enumitem - 描述环境中多行标签的对齐

enumitem - 描述环境中多行标签的对齐

我正在尝试使多行标签右对齐。我将style=multilinealign=right选项应用于 enumitem 描述环境。以下是描述问题的代码:




% multiline, left-aligned
\begin{description}[style=multiline, leftmargin=!, labelwidth=4cm]
    \item[Truth-functional\\ connective] A sentence connective with the property that the truth value of the newly formed sentence is determined solely by the truth value(s) of the constituent sentence(s), nothing more.

% multiline, right-aligned; the option is not applied.
\begin{description}[align=right, style=multiline, leftmargin=!, labelwidth=4cm]
    \item[Truth-functional connective] A sentence connective with the property that the truth value of the newly formed sentence is determined solely by the truth value(s) of the constituent sentence(s), nothing more.

% the order of options changed; different result.
\begin{description}[style=multiline, align=right, leftmargin=!, labelwidth=4cm]
    \item[Truth-functional connective] A sentence connective with the property that the truth value of the newly formed sentence is determined solely by the truth value(s) of the constituent sentence(s), nothing more.

% The label aligned as intended with a single line label.
\begin{description}[align=right, leftmargin=!, labelwidth=4cm]
    \item[Truth-functional] A sentence connective with the property that the truth value of the newly formed sentence is determined solely by the truth value(s) of the constituent sentence(s), nothing more.








  1. style=multiline, leftmargin=!, labelwidth=4cm

    它按预期工作:具有自动换行的固定宽度标签。由于 ,它是左对齐的parleft

  2. align=right, style=multiline, leftmargin=!, labelwidth=4cm


  3. style=multiline, align=right, leftmargin=!, labelwidth=4cm

    设置align=right实际上撤消了 的中心部分style=multiline(即创建 的部分\parbox)。我不确定为什么,但这会导致Infinite glue shrinkage我在运行您的示例时出错。您没有收到此错误吗?理论上,我本来希望这与下一个案例相同。

  4. align=right, leftmargin=!, labelwidth=4cm


那么我们如何得到你想要的东西?最直接的选择是创建一个新的对齐方式parright,它的作用与 相同parleft,但使用右对齐方式。我们可以从文档第 6 页复制定义并替换\raggedright\raggedleft





% multiline, left-aligned
\begin{description}[align=parright, leftmargin=!, labelwidth=4cm]
    \item[Truth-functional connective] A sentence connective with the property that the truth value of the newly formed sentence is determined solely by the truth value(s) of the constituent sentence(s), nothing more.


MWE 输出
