表中缺少 } 错误

表中缺少 } 错误

使用 rmarkdown 编译 pdf 文档中的 longtable 时,我收到缺少 } 的错误。表格编织成 html,所以我认为问题出在正在生成的 latex 上,我无法确定为什么}需要 a。这是错误:

! Missing } inserted.
<inserted text> 
l.152 Brantsma  2014 &
                        & 49 & 6647 & 4.2 & Also measured risk factors over ...

这是 .tex 输出:

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First author, Year & Population & Mean age & Participants (n) & Follow up (years) & Analysis & Outcome & 1st & 2nd & 3rd & 4th & Other significant & Non-significant\\
First author, Year & Population & Mean age & Participants (n) & Follow up (years) & Analysis & Outcome & 1st & 2nd & 3rd & 4th & Other significant & Non-significant\\

\multicolumn{13}{l}{\rule{0pt}{1em}BP variables = red}\\
Hsu  2009 & Medical insurance check up & 40 & 177570 & 25.0 &  & ESRD & \cellcolor{white}{BMI (category)} & \cellcolor{white}{Hypertension (stage)} & \cellcolor{mintgreen}{Diabetes (Y/N)} & \cellcolor{white}{Uric acid (highest quartile)} & Dipstick proteinuria\*, race, age, education, low Hb & \cellcolor{lsilver}{Lipids}\\
Hallan  2009 & General population & 50 & 65589 & 10.0 & ACR and eGFR not included & ESRD/Death & \cellcolor{mintgreen}{Diabetes (present)} & \cellcolor{white}{Low physical activity} & \cellcolor{pastelred}{SBP} & \cellcolor{lavender}{Low HDL} & eGFR\* \& ACR\* (in full model), antihypertensive treatment, male sex, age & \cellcolor{lsilver}{}\\
Bash  2010 & Age 45-64 & 54 & 15324 & 16.0 &  & ESRD & \cellcolor{mintgreen}{Diabetes (present)} & \cellcolor{white}{Triglycerides} & \cellcolor{pastelred}{SBP} & \cellcolor{icterine}{BMI} & Race, smoking, age, CHD, male sex & \cellcolor{lsilver}{}\\
Ryu  2009 & Men, age 30-59 & 37 & 10685 & 3.8 &  & Incident CKD (eGFR<60) & \cellcolor{lavender}{Low HDL} & \cellcolor{white}{Triglycerides} & \cellcolor{white}{} & \cellcolor{white}{} & HOMA-IR & \cellcolor{lsilver}{Obesity, hypertension, raised fasting glucose}\\
Hemmelgarn  2006 & Age>66, mean eGFR 60-89 & 76 & 6789 & 2.0 &  & eGFR decline & \cellcolor{mintgreen}{Diabetes (present)} & \cellcolor{white}{} & \cellcolor{white}{} & \cellcolor{white}{} & Age, cardiac disease gout & \cellcolor{lsilver}{Hypertension}\\
Chien  2010 & eGFR >60 & 51 & 5168 & 2.2 & "Clinical" parameters & Incident CKD (eGFR<60) & \cellcolor{white}{T2DM (present)} & \cellcolor{icterine}{BMI} & \cellcolor{pastelred}{DBP} & \cellcolor{white}{} & Age, Hx of stroke & \cellcolor{lsilver}{Regular exercise (Y/N)}\\
Chien  2010 & eGFR >60 & 51 & 5168 & 2.2 & "Biochemical" parameters. eGFR not included & Incident CKD (eGFR<60) & \cellcolor{white}{Uric acid} & \cellcolor{white}{HBA1c} & \cellcolor{pastelred}{DBP} & \cellcolor{white}{} & Proteinuria\*, Hx of stroke\*, age & \cellcolor{lsilver}{}\\
