我正在尝试用 绘制一个简单的电路circuitikz
,但为了更好地满足我的需求,我不得不通过 修改所有组件的大小/tikz/circuitikz/bipoles/length=0.9cm
)。但是,在下面的 mwe 中编译左侧的图形时,您会发现电压源的形状并不令人满意。
我合并了二 答案从 TeX.SE 尝试解决这个问题,但我得到了右边的图片,电压源的形状确实没问题,但它的标签被缩放,路径的起始坐标不在我预期的位置!我想这与选项有关,但我真的transform shape
\usetikzlibrary{3D, calc, external, positioning, circuits.logic.mux, shapes.gates.logic.US}
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance=4mm and 4mm, circuit logic,every node/.style={font=\tiny}, >=latex,%
\ctikzset{tripoles/mos style/arrows, tripoles/nmos/arrow pos=0.8, tripoles/pmos/arrow pos=0.6,}
\draw (0,0) to [C, name=c] ++(\complen, 0) node[american not port, name=inv1, anchor=in] {};
\node (inv2) [right=of inv1, american not port] {};
\draw ({$(c.east)!.5!(inv1.in)$} |- inv1.in) to [short,*-] ++(0,.7*\complen) to [R] ({$(inv1.out)!.5!(inv2.in)$} |- {$(inv1.out)+(0,.7*\complen)$}) to [short,-*] ({$(inv1.out)!.5!(inv2.in)$} |- inv1.out);
\draw ({$(c.east)!.5!(inv1.in)$} |- inv1.in) to [american voltage source, l=$V_\textup{CM}$] ({$(c.east)!.5!(inv1.in)$} |- {$(inv1.in) + (0,-2*\complen)$});
\draw (inv1.out) -- (inv2.in);
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance=4mm and 4mm, circuit logic,every node/.style={font=\tiny}, >=latex,%
\ctikzset{tripoles/mos style/arrows, tripoles/nmos/arrow pos=0.8, tripoles/pmos/arrow pos=0.6,}
\draw (0,0) to [C, name=c] ++(\complen, 0) node[american not port, name=inv1, anchor=in] {};
\node (inv2) [right=of inv1, american not port] {};
\draw ({$(c.east)!.5!(inv1.in)$} |- inv1.in) to [short,*-] ++(0,.7*\complen) to [R] ({$(inv1.out)!.5!(inv2.in)$} |- {$(inv1.out)+(0,.7*\complen)$}) to [short,-*] ({$(inv1.out)!.5!(inv2.in)$} |- inv1.out);
\draw \pgfextra{\ctikzset{/tikz/circuitikz/bipoles/length=1.4cm, transform shape}} ({$(c.east)!.5!(inv1.in)$} |- inv1.in) to [american voltage source, l=$V_\textup{CM}$, scale=0.6] ({$(c.east)!.5!(inv1.in)$} |- {$(inv1.in) + (0,-2*\complen)$});
\draw (inv1.out) -- (inv2.in);
(即,如果没有transform shape
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}% utf8 is standard, T1 not, and you want it
\usepackage{pgfplots}\pgfplotsset{compat=1.18}%never omit the compact key
%\tikzexternalize[prefix=mwe-\overlaynumber-]% will break outside beamer
\usetikzlibrary{calc, positioning,}%removed internal circuits libraries
% it seems you want american shapes
\usepackage[americaninductors, american]{circuitikz}
\ctikzset{tripoles/mos style/arrows, tripoles/nmos/arrow pos=0.8, tripoles/pmos/arrow pos=0.6}
\ctikzset{bipoles/length=0.9cm}% This CAN'T BE CHANGED midway a path
% which such a small basic length we have to tweak the font of the generators
\ctikzset{bipoles/vsourceam/inner plus={\tiny $+$}}
\ctikzset{bipoles/vsourceam/inner minus={\tiny $-$}}
\ctikzset{logic ports=ieee}
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance=4mm and 4mm,
every node/.style={font=\tiny},
scale=0.7, % coordinates are 0.7cm apart
\draw (0,0) to[C=$C$, -*] ++(1,0) coordinate(c-r)
to[inline not, -*] ++(2,0) coordinate (not1-r)
to[inline not] ++(2,0);
% generator
\draw (c-r) to[V=$V_{\mathrm{CM}}$] ++(0,-3);
% feedback
\draw (c-r) -- ++(0,1) coordinate(tmp)
to[R] (tmp-|not1-r) -- (not1-r);
\ctikzset{resistors/scale=0.6, capacitors/scale=0.7,
logic ports/scale=0.8, sources/scale=0.8}
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance=4mm and 4mm,
every node/.style={font=\tiny},
scale=0.5, % coordinates are 0.5cm apart
\draw (0,0) to[C=$C$, -*] ++(1,0) coordinate(c-r)
to[inline not, -*] ++(2,0) coordinate (not1-r)
to[inline not] ++(2,0);
% generator
\draw (c-r) to[V=$V_{\mathrm{CM}}$] ++(0,-3);
% feedback
\draw (c-r) -- ++(0,1) coordinate(tmp)
to[R] (tmp-|not1-r) -- (not1-r);
PS 下次请发布一个 MWE,编译在标准分布中......