

通常,当我想减小页眉中某些标题的大小时,我会使用 [括号中的短标题]。但是,这次,我想在目录中使用长标题,但页眉必须很短。我该如何实现这一点?这是我的 MWE:






\setlength{\cftbeforechapskip}{3pt}%espace entre chapitres
\renewcommand{\cftchapleader}{\cftdotfill{\cftdotsep}} % for chapters

\makeindex[name=npr, title=Index des noms] 
\makeindex[name=mat, title=Index des matières]

% We don't want chapter and section numbers
\fancyhf{} % sets both header and footer to nothing
\fancyhead[CE]{\textit{A name}} % even pages: chapter title
\fancyhead[CO]{\textit\leftmark} % odd pages: book title

%%%%%%%%%%%%Pas de N° de chapitres%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    {\centering\Large\bfseries}% format of chapter
    {\large\normalfont\MakeUppercase{\chaptertitlename}\enskip\thechapter}% format of the label
    {.5\baselineskip}{} % space between the two
\titlespacing*{\chapter}{0pt}{25pt}{35pt} % spaces around \chapter{}, {left}{before}{after}

\renewcommand{\@chapapp}{}% Not necessary...
   \parshape 1 \@tempdima \dimexpr\textwidth-2\@tempdima\relax%

%%%%%%%%%%%%%Numérotation en chiffres arabes%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  %\pagenumbering{roman}% Don't reset
  %\pagenumbering{arabic}% Don't reset

\title{A title}
\author{A name}



\chapter[A chapter whose the title is short]{A chapter which has a very very very long title as you can see}
\chapter{A section which has also a very very very long title as you can see}




类( 、 、...memoir的超集)有两个可选的部门标题参数。例如:bookreport



