


MWE 连接



\def\AMCformQuestion#1{{\sc Q #1:}}
\def\AMCbeginQuestion#1#2{\par\noindent{\bf Q #1}#2\hspace*{1em}}    



\begin{question}{QuestionChemicalBondingStageA- 37 }
In nitrogen family, the \ce{H-X-H} bond angle in the hydrides gradually becomes closer to \ang{90} on going from \ce{N} to \ce{Sb}. This shows that gradually
\task* \correctchoice{ The crystal lattice of ice is mostly formed by covalent as well as hydrogen bonds}
\task* \correctchoice{ The density of water increases when heated from  \SI{0}{\celsius} to \SI{4}{\celsius}  due to the change in the structure of the cluster of water molecules}
\task* \correctchoice{ Above  \SI{4}{\celsius}  the thermal agitation of water molecules increases. Therefore, intermolecular  distance increase and water starts expanding}
\task* \correctchoice{ The density of water increases from  \SI{0}{\celsius}  to a maximum at \SI{4}{\celsius}   because the entropy  (disorder) of the system increases}






%%% beginning of the answer sheet header






以“ 90º 从 开始”开头的行应该直接开始于“ 在氮气中...... ”下方,而不是“Q 1”下方。

与选项完全相同,例如在选项 CI 中,文本从文本下方开始,而不是从选项名称下方开始。


item-indent = 2.5em

有问题的压痕仍然来自 AMC 包。任何提醒都值得感激!






经过 automultiplechoice.sty 2021/02/12 v1.5.0 测试 automultiplechoice.sty 2018/12/29 v1.4.0

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 \usepackage{showframe} %test margins

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    \ifnum #1>9\relax

\renewcommand{\AMCbeginQuestion}[2]{\noindent{\bf Q #1}\setbuffspace{\theAMCquestionaff}}
\setlength{\AMCinterBquest}{4ex}% % space inter questions <<<<<<<<<<

\settasks{% added <<<<<<<<<<
    item-indent=3.2em, % align with question  text
    before-skip = 0.5ex, %add space with the question,
    after-item-skip = 1.5ex plus 0.7ex minus 0.7ex, % item separation

        \begin{question}{QuestionChemicalBondingStageA- 37 }% <<<<<<<<<< 
            \parbox[t]{0.9\textwidth}{In nitrogen family, the \ce{H-X-H} bond angle in the hydrides gradually becomes closer to \ang{90} on going from \ce{N} to \ce{Sb}. This shows that gradually}
                    \task* \correctchoice{ The crystal lattice of ice is mostly formed by covalent as well as hydrogen bonds.}
                    \task* \correctchoice{ The density of water increases when heated from  \SI{0}{\celsius} to \SI{4}{\celsius}  due to the change in the structure of the cluster of water molecules.}
                    \task* \correctchoice{ Above  \SI{4}{\celsius}  the thermal agitation of water molecules increases. Therefore, intermolecular  distance increase and water starts expanding.}
                    \task* \correctchoice{ The density of water increases from  \SI{0}{\celsius}  to a maximum at \SI{4}{\celsius}   because the entropy  (disorder) of the system increases.}
        \setcounter{AMCquestionaff}{9} % test double digits alignment <<<<<         
        \begin{question}{QuestionChemicalBondingStageA- 37 }% <<<<<<<<<<<
            \parbox[t]{0.9\textwidth}{In nitrogen family, the \ce{H-X-H} bond angle in the hydrides gradually becomes closer to \ang{90} on going from \ce{N} to \ce{Sb}. This shows that gradually.}
                    \task* \correctchoice{ The crystal lattice of ice is mostly formed by covalent as well as hydrogen bonds.}
                    \task* \correctchoice{ The density of water increases when heated from  \SI{0}{\celsius} to \SI{4}{\celsius}  due to the change in the structure of the cluster of water molecules.}
                    \task* \correctchoice{ Above  \SI{4}{\celsius}  the thermal agitation of water molecules increases. Therefore, intermolecular  distance increase and water starts expanding.}
                    \task* \correctchoice{ The density of water increases from  \SI{0}{\celsius}  to a maximum at \SI{4}{\celsius}   because the entropy  (disorder) of the system increases.}
    }% end element
        %%% beginning of the answer sheet header            
