\usetheme{Darmstadt} % or try Darmstadt, Madrid, Warsaw, ...
\usecolortheme{default} % or try albatross, beaver, crane, ...
\usefonttheme{default} % or try serif, structurebold, ...
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
\begin{frame}{Empirical Observations}
\caption{Correlation of health behaviors with LBW probability}
\hline \noalign{\smallskip}
&\multicolumn{1}{c}{(1)}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{(2)}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{(3)} \\
\hline \noalign{\smallskip}
Smoked entering t & 0.037*** & 0.013 & 0.011 \\
& (0.014) & (0.019) & (0.018) \\
Ever smoked & & 0.025 & 0.037** \\
& & (0.021) & (0.019) \\
Smoking cessation (years) & & -0.0064* & -0.0066** \\
& & (0.0034) & (0.0033) \\
\noalign{\smallskip} \hline \noalign{\smallskip}
Compared to someone who smokes while pregnant:
\item A woman who never smokes has a 4.8 pp lower probability of having a low birth weight birth
\item A woman who quit smoking three years before she got pregnant has a 2pp lower probability of having a low birth weight birth
\caption{Correlation of health behaviors with LBW probability}
\hline \noalign{\smallskip}
&\multicolumn{1}{c}{(1)}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{(2)}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{(3)} \\
\hline \noalign{\smallskip}
Smoked entering t & 0.037*** & 0.013 & 0.011 \\
& (0.014) & (0.019) & (0.018) \\
Ever smoked & & 0.025 & 0.037** \\
& & (0.021) & (0.019) \\
Smoking cessation (years) & & -0.0064* & -0.0066** \\
& & (0.0034) & (0.0033) \\
\noalign{\smallskip} \hline \noalign{\smallskip}
Used marijuana entering t & 0.041** & 0.038 & 0.040* \\
& (0.018) & (0.024) & (0.024) \\
Ever used marijuana & & 0.0099 & 0.0076 \\
& & (0.020) & (0.019) \\
Marijuana cessation (years) & & 0.0015 & 0.0032 \\
& & (0.0029) & (0.0032) \\
Observable characteristics & N & N & Y \\
\usetheme{Darmstadt} % or try Darmstadt, Madrid, Warsaw, ...
\usecolortheme{default} % or try albatross, beaver, crane, ...
\usefonttheme{default} % or try serif, structurebold, ...
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
\begin{frame}[t]{Empirical Observations}
\caption{Correlation of health behaviors with LBW probability}
&\multicolumn{1}{c}{(1)}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{(2)}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{(3)} \\
Smoked entering t & 0.037*** & 0.013 & 0.011 \\
& (0.014) & (0.019) & (0.018) \\
Ever smoked & & 0.025 & 0.037** \\
& & (0.021) & (0.019) \\
Smoking cessation (years) & & -0.0064* & -0.0066** \\
& & (0.0034) & (0.0033) \\
Compared to someone who smokes while pregnant:
\item A woman who never smokes has a 4.8 pp lower probability of having a low birth weight birth
\item A woman who quit smoking three years before she got pregnant has a 2pp lower probability of having a low birth weight birth
\caption{Correlation of health behaviors with LBW probability}
&\multicolumn{1}{c}{(1)}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{(2)}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{(3)} \\
Smoked entering t & 0.037*** & 0.013 & 0.011 \\
& (0.014) & (0.019) & (0.018) \\
Ever smoked & & 0.025 & 0.037** \\
& & (0.021) & (0.019) \\
Smoking cessation (years) & & -0.0064* & -0.0066** \\
& & (0.0034) & (0.0033) \\
Used marijuana entering t & 0.041** & 0.038 & 0.040* \\
& (0.018) & (0.024) & (0.024) \\
Ever used marijuana & & 0.0099 & 0.0076 \\
& & (0.020) & (0.019) \\
Marijuana cessation (years) & & 0.0015 & 0.0032 \\
& & (0.0029) & (0.0032) \\
Observable characteristics & N & N & Y \\