

我正在写论文,不太会使用 Latex。我正在制作表格,但一张表格被截断了,无法继续下一页。我已经尝试调整列宽,但表格太大了。标题功能似乎也存在问题,因为它不想给我的表格添加标题。如果能得到帮助,我将不胜感激。


         \textbf{Advantages} &  \textbf{Sources}\\\midrule
        \underline{Health} \\
        \begin{enumerate}[itemsep = 0 mm]
            \item Decreased childhood disease
            \begin{enumerate}[itemsep = 0 mm]
           \item  Childhood pneumonia
            \item Chronic obstructive pulmonary
             \item  Lung cancer
             \item Asthma and Cataract
             \item Low birth weight and stillbirth
          \item Tuberculosis
            \item Decrease of 90-99 \% of Schistosomiasis
            \item Typically 50 \% inactivation of helminth eggs and modest (13 \%) reductions of tapeworm, roundworm, \textit{E. coli} and \textit{Enterococci}
            \item Solid retention times of 3 weeks at mesophilic conditions are enough to kill pathogens leading to typhoid, cholera, dysentery and hookworm

        \end{enumerate} & \begin{enumerate}[itemsep = 0 mm]
            \item \citet{desai} \citet{bruce} \citet{pope} \citet{Slama}
            \item \citet{ISATGTZ}
            \item \citet{remais} \citet{bond} \citet{gantzer}
            \item \citet{bond}
        \begin{enumerate}[itemsep = 0 mm]
            \item Increased agricultural yields of 6–10 \% and sometimes up to 20 \% have been recorded through use of biogas slurry as fertiliser
            \item N and P are more easily accessible
            \item Reduction in certain weed seeds with a reduced need for herbicides
        \end{enumerate} & \begin{enumerate}[itemsep = 0 mm]
            \item \citet{ISATGTZ}
            \item \citet{Messner} \citet{Plaixats} \citet{masse2007} 
            \item \citet{masse2011}
        \begin{enumerate}[itemsep = 0 mm]
            \item Reduction of size and quantity of landfills 
            \item Less time collecting firewood (especially women and children) with as a consequence less physical stress on the body + more time for other things (free time for women to engage in other activities to benefit the household or community (i.e. fabrication of textiles, crafts, etc. to sell) as well as more free time for children to pursue formal education.) 
            \item People living away from centralised grid can get acces gas and electricity
        \end{enumerate} & \begin{enumerate}[itemsep = 0 mm]
            \item \citet{masse2011}
            \item \citet{liu2008}
            \item \citet{opportunitiesandchallengesdigesters}
        \begin{enumerate}[itemsep = 0 mm]
            \item Reduction in deforestation (54\% of deforestation in developing nations) associated with firewood collection (Reduction of 84\% of firewood consumption in the Southern province of Sri Lanka)
            \item Reduced soil erosion
            \item Reduction of organic matter in effluent water (removal of +/- 90\% of soluble chemical O\textsubscript{2} demand and +/- 80\% of total O\textsubscript{2} demand)
            \item 24-50 \% reduction of N\textsubscript{2}O emissions
            \item Reduction in NH\textsubscript{3} emissions. 
            \item Reduction of zoonotic pathogens, such as Campylobacter, Salmonella, Yersinia enterocolitica, Cryptosporidium and Giardia are dangerous for water quality (but bioreactor design and operating strategy must have sufficient residence time to allow complete destruction of pathogens)
            \item Rough estimations say biogas technology could potentially reduce global anthropogenic methane emissions by around 4%
            \item Reduced demand for synthetic fertilisers caused by increased use of digested biomass as fertiliser could reduce emissions
        \end{enumerate} & \begin{enumerate}[itemsep = 0 mm]
            \item \citet{plugflowcostaricavarkenkak} \citet{liu2008} \citet{dealwis}
            \item \citet{plugflowcostaricavarkenkak} \citet{liu2008}
            \item \citet{plugflowcostaricavarkenkak}
            \item \cite{clemensamon}
            \item \citet{Chantigny2007}\citet{Chantigny2009}
            \item \citet{masse2011}
            \item \citet{ISATGTZ}
            \item \citet{bond}

