esami LaTeX 包中练习的版本总数

esami LaTeX 包中练习的版本总数




\begin{problem}\PTs{2} Factor the following polynomial

-2x^3 \FPsignpol{-4*\a+7}{x^2}\FPsignpol{-2*\a*\a+11*\a-4}{x}\FPsignpol{4*\a*\a-6*\a-4}{}


我想打印此练习的所有版本。有人能帮我吗?提前致谢。软件包文档中提供的 \totale-versioni 文件似乎没有提供该问题的解决方案。


1 个主文件





\def\profname{Professor Name}
\def\numcompiti{1}%%% The number of versions
\date{2021/10/09}%%% THE DATE IN THE FORMAT AAAA/M/D
\def\Data{\longdate}%%% or \shortdate: the date in the heading






{\Large \textsc{School name}
\textsc{Test name}}



2 esami-xyz.cfg 文件

%% Package `esami' to use with LaTeX 2e
%%  Copyright (C) 2008-2013  G. Messineo e S. Vassallo
%% This is file `esami-xyz.cfg',
%% esami-xyz.cfg,             2013-03-20                %%
%% Copyright (C) 2008-2013 G. Messineo e S. Vassallo    %%
%%                                                      %%
%% This program can be redistributed and/or modified    %%
%% under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License  %%
%% Distributed from CTAN archives in directory          %%
%% macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either version 1 of the  %%
%% License, or (at your option) any later version.      %%

% +=============================+
% |         THE HEADING         |
% +=============================+

{\huge \hskip1cm\textsc{School name}}
{\huge\hskip1cm\textsc{Test name}}
{\huge\hskip1cm\textsc{del \underline{~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~}}

\hskip1cm \underline{\textsc{Studente name}: 
\hskip6cm \textsc{Class}: ~~~}%

% +=============================+
% |         THE FOOTER          |
% +=============================+

\def\ps@esame{\let\@oddhead\@empty\def\@oddfoot{\hfil \textbf{\versionname\
n. \thevers} -- %%
\textbf{\solutionsname} --  %%
 \pagename\ \thepage}\let\@evenhead\@empty\let\@evenfoot\@empty}
\else%%% no solutions
    {\hfil  \textbf{\versionname\ n. \thevers\
      -- \pagename\ \thepage}\hfil}

% +=============================+
% +=============================+

\def\ps@soltest{\let\@oddhead\@empty\def\@oddfoot{\hfil %\textbf{\versionname\ n. \thevers} -- %%
\textbf{\solutionsname} -- \pagename\ \thepage

 \input{\jobname.sol.tex}                                                                                %

% +=============================+
% |   SOME INTRUCTIONS          |
% +=============================+


\framebox{\parbox{\textwidth}{\textbf{Some other instructions.}}}}\\[3ex]}

3 练习文件

\begin{problem}\PTs{2} Factor the polynomial
-2x^3 \FPsignpol{-4*\a+7}{x^2}\FPsignpol{-2*\a*\a+11*\a-4}{x}\FPsignpol{4*\a*\a-6*\a-4}{}
