\usepackage[left=3mm, right=3mm,top=30mm,bottom=5mm,includehead=true,headsep=3pt]{geometry}
In the context of using the itemize environment...
\item I would like to have the text outside my table \quad \begin{tabular}{| b{26mm} | b{26mm}|} be in line with & the text inside \\ \hline blah blah blah & blah \end{tabular} the table.
\item but the word ``table'' (outside the tabular) is too high relative to the word ``be'' (inside the tabular).
\item Any thoughts?
悼念:亨利·桑普曼(Henry Thumpman),单线补丁之王。
\usepackage[left=3mm, right=3mm,top=30mm,bottom=5mm,includehead=true,headsep=3pt]{geometry}
In the context of using the itemize environment...
\item I would like to have the text outside my table \quad \begin{tabular}[t]{| b{26mm} | b{26mm}|} be in line with & the text inside \\ \hline blah blah blah & blah \end{tabular} the table.
\item but the word ``table'' (outside the tabular) is too high relative to the word ``be'' (inside the tabular).
\item Any thoughts?
\item \verb|[t]|: Aligned with the first row (even with a \verb|\hline| on top)
first row \\
second row \\
third row \\
fourth row \\
\item \verb|[b]|: Aligned with the last row (even with a \verb|\hline| on bottom)
first row \\
second row \\
third row \\
fourth row \\
\item \verb|[baseline=3]|: Aligned with a row given by its number
first row \\
second row \\
third row \\
fourth row \\
\item \verb|[baseline=line-3]|: Aligned with an horizontal rule given by its number
first row \\
second row \\
third row \\
fourth row \\
在后台使用 PGF/Tikz 节点)。