






\parbox 的图像未达到右边距


\parbox 溢出右边距的图像


% ...

%%% packages - not sure which ones were necessary so I just included them all
\usepackage{graphicx,booktabs,array,paralist,verbatim,subfig,sectsty, makecell,enumitem,titlesec,lmodern,slantsc,listings,setspace,amsmath, environ,showframe,nccmath,xifthen,adjustbox}
% ...
\renewcommand{\labelenumi}{\textbf{Question \arabic*.}}
\setlist[enumerate]{align=left, listparindent=2em, parsep=0pt}
% ...
\setstretch {1.3}}{\endgroup\end{enumerate}}
\setstretch {1.3}}{\endgroup}
    %\allowdisplaybreaks - does nothing in aligned mode
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% THIS ↓ \dimexpr needs to be fixed somehow %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\section{Basic Distributions}
\subsection{Binomial Distributions}
The binomial distribution arises when a random variable is determined to be the number of successes in a series of $n$ independent random trials. In these trials the probability of success is $p$ for each trial, and there are only two possible outcomes: success or failure.
\mu \geq \frac{5 * 0 + 30 * 1 + 56 * 2 + 15 * 3 + 10 * 4 + 7 * 5}{123} = \frac{262}{123} \\&
\implies \text{Possibly }X \sim \text{Po}(\lambda)\text{ where }\lambda \geq \frac{262}{123}\\&
\mathbox{It appears that sampled stroke patients make at least 2.13 errors on average on this psychometric test.}\\&
\displaystyle\sigma^{2} \geq \sum_{x}{\frac{(x-\mu)^{2}}{N}} \\&
= \frac{1}{123}\left(\begin{multlined}5\left(0 - \frac{262}{123}\right)^{2} + 30\left(1 - \frac{262}{123}\right)^{2} + 56\left(2 - \frac{262}{123}\right)^{2}\\
+ 15\left(3 - \frac{262}{123}\right)^{2} + 10\left(4 - \frac{262}{123}\right)^{2} + 10\left(5 - \frac{262}{123}\right)^{2}\end{multlined}\right)\\&
% ...



\parbox我通过将的宽度改为 解决了这个问题\dimexpr\textwidth-\leftmargin-\listparindent+\parskip-\labelsep-\listparindent。我不太清楚为什么这样做有效,但对于我的用例来说,它会合理地接近边距而不会溢出。修改后的代码是:

% ...

%%% packages - not sure which ones were necessary so I just included them all
\usepackage{graphicx,booktabs,array,paralist,verbatim,subfig,sectsty, makecell,enumitem,titlesec,lmodern,slantsc,listings,setspace,amsmath, environ,showframe,nccmath,xifthen}
% ...
\renewcommand{\labelenumi}{\textbf{Question \arabic*.}}
\setlist[enumerate]{align=left, listparindent=2em, parsep=0pt}
% ...
\setstretch {1.3}}{\endgroup\end{enumerate}}
\setstretch {1.3}}{\endgroup}
    %\allowdisplaybreaks - does nothing in aligned mode
\section{Basic Distributions}
\subsection{Binomial Distributions}
The binomial distribution arises when a random variable is determined to be the number of successes in a series of $n$ independent random trials. In these trials the probability of success is $p$ for each trial, and there are only two possible outcomes: success or failure.
\mu \geq \frac{5 * 0 + 30 * 1 + 56 * 2 + 15 * 3 + 10 * 4 + 7 * 5}{123} = \frac{262}{123} \\&
\implies \text{Possibly }X \sim \text{Po}(\lambda)\text{ where }\lambda \geq \frac{262}{123}\\&
\textbox{It appears that sampled stroke patients make at least 2.13 errors on average on this psychometric test.}\\&
\displaystyle\sigma^{2} \geq \sum_{x}{\frac{(x-\mu)^{2}}{N}} \\&
= \frac{1}{123}\left(\begin{multlined}5\left(0 - \frac{262}{123}\right)^{2} + 30\left(1 - \frac{262}{123}\right)^{2} + 56\left(2 - \frac{262}{123}\right)^{2}\\
+ 15\left(3 - \frac{262}{123}\right)^{2} + 10\left(4 - \frac{262}{123}\right)^{2} + 10\left(5 - \frac{262}{123}\right)^{2}\end{multlined}\right)\\&
% ...

它产生以下输出: 正确对齐的最终输出
