Miktex 编译 makeglossaries 时出现问题

Miktex 编译 makeglossaries 时出现问题

我正在使用 texmaker 并尝试从 glossary.tex 文件创建词汇表。但出现了错误:

抱歉,makeglossaries 未能成功,原因如下:MiKTeX 找不到执行“makeglossaries”所需的脚本引擎“perl.exe”。补救措施:确保您的系统上安装了“perl.exe”。日志文件希望包含让 MiKTeX 再次运行的信息:C:\Programs\MiKTex\texmfs\data\miktex\log\makeglossaries.log 有关更多信息,请访问:https://miktex.org/kb/fix-script-engine-not-found


我已经通过 ActiveState 在我的计算机上安装了 perl,并且我进行了检查,因为当我转到 cmd 并输入 perl --version 时会打印以下消息:

这是为 MSWin32-x64-multi-thread 构建的 perl 5,版本 32,subversion 0(v5.32.0)



我只有 ActiveState 的文件夹,但里面没有这个文件夹。所以我将 ActiveState 文件夹添加到 PATH 中(我不知道这是否是正确的解决方案)

我已经重新启动了 Texmaker,但仍然出现同样的错误。



nonumberlist, %do not show page numbers
acronym,      %generate acronym listing
toc,          %show listings as entries in table of contents
section=section,automake]      %use section level for toc entries

\newglossary[slg]{symbolslist}{syi}{syg}{List of symbols}





\printglossary[style=altlist,title=Glossary]  % Glossary%
\printglossary[type=\acronymtype,style=long]  % ACronyms %%
\printglossary[type=symbolslist,style=long]  % Symbols %% 

\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{List of Figures}
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{List of Tables}



并且 glossary.tex 是:

% Symbols

description={Magnetic permeability},
sort=symbolmu, type=symbolslist

%Some acronyms

\newacronym{em}{EM}{Electromagnetic Methods}

这是来自 miktex 的日志文件:

2021-08-06 13:29:00,055+0100 INFO  makeglossaries - starting with command line: makeglossaries
2021-08-06 13:29:00,063+0100 FATAL makeglossaries - The script engine could not be found.
2021-08-06 13:29:00,063+0100 FATAL makeglossaries - Info: scriptEngine="perl.exe", scriptName="makeglossaries"
2021-08-06 13:29:00,063+0100 FATAL makeglossaries - Source: Libraries\MiKTeX\Core\Session\runperl.cpp
2021-08-06 13:29:00,063+0100 FATAL makeglossaries - Line: 83
2021-08-06 13:29:00,066+0100 ERROR makeglossaries - minor issue: It has been a long time since you have checked for MiKTeX updates.
2021-08-06 13:38:43,492+0100 INFO  makeglossaries - starting with command line: makeglossaries
2021-08-06 13:38:43,495+0100 FATAL makeglossaries - The script engine could not be found.
2021-08-06 13:38:43,495+0100 FATAL makeglossaries - Info: scriptEngine="perl.exe", scriptName="makeglossaries"
2021-08-06 13:38:43,495+0100 FATAL makeglossaries - Source: Libraries\MiKTeX\Core\Session\runperl.cpp
2021-08-06 13:38:43,495+0100 FATAL makeglossaries - Line: 83
2021-08-06 13:38:43,500+0100 ERROR makeglossaries - minor issue: It has been a long time since you have checked for MiKTeX updates.
2021-08-06 13:49:12,566+0100 INFO  makeglossaries - starting with command line: makeglossaries -d build
2021-08-06 13:49:12,569+0100 FATAL makeglossaries - The script engine could not be found.
2021-08-06 13:49:12,569+0100 FATAL makeglossaries - Info: scriptEngine="perl.exe", scriptName="makeglossaries"
2021-08-06 13:49:12,569+0100 FATAL makeglossaries - Source: Libraries\MiKTeX\Core\Session\runperl.cpp
2021-08-06 13:49:12,569+0100 FATAL makeglossaries - Line: 83
2021-08-06 13:49:12,570+0100 ERROR makeglossaries - minor issue: It has been a long time since you have checked for MiKTeX updates.
2021-08-06 14:00:51,043+0100 INFO  makeglossaries - starting with command line: makeglossaries -d build
2021-08-06 14:00:51,046+0100 FATAL makeglossaries - The script engine could not be found.
2021-08-06 14:00:51,046+0100 FATAL makeglossaries - Info: scriptEngine="perl.exe", scriptName="makeglossaries"
2021-08-06 14:00:51,046+0100 FATAL makeglossaries - Source: Libraries\MiKTeX\Core\Session\runperl.cpp
2021-08-06 14:00:51,046+0100 FATAL makeglossaries - Line: 83
2021-08-06 14:00:51,048+0100 ERROR makeglossaries - minor issue: It has been a long time since you have checked for MiKTeX updates.



@MS-SPO 我不明白。我会用我的 latex 代码更新这个问题 – Jeniffer Barreto 29 分钟

有道理。我不确定这个glossaries软件包如何处理 perl。浏览其庞大的用户手册https://mirror.marwan.ma/ctan/macros/latex/contrib/glossaries/glossaries-user.pdf它描述了第 50 页上的一系列命令行调用。对于你的问题来说,重要的是这个,一个强制的 (?)暗示:

You may need to **explicitly** loadmakeglossaries into Perl:
$perl makeglossaries myDoc

(以防万一:该$符号仅表示来自 DOS 命令 shell、Linux 上的 bash 或您所在的任何系统的提示符。它可以是任何符号。)

现在,出于某种原因,命令 shell 中的此调用并不总是适用于 Active Perl om Windows。处理此问题的一种方法是指定 perl.exe 的完整路径,如下所示:

$cd yourLatexDocumentsDirectory
$C:\bin\whereveritis\perl.exe  makeglossaries myDoc


  • 在 perl.exe 的位置打开资源管理器
  • 将 perl.exe 拖入 DOS shell
  • 添加 makegloss...

考虑到这一点,我的评论中的项目 a) 应该很清楚 ;-) 成功 :)


附言:看起来用户手册中的命令 shell 副本来自 Linux 世界。DOS 和 Windows 世界应该会发生很大变化……
