在 beamer 中对齐表格和三部分表格时摆脱魔法数字

在 beamer 中对齐表格和三部分表格时摆脱魔法数字

我一直在尝试制作常规表格并threeparttables在投影仪中排队为了 A 尽管 现在。我一直在取得进展:在下面的 MWE 中,表格排列得很完美。但仍然有一个神奇数字我一直无法摆脱烦人的4.30003pt,不幸的是,它需要随文档字体大小而改变。你能帮我找出它的来源吗?是否有一些保存的长度保存着我可以使用它的值,而不是仅仅硬连线它。在日志文件中,4.30003pt显示在标题下Completed box being shipped out [1]--- 即带有常规框架的框架 --- 上......\glue(\baselineskip) 4.30003,不幸的是,我无法破译 :(

\documentclass[10pt, t]{beamer}
\renewenvironment{table}[1][]{%Redefine table environment as per https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/603004/71332
            position=above]{caption}% Format captions for figures and tables
\AtBeginEnvironment{threeparttable}{\vspace{\TPTpreskip}}%Move threeparttables up to align with regular tables
\usepackage[para, flushleft]{threeparttable}
      \caption{A table}
      \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} Xrrrrr @{}}
        & A & B & C & D & E \tabularnewline
        A somewhat longish row heading & 12 & 34 & 56 & 78 & 90 \tabularnewline
        \caption{A table}
        \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} Xrrrrr @{}}
          & A & B & C & D & E \tabularnewline
          A somewhat longish row heading & 12 & 34 & 56 & 78 & 90 \tabularnewline
          \emph{Note:} Something noteworthy.


使用我的新 LaTeX3 包的替代解决方案tabularray




  \begin{frame}{short table}
      \caption{A table}
        & A & B & C & D & E \\
        A somewhat longish row heading & 12 & 34 & 56 & 78 & 90 \\
  \begin{frame}{tall table}
      \caption{A table}
        note{a} = {First Footnote.},
        note{b} = {Second Footnote.},
        remark{Note} = {Something noteworthy.},
        & A\TblrNote{a} & B & C & D & E \\
        A somewhat longish row heading\TblrNote{b} & 12 & 34 & 56 & 78 & 90 \\

