我一直在尝试填充用 pgfplots 绘制的两条曲线之间的区域。这些图表是从下面链接中附加的外部 .dat 文件绘制的。由于某种原因,填充命令不起作用。
\pgfplotstableread[col sep = semicolon]{./kapitel_2/druckabfall_neu.dat}\data
style/.style={mark=none,unbounded coords=jump}}
\begin{axis}[width=\textwidth, height=10cm ]
\addplot table[style, x index = {0}, y index = {1}]{\data};
\addplot table[style, x index = {2}, y index = {3}]{\data};
%\addplot table[style, domain=80:100,name path=A, x index = {0}, y index = {1}]{\data};
%\addplot table[style, domain=80:100, name path=B, x index = {2}, y index = {3}]{\data};
%\addplot fill between[of=A and B];
\addplot table[style, x index = {4}, y index = {5}]{\data};
\addplot table[style, x index = {6}, y index = {7}]{\data};
\addplot table[style, x index = {8}, y index = {9}]{\data};
\addplot table[style, x index = {10}, y index = {11}]{\data};
\addplot table[style, x index = {12}, y index = {13}]{\data};
\pgfplotstableread[col sep = semicolon]{druckabfall_neu.dat}\data
style/.style={mark=none,unbounded coords=jump}}
\begin{axis}[width=\textwidth, height=10cm, smooth]]
\addplot table[style, x index = {0}, y index = {1}]{\data};
\addplot table[style, x index = {2}, y index = {3}]{\data};
%\addplot table[style, domain=80:100,name path=A, x index = {0}, y index = {1}]{\data};
%\addplot table[style, domain=80:100, name path=B, x index = {2}, y index = {3}]{\data};
%\addplot fill between[of=A and B];
\addplot table[style, x index = {4}, y index = {5}]{\data};
\addplot table[style, x index = {6}, y index = {7}]{\data};
\addplot table[style, x index = {8}, y index = {9}]{\data};
\addplot table[style, x index = {10}, y index = {11}]{\data};
\addplot table[style, x index = {12}, y index = {13}]{\data};
\documentclass[border=1 cm]{standalone}
\pgfplotstableread[col sep = semicolon]{druckabfall_neu_test.dat}\data
\pgfplotsset{style/.style={mark=none, unbounded coords=jump}}
\begin{axis}[width=\textwidth, height=10cm, smooth]
\addplot[style, name path=A] table[x index = {0}, y index = {1}]{\data};
\addplot[style, name path=B] table[x index = {2}, y index = {3}]{\data};
\addplot fill between [of=A and B];
\addplot[style] table[x index = {4}, y index = {5}]{\data};
\addplot[style] table[x index = {6}, y index = {7}]{\data};
\addplot[style] table[x index = {8}, y index = {9}]{\data};
\addplot[style] table[x index = {10}, y index = {11}]{\data};
\addplot[style] table[x index = {12}, y index = {13}]{\data};