因此,我尝试创建一个强制执行此行为的函数,但是它会在 3 个级别上创建 tikz 样式的嵌套...并且不幸的是,我找不到如何在该设置中引用参数:因为#1
my global style/.style={
mynode/.style={fill=red,rounded corners=1mm},
my default label style/.style={
above, font=\tiny
add content/.style={
%% By default, adds the content at the end of the node
execute at begin node=##1,
%% But we would like to be able to force this behaviour later:
%label={[my global style, my default label style] ##1},
%% /!\ uncomment these lines, it will break:
% force content in label/.style={
% add content/.style={
% % ##1 should be the argument of "add content" and ###1 should be the argument of "add content"
% label={[my global style, my default label style,##1] ###1},
% },
% },
% force content in label/.default={},
\node[my global style, mynode, add content=Abc] {};
%% Goal: make this work
% \node[force content in label, add content=Abc] at (2,0) {};
% \node[force content in label=below, add content=Abc] at (4,0) {};