



因此,我想知道是否有一个包可以在 LaTeX 中输入它们

\usepackage{ ??? }




虽然 OP 不想绘制图像,但我还是尝试并想出了下面的方法,它仅使用calc带有 TikZ 的库并提供一种简单的方法来输入图表和符号:


\setCJKmainfont{AR PL UKai TW}

    \foreach \i in {1,...,3} {
      \begin{scope}[rotate around={{120*(\i-1)}:(0:0)}]
        \foreach \j in {0,...,4} {
          \coordinate (p\i0\j) at ([shift={(240:5)}]120:{\j*5/9});
          \coordinate (p\i8\j) at ([shift={(300:5)}]60:{\j*5/9});
          \coordinate (p\i4\j) at (270:{cos(30)*5-cos(30)*10/9*\j});
          \coordinate (p\i2\j) at ($(p\i0\j)!0.5!(p\i4\j)$);
          \coordinate (p\i1\j) at ($(p\i0\j)!0.5!(p\i2\j)$);
          \coordinate (p\i3\j) at ($(p\i2\j)!0.5!(p\i4\j)$);
          \coordinate (p\i6\j) at ($(p\i4\j)!0.5!(p\i8\j)$);
          \coordinate (p\i5\j) at ($(p\i4\j)!0.5!(p\i6\j)$);
          \coordinate (p\i7\j) at ($(p\i6\j)!0.5!(p\i8\j)$);

  \fill[#1] (p100) -- (p180) -- (p200) -- (p280) -- (p300) -- (p380) -- cycle;
  \foreach \i in {1,...,3} {
    \draw (p\i00) -- (p\i04) -- (p\i44) -- (p\i84) -- (p\i80) -- cycle;
    \foreach \j in {1,...,7} {
        \draw (p\i\j0) -- (p\i\j4);
    \foreach \j in {1,...,3} {
        \draw (p\i0\j) -- (p\i4\j) -- (p\i8\j);
    \draw (p\i30) -- (p\i41) -- (p\i52)
          (p\i50) -- (p\i41) -- (p\i32);
  \draw (p384) -- (p104) 
        (p184) -- (p204)
        (p284) -- (p304)
        (p344) -- (p144) -- (p244) -- cycle;

  \def\fieldcolor{\ifcase#1\relax\or BrickRed\or PineGreen\or RoyalBlue\else black\fi}
    \if#2\markadv\ifnum#1=1 仕\else 士\fi\else
    \if#2\markcan\ifnum#1=1 炮\else\ifnum#1=2 礮\else 砲\fi\fi\else
    \if#2\markchr 車\else
    \if#2\markele\ifnum#1=1 相\else\ifnum#1=2 向\else 象\fi\fi\else
    \if#2\markgen\ifnum#1=1 蜀\else\ifnum#1=2 吳\else 魏\fi\fi\else
    \if#2\markhrs 馬\else
    \if#2\marksol\ifnum#1=1 兵\else\ifnum#1=2 勇\else 卒\fi\fi\else
    \if#2\markban\ifnum#1=1 火\else\ifnum#1=2 風\else 旗\fi\fi\else
  \node[circle, draw, double, \fieldcolor, fill=white, inner sep=0pt] at (p#3) {\fieldfigure};


        % first argument: player 
        %   1 = Shu 
        %   2 = Wei
        %   3 = Wu
        % second argument: figure 
        %   A = advisory 
        %   C = cannon 
        %   R = chariot
        %   E = elephant
        %   G = general
        %   H = horse
        %   S = soldier
        %   B = banner
        % third argument: position
        %   first digit: field (1 = bottom, 2 = left, 3 = right)
        %   second digit: column (0 to 8, 0 being the leftmost line)
        %   third digit: row (0 to 4, 0 being the outermost line)




如果问题只是关于如何在 LaTeX 中输入(某些)中文字符,本页上有几个答案涉及如何设置 LaTeX 以排版中文。为了在计算机上输入中文,通常您需要一种输入法和至少一些中文知识,因为大多数输入法只有在您知道字符的书写顺序或发音时才能使用。最好的办法是直接复制字符(例如从下面复制)。

Advisory:  士 or 仕
Cannon:    砲 or 炮 or 礮 (last one not used in traditional Xiangqi)
Chariot:   車 (traditional Xiangqi also uses 俥 as red variant)
Elephant:  象 or 相 or 向 (last one not used in traditional Xiangqi)
General:   魏 or 蜀 or 吳 (將 or 帥 in traditional Xiangqi)
Horse:     馬 (traditional Xiangqi also uses 傌 as red variant)
Soldier:   卒 or 兵 or 勇 (last one not used in traditional Xiangqi)
Bannermen: 旗 or 火 or 風 (not used in traditional Xiangqi)

此游戏是传统象棋的一个特殊变体,只有两名玩家。因此,它使用了一些特殊符号,这些符号可能不会包含在为中国象棋排版而设计的软件包中,也不会以 Unicode 编码(目前)。因此,最好的方法确实是使用相关汉字自己绘制这些符号。



