等式和环境前的 \\ 的使用

等式和环境前的 \\ 的使用


\usepackage{amsmath}                    % Mathematik

    Should I put the equation with no line break directly behing this text? 
        a = b
    And follow with text here? Same more text to make the amount of white space easier visible. \\
    Or should I do it like this? Some more text.
    a = b

    And go on with a line space? \\
    Or should I put a line break on the end of the line before the equation? \\
            a = b
    And leave a line space between this text and the equation?   \\



  1. 切勿\\在普通文本中使用(参见最后的注释);
  2. 数学显示前不要有空行;
  3. 只要文本开始一个新段落(但这种情况并不常见),显示后就允许有一个空行。



I should not have a blank line before the math display, like here
  a = b
and no blank line after it, unless the text really starts a new paragraph.

最后说明。\\当然,在 中可以使用来结束行tabular(在本例中实际上是必要的)、在centerflushleftflushright。在很稀少在某些情况下,\\在普通文本中可能很有用,但请注意,我使用大写粗体斜体来强调这个概念。这个“非常罕见”意味着在我使用 LaTeX 的几十年里,我可能只用过几次,而且是为了非常特殊的效果。
