让箭头与小 tikz 图片中的节点一起显示

让箭头与小 tikz 图片中的节点一起显示

我有以下 tikz 图的代码:




\tikzstyle{dot}=[circle, draw=black, fill=black!25, inner sep=.4ex, line width=\thickness, node on layer=foreground]
\tikzstyle{blackdot}=[dot, fill=black!50]
\tikzstyle{blackdot}=[dot, fill=gray!40!white]
\tikzstyle{whitedot}=[dot, fill=white]
\tikzstyle{reddot}=[dot, fill=red]
\tikzstyle{greendot}=[dot, fill=green]

  /tikz/on layer/.code={
  /tikz/node on layer/.code={
  /tikz/end node on layer/.code={

% Lengths

% Keys
\newif\ifwedge\pgfkeys{/tikz/wedge/.is if=wedge}
\newif\ifvflip\pgfkeys{/tikz/vflip/.is if=vflip}
\newif\ifhflip\pgfkeys{/tikz/hflip/.is if=hflip}
\newif\ifhvflip\pgfkeys{/tikz/hvflip/.is if=hvflip}
\newif\ifconnectnw\pgfkeys{/tikz/connect nw/.is if=connectnw}
\newif\ifconnectne\pgfkeys{/tikz/connect ne/.is if=connectne}
\newif\ifconnectsw\pgfkeys{/tikz/connect sw/.is if=connectsw}
\newif\ifconnectse\pgfkeys{/tikz/connect se/.is if=connectse}
\newif\ifconnectn\pgfkeys{/tikz/connect n/.is if=connectn}
\newif\ifconnects\pgfkeys{/tikz/connect s/.is if=connects}
\newif\ifconnectnwf\pgfkeys{/tikz/connect nw >/.is if=connectnwf}
\newif\ifconnectnef\pgfkeys{/tikz/connect ne >/.is if=connectnef}
\newif\ifconnectswf\pgfkeys{/tikz/connect sw >/.is if=connectswf}
\newif\ifconnectsef\pgfkeys{/tikz/connect se >/.is if=connectsef}
\newif\ifconnectnf\pgfkeys{/tikz/connect n >/.is if=connectnf}
\newif\ifconnectsf\pgfkeys{/tikz/connect s >/.is if=connectsf}
\newif\ifconnectnwr\pgfkeys{/tikz/connect nw </.is if=connectnwr}
\newif\ifconnectner\pgfkeys{/tikz/connect ne </.is if=connectner}
\newif\ifconnectswr\pgfkeys{/tikz/connect sw </.is if=connectswr}
\newif\ifconnectser\pgfkeys{/tikz/connect se </.is if=connectser}
\newif\ifconnectnr\pgfkeys{/tikz/connect n </.is if=connectnr}
\newif\ifconnectsr\pgfkeys{/tikz/connect s </.is if=connectsr}
\tikzset{keylengthn/.initial =\connectheight}
\tikzset{keylengths/.initial =\connectheight}
\tikzset{connect nw length/.style={connect nw=true, keylengthnw={#1}}}
\tikzset{connect n length/.style ={connect n =true, keylengthn ={#1}}}
\tikzset{connect ne length/.style={connect ne=true, keylengthne={#1}}}
\tikzset{connect sw length/.style={connect sw=true, keylengthsw={#1}}}
\tikzset{connect s length/.style ={connect s =true, keylengths ={#1}}}
\tikzset{connect se length/.style={connect se=true, keylengthse={#1}}}
\tikzset{connect nw < length/.style={connect nw <=true, keylengthnw={#1}}}
\tikzset{connect n < length/.style ={connect n <=true,  keylengthn ={#1}}}
\tikzset{connect ne < length/.style={connect ne <=true, keylengthne={#1}}}
\tikzset{connect sw < length/.style={connect sw <=true, keylengthnw={#1}}}
\tikzset{connect s < length/.style ={connect s <=true,  keylengths ={#1}}}
\tikzset{connect se < length/.style={connect se <=true, keylengthse={#1}}}
\tikzset{connect nw > length/.style={connect nw >=true, keylengthnw={#1}}}
\tikzset{connect n > length/.style ={connect n >=true,  keylengthn ={#1}}}
\tikzset{connect ne > length/.style={connect ne >=true, keylengthne={#1}}}
\tikzset{connect sw > length/.style={connect sw >=true, keylengthsw={#1}}}
\tikzset{connect s > length/.style ={connect s >=true,  keylengths ={#1}}}
\tikzset{connect se > length/.style={connect se >=true, keylengthse={#1}}}