这张图片绝对是你可以用 做的tikz。至于字体,有几个用于排版中文、日文或韩文字符的软件包。



    \begin{tikzpicture}[thick,piece/.style={circle,inner sep=1pt,fill=white,double},
        %Board outline (and anchors)
        \node[regular polygon,regular polygon sides=6,draw,thick,minimum width=12cm] (b) {};
        %Center triangle
        \path[name path=tri1] ($(b.corner 1)!.0555!(b.corner 6)$) -- ($(b.corner 4)!.0555!(b.corner 5)$);
        \path[name path=tri2] ($(b.corner 5)!.0555!(b.corner 4)$) -- ($(b.corner 2)!.0555!(b.corner 3)$);
        \path[name path=tri3] ($(b.corner 6)!.0555!(b.corner 1)$) -- ($(b.corner 3)!.0555!(b.corner 2)$);
        \path[name intersections={of=tri1 and tri2,by=A}];
        \path[name intersections={of=tri1 and tri3,by=B}];
        \path[name intersections={of=tri2 and tri3,by=C}];
        \draw (A) -- (B) -- (C) -- cycle;       
        %% Shu field (red)
        \foreach \n [count=\i] in {1,...,9}
            \coordinate (rA\i) at ($(b.corner 4)!{(\n-1)*.125}!(b.corner 5)$);  

        \coordinate (rE1) at ($(b.corner 4)!.444!(b.corner 3)$);
        \path ($(b.corner 3)!.555!(b.corner 4)$) -- (A) coordinate[pos=.25] (rE2);
        \path ($(b.corner 3)!.555!(b.corner 4)$) -- (A) coordinate[pos=.50] (rE3);
        \path ($(b.corner 3)!.555!(b.corner 4)$) -- (A) coordinate[pos=.75] (rE4);
        \path ($(b.corner 3)!.555!(b.corner 4)$) -- (A) coordinate (rE5);
        \path ($(b.corner 5)!.444!(b.corner 6)$) -- (A) coordinate[pos=.75] (rE6);
        \path ($(b.corner 5)!.444!(b.corner 6)$) -- (A) coordinate[pos=.50] (rE7);
        \path ($(b.corner 5)!.444!(b.corner 6)$) -- (A) coordinate[pos=.25] (rE8);
        \coordinate (rE9) at ($(b.corner 5)!.444!(b.corner 6)$);
        \foreach \i in {2,...,8}
            \draw (rA\i) -- (rE\i) coordinate[pos=.25] (rB\i) coordinate[pos=.50] (rC\i) coordinate[pos=.75](rD\i);
        \foreach \n [count=\i] in {rB,rC,rD}{
            \coordinate (\n1) at ($(b.corner 4)!{\i*.111}!(b.corner 3)$);
            \coordinate (\n9) at ($(b.corner 5)!{\i*.111}!(b.corner 6)$);
            \draw (\n1) -- (\n5) -- (\n9);
        \draw (rE1) -- (rE5) -- (rE9) (rC4) -- (rB5) -- (rA6) (rA4) -- (rB5) -- (rC6);
        \node[shu] at (rA1){車};
        \node[shu] at (rA2){馬};
        \node[shu] at (rA3){相};
        \node[shu] at (rA4){仕};
        \node[shu] at (rA5){蜀};
        \node[shu] at (rA6){仕};
        \node[shu] at (rA7){相};
        \node[shu] at (rA8){馬};
        \node[shu] at (rA9){車};
        \node[shu] at (rD1){兵};
        \node[shu] at (rD3){兵};
        \node[shu] at (rD5){兵};
        \node[shu] at (rD7){兵};
        \node[shu] at (rD9){兵};
        \node[shu] at (rC4){火};
        \node[shu] at (rC6){火};
        \node[shu] at (rC2){焙};
        \node[shu] at (rC8){焙};

        %% Wei field (blue)
        \draw ($(b.corner 1)!.555!(b.corner 2)$) -- (C) -- ($(b.corner 3)!.444!(b.corner 4)$);
        \node[wei] at (b.corner 2) {車};
        \node[wei] at ($(b.corner 2)!.125!(b.corner 3)$){馬};
        \node[wei] at ($(b.corner 2)!.250!(b.corner 3)$){象};
        \node[wei] at ($(b.corner 2)!.375!(b.corner 3)$){士};
        \node[wei] at (b.side 2) {魏};
        \node[wei] at ($(b.corner 2)!.625!(b.corner 3)$){士};
        \node[wei] at ($(b.corner 2)!.750!(b.corner 3)$){象};
        \node[wei] at ($(b.corner 2)!.875!(b.corner 3)$){馬};
        \node[wei] at (b.corner 3) {車};
        %% Wu field (green)
        \draw ($(b.corner 1)!.444!(b.corner 2)$) -- (B) --($(b.corner 5)!.555!(b.corner 6)$);
        \node[wu] at (b.corner 6) {車};
        \node[wu] at ($(b.corner 6)!.125!(b.corner 1)$){馬};
        \node[wu] at ($(b.corner 6)!.250!(b.corner 1)$){向};
        \node[wu] at ($(b.corner 6)!.375!(b.corner 1)$){士};
        \node[wu] at (b.side 6) {吳};
        \node[wu] at ($(b.corner 6)!.625!(b.corner 1)$){士};
        \node[wu] at ($(b.corner 6)!.750!(b.corner 1)$){向};
        \node[wu] at ($(b.corner 6)!.875!(b.corner 1)$){馬};
        \node[wu] at (b.corner 1) {車};


(我不确定,我的几何形状 100% 正确,但应该足够接近了)


象棋棋子于 2018 年 6 月被添加到 Unicode 标准中,并发布了 11.0 版。

它们出现在国际象棋符号 Unicode 块中,即 U+1FA00–U+1FA6F,但实际上很少有字体包含这些字符(我的 Mac 上的字体都不包含这些字符)。

不过,有一种免费字体确实包含这些字符(由提出将这些字符添加到 Unicode 的请求的人设计),可在https://www.babelstone.co.uk/Fonts/Xiangqi.html

至于图表的其余部分,将使用 TiKZ 完成。
