx
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{rX *{3}{S[table-format=2.0]S[table-format=2.2]} S[table-format=4.0]S[table-format=3.2]}
& {Country} & {Article.No.} & {\%Freq} & {SCP} & {\%SCP} & {MCP} & {\%MCP} & {TGC} & {TGC/t} \\
1 & Usa & 83 & 41.29 & 64 & 47.76 & 19 & 28.36 & 8120 & 97.80 \\
2 & United Kingdom & 26 & 12.93 & 19 & 14.18 & 7 & 10.45 & 1024 & 39.40 \\
3 & China & 14 & 6.97 & 7 & 5.22 & 7 & 10.45 & 421 & 30.10 \\
4 & Italy & 7 & 3.48 & 5 & 3.73 & 2 & 2.99 & 125 & 17.90 \\
5 & India & 6 & 2.99 & 5 & 3.73 & 1 & 1.49 & 354 & 59.00 \\
6 & France & 5 & 2.49 & 2 & 1.49 & 3 & 4.48 & 206 & 41.20 \\
7 & Germany & 5 & 2.49 & 2 & 1.49 & 3 & 4.48 & 491 & 98.20 \\
8 & Netherlands & 4 & 1.99 & 2 & 1.49 & 2 & 2.99 & 502 & 125.50 \\
9 & New Zealand & 4 & 1.99 & 4 & 2.99 & 0 & 0.00 & 142 & 35.50 \\
10 & South Africa & 4 & 1.99 & 4 & 2.99 & 0 & 0.00 & 32 & 8.00 \\
\item[\hskip -\fontdimen 2 \font]Note: The table is sorted based on total number of Article.No.
\%Freq, \%SCP, and \%MCP are the percentage of the total Article.No., SCP, and MCP, respectively.
\caption{The most influential countries} %he total number published articles
\caption{The most influential countries \label{tab:Most-Cited-Countries}}
& Country & {Art. No.} & {\%\,Freq} & {SCP} & {\%\,SCP} & {MCP} & {\%\,MCP} & {TGC} & {TGC/t} \\
1 & Usa & 83 & 41.29 & 64 & 47.76 & 19 & 28.36 & 8120 & 97.80 \\
2 & United Kingdom & 26 & 12.93 & 19 & 14.18 & 7 & 10.45 & 1024 & 39.40 \\
3 & China & 14 & 6.97 & 7 & 5.22 & 7 & 10.45 & 421 & 30.10 \\
4 & Italy & 7 & 3.48 & 5 & 3.73 & 2 & 2.99 & 125 & 17.90 \\
5 & India & 6 & 2.99 & 5 & 3.73 & 1 & 1.49 & 354 & 59.00 \\
6 & France & 5 & 2.49 & 2 & 1.49 & 3 & 4.48 & 206 & 41.20 \\
7 & Germany & 5 & 2.49 & 2 & 1.49 & 3 & 4.48 & 491 & 98.20 \\
8 & Netherlands & 4 & 1.99 & 2 & 1.49 & 2 & 2.99 & 502 & 125.50 \\
9 & New Zealand & 4 & 1.99 & 4 & 2.99 & 0 & 0.00 & 142 & 35.50 \\
10 & South Africa & 4 & 1.99 & 4 & 2.99 & 0 & 0.00 & 32 & 8.00 \\
\multicolumn{10}{@{}p{\dimexpr\linewidth}@{}}{\footnotesize Note: The table is sorted based on total number of Article.No.
\%Freq, \%SCP, and \%MCP are the percentage of the total Article.No., SCP, and MCP, respectively.}