

我在 tex.stackexchange 页面上找到了这个模板。


我还有 1 个请求:

  1. 我想转到没有的页面的另一边\\[1cm]在此处输入图片描述
\def\thrulefill{\leavevmode\leaders\hrule height 0.5ex depth \dimexpr2pt-0.7ex\hfill\kern0pt}
\textsc\thrulefill~{\bfseries Question~\thenumex)}~\thrulefill
x^2-5x+6 = 0
x_1=\frac{5+\sqrt{25-4\times6}}{2} = 3
x_2=\frac{5-\sqrt{25-4\times6}}{2} =2
and so we have solved equation \ref{eq:solve}\\[1cm]
x^2-5x+6 = 0
x_1=\frac{5+\sqrt{25-4\times6}}{2} = 3
x_2=\frac{5-\sqrt{25-4\times6}}{2} =2
and so we have solved equation \ref{eq:solve}\\[1cm]
x^2-5x+6 = 0
x_1=\frac{5+\sqrt{25-4\times6}}{2} = 3
x_2=\frac{5-\sqrt{25-4\times6}}{2} =2
and so we have solved equation \ref{eq:solve}




  attach boxed title to top left={xshift=5mm,yshift=-3.75mm},
  boxed title style={size=normal,colframe=blue, colback=blue!10, boxsep=0mm},
  colframe=blue, colback=white, coltitle=black, top=5.5mm]


  x^2-5x+6 = 0
  x_1=\frac{5+\sqrt{25-4\times6}}{2} = 3
  x_2=\frac{5-\sqrt{25-4\times6}}{2} =2
  \begingroup\centering and so we have solved equation \ref{eq:solveA}\par\endgroup

  x^2-5x+6 = 0
  x_1=\frac{5+\sqrt{25-4\times6}}{2} = 3
   x_2=\frac{5-\sqrt{25-4\times6}}{2} =2
  \begingroup\centering and so we have solved equation \ref{eq:solveB}\par\endgroup

  x^2-5x+6 = 0
  x_1=\frac{5+\sqrt{25-4\times6}}{2} = 3
  x_2=\frac{5-\sqrt{25-4\times6}}{2} =2
  \begingroup\centering and so we have solved equation \ref{eq:solveC}\par\endgroup

  x^2-5x+6 = 0
  x_1=\frac{5+\sqrt{25-4\times6}}{2} = 3
  x_2=\frac{5-\sqrt{25-4\times6}}{2} =2
  \begingroup\centering and so we have solved equation \ref{eq:solveD}\par\endgroup

  x^2-5x+6 = 0
  x_1=\frac{5+\sqrt{25-4\times6}}{2} = 3
   x_2=\frac{5-\sqrt{25-4\times6}}{2} =2
  \begingroup\centering and so we have solved equation \ref{eq:solveE}\par\endgroup

  x^2-5x+6 = 0
  x_1=\frac{5+\sqrt{25-4\times6}}{2} = 3
  x_2=\frac{5-\sqrt{25-4\times6}}{2} =2
  \begingroup\centering and so we have solved equation \ref{eq:solveF}\par\endgroup


\noindent A \hfill B

% We have 18 equations but want to continue with equation number 7





  attach boxed title to top left={xshift=5mm,yshift=-3.75mm},
  boxed title style={size=normal,colframe=blue, colback=blue!10, boxsep=0mm},
  colframe=blue, colback=white, coltitle=black, top=5.5mm]



  x^2-5x+6 = 0
  x_1=\frac{5+\sqrt{25-4\times6}}{2} = 3
  x_2=\frac{5-\sqrt{25-4\times6}}{2} =2
  \begingroup\centering and so we have solved equation \ref{eq:solveA}\par\endgroup
  x^2-5x+6 = 0
  x_1=\frac{5+\sqrt{25-4\times6}}{2} = 3
   x_2=\frac{5-\sqrt{25-4\times6}}{2} =2
  \begingroup\centering and so we have solved equation \ref{eq:solveB}\par\endgroup
  x^2-5x+6 = 0
  x_1=\frac{5+\sqrt{25-4\times6}}{2} = 3
  x_2=\frac{5-\sqrt{25-4\times6}}{2} =2
  \begingroup\centering and so we have solved equation \ref{eq:solveC}\par\endgroup
  x^2-5x+6 = 0
  x_1=\frac{5+\sqrt{25-4\times6}}{2} = 3
  x_2=\frac{5-\sqrt{25-4\times6}}{2} =2
  \begingroup\centering and so we have solved equation \ref{eq:solveD}\par\endgroup
  x^2-5x+6 = 0
  x_1=\frac{5+\sqrt{25-4\times6}}{2} = 3
   x_2=\frac{5-\sqrt{25-4\times6}}{2} =2
  \begingroup\centering and so we have solved equation \ref{eq:solveE}\par\endgroup
  x^2-5x+6 = 0
  x_1=\frac{5+\sqrt{25-4\times6}}{2} = 3
  x_2=\frac{5-\sqrt{25-4\times6}}{2} =2
  \begingroup\centering and so we have solved equation \ref{eq:solveF}\par\endgroup

\noindent A \hfill B

% We have 18 equations but want to continue with equation number 7