以及 pdf 的图片 pdf 中的结果图片,其中我的表格被截断了



  • 适用于表格tabularray包版本 2021N
  • 页面布局定义\usepackage[vmargin=25mm]{geometry}
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Advantages          &   Sources         \\

\underline{Health}  &                   \\
\item Decreased childhood disease

    \item  Childhood pneumonia
    \item Chronic obstructive pulmonary
    \item  Lung cancer
    \item Asthma and Cataract
    \item Low birth weight and stillbirth
    \item Tuberculosis
\item Decrease of 90-99 \% of Schistosomiasis
\item Typically \qty{50}{\%} inactivation of helminth eggs and modest (\qty{13}{\%}) reductions of tapeworm, roundworm, \textit{E. coli} and \textit{Enterococci}
\item Solid retention times of 3 weeks at mesophilic conditions are enough to kill pathogens leading to typhoid, cholera, dysentery and hookworm
    \end{enumerate} &   \begin{enumerate}
                    \item \citet{desai} \citet{bruce} \citet{pope} \citet{Slama}
                    \item \citet{ISATGTZ}
                    \item \citet{remais} \citet{bond} \citet{gantzer}
                    \item \citet{bond}
                        \end{enumerate} \\
\underline{Agronomic}   &               \\
\item Increased agricultural yields of \qtyrange{6}{10}{\%} and sometimes up to \qty{20}{\%} have been recorded through use of biogas slurry as fertiliser
\item N and P are more easily accessible
\item Reduction in certain weed seeds with a reduced need for herbicides
    \end{enumerate} &   \begin{enumerate}
                    \item \citet{ISATGTZ}
                    \item \citet{Messner} \citet{Plaixats} \citet{masse2007}
                    \item \citet{masse2011}
                        \end{enumerate} \\
\underline{Social}  &                   \\
\item Reduction of size and quantity of landfills
\item Less time collecting firewood (especially women and children) with as a consequence less physical stress on the body + more time for other things (free time for women to engage in other activities to benefit the household or community (i.e. fabrication of textiles, crafts, etc. to sell) as well as more free time for children to pursue formal education.)
\item People living away from centralised grid can get access gas and electricity
    \end{enumerate} &   \begin{enumerate}
            \item \citet{masse2011}
            \item \citet{liu2008}
            \item \citet{opportunitiesandchallengesdigesters}
                        \end{enumerate} \\
\underline{Enviromental}    &           \\
\item Reduction in deforestation (\qty{54}{\%} of deforestation in developing nations) associated with firewood collection (Reduction of \qty{84}{\%} of firewood consumption in the Southern province of Sri Lanka)
\item Reduced soil erosion
\item Reduction of organic matter in effluent water (removal of \qty{\pm 90}{\%} of soluble chemical \ce{O2} demand and \qty{\pm 80}{\%} of total \ce{O2} demand)
\item 24-50 \% reduction of \ce{N2O} emissions
\item Reduction in \ce{NH3} emissions.
\item Reduction of zoonotic pathogens, such as Campylobacter, Salmonella, Yersinia enterocolitica, Cryptosporidium and Giardia are dangerous for water quality (but bioreactor design and operating strategy must have sufficient residence time to allow complete destruction of pathogens)
\item Rough estimations say biogas technology could potentially reduce global anthropogenic methane emissions by around 4%
\item Reduced demand for synthetic fertilisers caused by increased use of digested biomass as fertiliser could reduce emissions
    \end{enumerate} &   \begin{enumerate}
                    \item \citet{plugflowcostaricavarkenkak} \citet{liu2008} \citet{dealwis}
                    \item \citet{plugflowcostaricavarkenkak} \citet{liu2008}
                    \item \citet{plugflowcostaricavarkenkak}
                    \item \cite{clemensamon}
                    \item \citet{Chantigny2007}\citet{Chantigny2009}
                    \item \citet{masse2011}
                    \item \citet{ISATGTZ}
                    \item \citet{bond}
                        \end{enumerate}         \\





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