在 tabularray 中复制 threeparttable 的 tablenotes

在 tabularray 中复制 threeparttable 的 tablenotes

Simon Dispa 的精彩回答para, flushleft对我的最后一个问题来说,在复制表格注释的变体方面取得了很大进展threeparttable。但格式threeparttable(之后一些调整) 在我看来通常看起来更好,因为它更好地遵守了右边距。


\usepackage[para, flushleft]{threeparttable}
\def\TPT@doparanotes{\par% Alter threeparttable's excessive linebreaks before new notes: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/564293/71332
   \prevdepth\z@ \TPT@hsize
   \parindent\z@ \pretolerance 8
   \linepenalty 200
   \renewcommand\item[1][]{\relax\ifhmode \begingroup
       \penalty -45 \hskip\z@\@plus 10pt\penalty-19
       \hskip 25pt \penalty 9999 \hskip-25pt
       \hskip 1em\@plus3pt


% Simon Dispa's emulation of threeparttable: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/616081/71332

\DefTblrTemplate{remark}{inline-noclosingpar}{% similar to the remark plain




      \caption{A \texttt{threeparttable} table with adjusted \texttt{tablenotes}}
        & A & B \\
        A row heading\tnote{a} & a & 123 \\
        Another row heading\tnote{b} & b & 456 \\
        Yet another row heading & c & 789 \\
        \emph{Note}: A few words describing something noteworthy.
        \emph{Source}: Made up by me.
        \item[a] A table footnote that goes on for a few words more than this.
        \item[b] Another table footnote that goes on for a few words more than this.

      caption={A \texttt{tabularray} table emulating a \texttt{threeparttable}},
      remark{Note}={A few words describing something noteworthy.},
      remark{Source}={Made up by me.},
      note{a}={A table footnote that goes on for a few words more than this.},
      note{b}={Another table footnote that goes on for a few words more than this.}
      & A & B \\
      A row heading\TblrNote{a} & a & 123 \\
      Another row heading\TblrNote{b} & b & 456 \\
      Yet another row heading & c & 789 \\





\usepackage[para, flushleft]{threeparttable}
\def\TPT@doparanotes{\par% Alter threeparttable's excessive linebreaks before new notes: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/564293/71332
    \prevdepth\z@ \TPT@hsize
    \parindent\z@ \pretolerance 8
    \linepenalty 200
    \renewcommand\item[1][]{\relax\ifhmode \begingroup
        \penalty -45 \hskip\z@\@plus 10pt\penalty-19
        \hskip 25pt \penalty 9999 \hskip-25pt
        \hskip 1ex\@plus3pt % corrected  1ex instead of 1em <<<<<<<<<<


% Simon Dispa's emulation of threeparttable: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/616081/71332

\DefTblrTemplate{remark-text}{three}{\InsertTblrRemarkText\!}% added <<<<<<<<<<<
\DefTblrTemplate {note-text}{three}{\InsertTblrNoteText\!}% added <<<<<

\DefTblrTemplate{remark}{inline-noclosingpar}{% similar to the remark plain




            \caption{A \texttt{threeparttable} table with adjusted \texttt{tablenotes}}
                & A & B \\
                A row heading\tnote{a} & a & 123 \\
                Another row heading\tnote{b} & b & 456 \\
                Yet another row heading & c & 789 \\
                \emph{Note}: A few words describing something noteworthy.
                \emph{Source}: Made up by me.
                \item[a] A table footnote that goes on for a few words more than this.
                \item[b] Another table footnote that goes on for a few words more than this.
            caption={A \texttt{tabularray} table emulating a \texttt{threeparttable}},
            remark{Note}={A few words describing something noteworthy.},
            remark{Source}={Made up by me.},
            note{a}={A table footnote that goes on for a few words more than this.},
            note{b}={Another table footnote that goes on for a few words more than this.}
            & A & B \\
            A row heading\TblrNote{a} & a & 123 \\
            Another row heading\TblrNote{b} & b & 456 \\
            Yet another row heading & c & 789 \\
