



% Please add the following required packages to your document preamble:
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\begin{longtable}{p{0.15\linewidth} p{0.25\linewidth} p{0.25\linewidth} p{0.25\linewidth}}
\caption{Summary of Searing's Backbench Preference Roles}
\label{Searing Summary}\\
\textbf{(Sub-)Role   (\% in House of Commons or \% of parent role)} &
  \textbf{(Absence of) Activity} &
  \textbf{Trends (and cause(s))} &
  \textbf{Role Choice Influenced by:} \\* \midrule
\multirow{6}{*}{Policy Advocate (40)} &
  \multirow{6}{*}{} &
  \multirow{6}{*}{·   Increasing prevalence over time (linked to professionalisation of MPs and decrease in working class Labour MPs and Conservative Knights of   the Shire, rise of professional lobbying, new facilities and changes to committee system).} &
  ·   Age (too old to gain a ministerial position); \\
  ·   Demand among electorate   for constituency service (Proportion of policy advocates decreases as   constituency class composition becomes increasingly heterogenous); \\
  ·   Electoral security   (especially important for Specialists; the safer the seat, the more likely an   MP is to be a Policy Advocate); \\




\documentclass{article}  % or some other suitable document class
\newcolumntype{P}[1]{>{\RaggedRight}p{#1\linewidth}} % handy shortcut macro
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\begin{longtable}{@{} P{0.15} P{0.25} P{0.25} P{0.25} @{}}
\caption{Summary of Searing's Backbench Preference Roles}
\label{Searing Summary}\\
\textbf{(Sub-)Role (\%~in House of Commons or \%~of parent role)} &
\textbf{(Absence of) Activity} &
\textbf{Trends (and cause(s))} &
\textbf{Role choice influenced by} \\ 
Policy Advocate (40) & 
\dots &
\item Increasing prevalence over time (linked to professionalisation of 
  MPs and decrease in working class Labour MPs and Conservative Knights of   
  the Shire, rise of professional lobbying, new facilities and changes to 
  committee system). 
\end{myitemize} &
\item Age (too old to gain a ministerial position)
\end{myitemize} \\
\dots &
\dots &
\dots &
\item Demand among electorate for constituency service (Proportion of 
  policy advocates decreases as constituency class composition becomes 
  increasingly heterogenous); 
\item Electoral security (especially important for Specialists; the 
  safer the seat, the more likely an MP is to be a Policy Advocate);
\end{myitemize} \\
