biblatex:如何在文中打印“de Haan (1970)”,但在参考文献中打印“Haan, L. de (1970)”?

biblatex:如何在文中打印“de Haan (1970)”,但在参考文献中打印“Haan, L. de (1970)”?

正如下面的 MWE 中所述,我希望de Haan (1970)在文本和Haan, L. de (1970)参考文献中打印出来。如何调整文本中的标签而不更改参考文献中的标签(或反过来)?(仅适用于单个参考文献,其他所有参考文献都不应更改)



  author =   {Haan, L. {de}},
  title =    {On Regular Variation and its Application to the Weak
                  Convergence of Sample Extremes},
  note =     {Thesis, Mathematical Centre Tract, vol.\ 32, University of
  year =     1970

The reference \cite{deHaan} appears as ``Haan (1970)'' in the text and as ``Haan, L. de (1970)'' in the references below.
How can I get ``de Haan  (1970)'' in the text (while keeping ``Haan, L. de (1970)'' in the references) for just this one
reference (not all others potentially appearing)?

(This is the personal choice of this author and it is not too confusing to find the right reference even if the label
is different in the text (so one can justify that they differ). I saw the biblatex field shorthand, but that works differently)


输入姓名的正确方法图森福埃瑟尔(“von part”/名称前缀)是

author = {de Haan, L.},

该表单author = {Haan, L. {de}},将把解析{de}为一个额外的名字,而没有真正的机会恢复“de”是一个图森福埃瑟尔

de正确解析为姓名前缀的情况下,您可以将选项设置useprefixtruefalse。如果设置为true,则姓名前缀将被视为姓氏的一部分(de Haan, L.),如果它被视为名字的一部分(Haan, L. de)。如果您想要两者的混合,您需要发挥创造力。为此,了解该选项的一侧是作为名为 的切换开关实现的,false会有所帮助。您可以随时更改此切换开关的值。比较biblatexblx@useprefixBiblatex 处理荷兰语“van”前缀


\usepackage[style=authoryear, useprefix=false]{biblatex}


  author = {de Haan, L.},
  title  = {On Regular Variation and its Application to the Weak
            Convergence of Sample Extremes},
  school = {University of Amsterdam},
  year   = 1970,

The reference \autocite{deHaan}


参考文献 (de Haan 1970)//Haan, L. de (1970)。“论正则变异及其在样本极值弱收敛中的应用”。博士论文。阿姆斯特丹大学。