% Shapes
        \advance\pgf@y by -.5\dp\pgfnodeparttextbox
    \anchor{north east}
        \multiply \pgf@x by 2
        \divide \pgf@x by 5
        \divide \pgf@x by 2
        \advance \pgf@x by 5pt
        \divide \pgf@x by 2
        \advance \pgf@x by -5pt
    \anchor{north west}
        \multiply \pgf@x by 2
        \divide \pgf@x by 5
    \anchor{connect nw}
        \multiply \pgf@x by 2
        \divide \pgf@x by 5
        \advance\pgf@y by \savedlengthnw
    \anchor{connect ne}
        \multiply \pgf@x by 2
        \divide \pgf@x by 5
        \advance\pgf@y by \savedlengthne
    \anchor{connect sw}
        \multiply \pgf@x by 2
        \divide \pgf@x by 5
        \advance\pgf@y by -\savedlengthsw
    \anchor{connect se}
        \multiply \pgf@x by 2
        \divide \pgf@x by 5
        \advance\pgf@y by -\savedlengthse
    \anchor{connect n}
        \advance\pgf@y by \savedlengthn
    \anchor{connect s}
        \advance\pgf@y by -\savedlengths
    \anchor{south east}
        \multiply \pgf@x by 2
        \divide \pgf@x by 5
    \anchor{south west}
        \multiply \pgf@x by 2
        \divide \pgf@x by 5
                        {0.5*\overallwidth + 15pt}
                        {0.5*\overallwidth + 5pt}
            \draw [forward arrow style] (-0.4*\overallwidth,0.5*\morphismheight)
                to (-0.4*\overallwidth,0.5*\morphismheight+\savedlengthnw);
            \draw [forward arrow style] (0.4*\overallwidth,0.5*\morphismheight)
                to (0.4*\overallwidth,0.5*\morphismheight+\savedlengthne);
            \draw [forward arrow style] (-0.4*\overallwidth,-0.5*\morphismheight-\savedlengthsw)
                to (-0.4*\overallwidth,-0.5*\morphismheight);
            \draw [forward arrow style] (0.4*\overallwidth,-0.5*\morphismheight-\savedlengthse)
                to (0.4*\overallwidth,-0.5*\morphismheight);
        \draw [forward arrow style] (0,0.5*\morphismheight)
            to (0,0.5*\morphismheight+\savedlengthn);
        \draw [forward arrow style] (0,-0.5*\morphismheight-\savedlengths)
            to (0,-0.5*\morphismheight);
        \draw [reverse arrow style] (-0.4*\overallwidth,0.5*\morphismheight)
            to (-0.4*\overallwidth,0.5*\morphismheight+\savedlengthnw);
        \draw [reverse arrow style] (0.4*\overallwidth,0.5*\morphismheight)
            to (0.4*\overallwidth,0.5*\morphismheight+\savedlengthne);
        \draw [reverse arrow style] (-0.4*\overallwidth,-0.5*\morphismheight-\savedlengthsw)
            to (-0.4*\overallwidth,-0.5*\morphismheight);
        \draw [reverse arrow style] (0.4*\overallwidth,-0.5*\morphismheight-\savedlengthse)
            to (0.4*\overallwidth,-0.5*\morphismheight);
        \draw [reverse arrow style] (0,0.5*\morphismheight)
            to (0,0.5*\morphismheight+\savedlengthn);
        \draw [reverse arrow style] (0,-0.5*\morphismheight-\savedlengths)
            to (0,-0.5*\morphismheight);
\node [whitedot] (d0) at (2/2, 4/2) {$\alpha$};
\node [whitedot] (d1) at (1/2, 2/2) {$\beta$};
\node [whitedot] (d2) at (3/2, 2/2) {$\gamma$};
\node [whitedot] (d3) at (0,6/2) {$a$};
\node [whitedot] (d4) at (4/2,6/2) {$b$};
\node [whitedot] (d5) at (0,0) {$c$};
\node [whitedot] (d6) at (2/2,0) {$d$};
\node [whitedot] (d7) at (4/2,0) {$e$};
\draw [->] (d0.center) to[out=180, in=-90] (0,6/2);
\draw [->] (d0.center) to[out=0, in=-90] (4/2, 6/2);
\draw [->] (d0.center) to[out=-90, in=0] (d1.center);
\draw (d0.center) to[out=-90, in=180] (d2.center);
\draw (d1.center) to[out=180, in=90] (0, 0);
\draw (d1.center) to[out=0, in=90] (2/2,0);
\draw (d2.center) to[out=180, in=90] (2/2, 0);
\draw (d2.center) to[out=0, in=90] (4/2, 0);








node distance = 16mm and 8mm, on grid,
     V/.style = {circle, minimum size=7mm, draw, semithick},
every edge/.append style = {draw, - Stealth} 
\node (v0)    {$\alpha$};
\node (v1)  [below  left=of v0] {$\beta$};
\node (v2)  [below right=of v0] {$\gamma$};
\node (v3)  [below  left=of v1] {$c$};
\node (v4)  [below right=of v1] {$d$};
\node (v5)  [below right=of v2] {$e$};
\node (v6)  [above  left=16mm and 16mm of v0]   {$a$};
\node (v7)  [above right=16mm and 16mm of v0]   {$b$};
%   edges
\path   (v0) edge[out=180, in=-90] (v6)
        (v0) edge[out=0,   in=-90] (v7) 
        (v0) edge[out=-90, in= 30] (v1)
        (v0) edge[out=-90, in=150] (v2)
        (v1) edge[out=210, in= 90] (v3) 
        (v1) edge[out=330, in= 90] (v4)
        (v2) edge[out=210, in= 90] (v4)
        (v2) edge[out=330, in= 90] (v5);