Wang  2011 & Age >40, general population & 60 & 1563 & 4.0 &  & eGFR decline & \cellcolor{white}{Uric acid} & \cellcolor{white}{} & \cellcolor{white}{} & \cellcolor{white}{} & Albuminuria\*, age & \cellcolor{lsilver}{Diabetes, eGFR(<60 vs >60), SBP}\\
Polonia  2017 & Hypertensive & 60 & 1023 & 5.0 &  & eGFR decline & \cellcolor{white}{HbA1C (>8%)} & \cellcolor{white}{T2DM (present)} & \cellcolor{white}{Nighttime SBP} & \cellcolor{white}{} & Albuminuria\*, age & \cellcolor{lsilver}{LDL, Triglycerides}\\
Brantsma  2014 &  & 49 & 6647 & 4.2 & Also measured risk factors over time $\Delta$ & Albuminuria progression & \cellcolor{white}{Baseline MAP \& $\Delta$ MAP} & \cellcolor{white}{Use of lipid lowering agents} & \cellcolor{icterine}{BMI} & \cellcolor{white}{$\Delta$ fasting glucose} & Age & \cellcolor{lsilver}{Cholesterol, CRP, HOMA-IR, Smoking}\\
Guesseous  2014 & General population & 52 & 4441 & 5.0 &  & eGFR decline & \cellcolor{white}{T2DM (present)} & \cellcolor{white}{Hypertension (Y/N)} & \cellcolor{lightgray}{CRP} & \cellcolor{white}{} & Education level, Contraceptive pill, eGFR, ACR & \cellcolor{lsilver}{Smoking, Uric acid}\\
Kronborg  2008 & General population & 59 & 2249 & 7.0 & Men & eGFR decline & \cellcolor{mintgreen}{Diabetes (Y/N)} & \cellcolor{white}{Anti-hypertensive treatment (Y/N)} & \cellcolor{pastelred}{SBP} & \cellcolor{white}{Fibrinogen} & Alcohol (>6Units/week) CVD, ACR, HbA1C in non-diabetics & \cellcolor{lsilver}{Cholesterol Smoking Waist circumference}\\
Kronborg  2008 & General population & 59 & 2192 & 7.0 & Women & eGFR decline & \cellcolor{mintgreen}{Diabetes (Y/N)} & \cellcolor{white}{Anti-hypertensive treatment (Y/N)} & \cellcolor{white}{Low physical activity} & \cellcolor{white}{Fibrinogen} & Age, SBP, HbA1c in non-diabetics & \cellcolor{lsilver}{ACR Cholesterol Waist circumference}\\
Fox  2004 &  & 43 & 2585 & 8.5 & Baseline variables & Incident CKD (eGFR<60) & \cellcolor{mintgreen}{Diabetes (Y/N)} & \cellcolor{white}{Smoking} & \cellcolor{icterine}{BMI} & \cellcolor{white}{} & eGFR\*, age\*, male sex & \cellcolor{lsilver}{Cholesterol, Impaired fasting glucose, SBP}\\
Fox  2004 &  & 43 & 2585 & 8.5 & Long-term (time averaged) & Incident CKD (eGFR<60) & \cellcolor{mintgreen}{Diabetes (Y/N)} & \cellcolor{white}{Hypertension (Y/N)} & \cellcolor{lavender}{Low HDL} & \cellcolor{white}{} & Baseline eGFR\*, age\*, male sex & \cellcolor{lsilver}{BMI, Impaired fasting glucose, SBP}\\
Obermayr 2008 & Exclude eGFR<60 & 44 & 17375 & 7.2 &  & Incident CKD (eGFR<60) & \cellcolor{white}{Hypertension (stage)} & \cellcolor{white}{Uric acid} & \cellcolor{white}{Low physical activity} & \cellcolor{lavender}{Fasting glucose (>100 mg/dl)} & Proteinuria\*, female sex, age, smoker, low HDL, BMI & \cellcolor{lsilver}{}\\*



你有 \cellcolor{white}{HbA1C (>8%)

它应该是\cellcolor{white}{HbA1C (>8\%),因为百分号强制 TeX 忽略该行其余部分的所有内容,在本例中是结尾的}
