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在 minipage 中包装环境可使图形包装正常工作:
\begin{history}[Pavel Cherenkov]
\includegraphics[width=1\linewidth]{Figures/Radiation Generation/pavel_cherenkov.jpg}
\footnotesize Cherenkov was born in 1904 to Alexey Cherenkov and Mariya Cherenkova in the small village of Novaya Chigla. This town is in present-day Voronezh Oblast, Russia.
In 1928, he graduated from the Department of Physics and Mathematics of Voronezh State University. In 1930, he took a post as a senior researcher in the Lebedev Physical Institute. That same year he married Maria Putintseva, daughter of A.M. Putintsev, a Professor of Russian Literature. They had a son, Alexey, and a daughter, Yelena.
Cherenkov was promoted to section leader, and in 1940 was awarded the degree of Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences. In 1953, he was confirmed as Professor of Experimental Physics. Starting in 1959, he headed the institute's photo-meson processes laboratory. He remained a professor for fourteen years. In 1970, he became an Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
Cherenkov died in Moscow on January 6, 1990, and was buried in Novodevichy Cemetery.
- 我怎样才能让框内的文本变小,类似于
在环境中定义的文本? - 如何获得自然缩进?我希望每个段落都缩进。
- 如何增加标题和第一行之间的间距?
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\newtheorem{envhistory}{Historical Figure:}[chapter]
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\section{Cherenkov Radiation}
A charged particle moving with uniform velocity can NOT generate radiation in a vacuum. However, when a charged particle moves in a dielectric medium with refractive index $\textit{n}$, it becomes possible to irradiate! This was indeed discovered experimentally by the Russian physicist, Pavel Cherenkov in 1934, and later explained theoretically by Ilya Tamm and Igor Frank in 1937. They received the Nobel Prize for this discovery in 1958.
\begin{history}[Pavel Cherenkov]
\includegraphics[width=1\linewidth]{Figures/Radiation Generation/pavel_cherenkov.jpg}
Cherenkov was born in 1904 to Alexey Cherenkov and Mariya Cherenkova in the small village of Novaya Chigla. This town is in present-day Voronezh Oblast, Russia.
In 1928, he graduated from the Department of Physics and Mathematics of Voronezh State University. In 1930, he took a post as a senior researcher in the Lebedev Physical Institute. That same year he married Maria Putintseva, daughter of A.M. Putintsev, a Professor of Russian Literature. They had a son, Alexey, and a daughter, Yelena.
Cherenkov was promoted to section leader, and in 1940 was awarded the degree of Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences. In 1953, he was confirmed as Professor of Experimental Physics. Starting in 1959, he headed the institute's photo-meson processes laboratory. He remained a professor for fourteen years. In 1970, he became an Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
Cherenkov died in Moscow on January 6, 1990, and was buried in Novodevichy Cemetery.