我正在用 latex 记数据库管理系统课程笔记。我写的笔记占了半页,然后包括了一张比例为 1 的图片,但该图片无法放在同一页上,因此被移到了下一页(这没问题),该页上的文本(最初占了一半)现在覆盖了整个页面,句子之间有很多垂直空间。以下是问题和 latex 代码的屏幕截图。
\documentclass[12pt, notitlepage]{book}
top = 1in,
bottom = 1in,
left = 0.75in,
right = 0.75in
\subsubsection{Query Language}
Provides operations on data, and possibly some advanced functions.
\subsection{Relational Model}
\section{Why Use DBMS}
\item Applications with tight real-time constraints.
\item Application with a few well-defined critical operations for which efficient custom code must be written.
\item Application may need to manipulate the data in ways not supported by the query language.
\section{General Overview: Query Processing}