在参考书目列表中显示 Bib 文件中的所有文献,即使其中一些文献未在文档中引用

在参考书目列表中显示 Bib 文件中的所有文献,即使其中一些文献未在文档中引用

现在我需要一个类似 natbib 宏包中的 \nocite{*} 的命令来解决图块中显示的问题。我的 MWE 是:

  andincite = {and},
  and       = {and},



Thanks for your help! \\ \\
\indent \textcite{Kodan2013} \\
\indent \textcite{wsggzh2015} \\
\parencite{wsggzh2015} \\
%\parencite{wsgpark2007} % How do I present this paper in the bibloography even if I do not cite it in the main body text?

我的 Bib 文件是:

author = {汪三贵 and 郭子豪},
journal = {贵州社会科学},
number = {05},
pages = {147--150},
title = {论中国的精准扶贫},
volume = {305},
year = {2015}

author = {Kodan, Anand S. and Chhikara, Kuldip S.},
journal = {Management and Labour Studies},
month = {feb},
number = {1-2},
pages = {103--133},
title = {{A Theoretical and Quantitative Analysis of Financial Inclusion and Economic Growth}},
volume = {38},
year = {2013}

author = {汪三贵 and Park, Albert and Chaudhuri, Shubham and Datt, Gaurav},
journal = {管理世界},
keywords = {nmgsocial,poverty,poverty_performance},
number = {1},
pages = {56--64},
title = {中国新时期农村扶贫与村级贫困瞄准},
year = {2007}





  andincite = {and},
  and       = {and},



Thanks for your help! \\ \\
\indent \textcite{Kodan2013} \\
\indent \textcite{wsggzh2015} \\
\parencite{wsggzh2015} \\
%\parencite{wsgpark2007} % How do I present this paper in the bibloography even if I do not cite it in the main body text?
\nocite{wsgpark2007} % <-- \nocite does the trick

