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这是 MWE
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\exhyphenpenalty=100 % allows using hyphens which were already present.
% \hyphenpenalty=10000 % disables hyphens completly.
%-------------Title Chap & Section------------------------
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[display] % shape
{\Huge\bfseries\raggedleft} % format
{} % label
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{\Huge}[\vspace{1ex}] % before-code
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{} % label
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\newcommand{\autor}[1]{\textbf{\Large {#1}}\medskip\par}
% \newcommand{\prof}[1]{\textit{\small prof. coord. {#1}}\\ \smallskip}
\part{This is part I}
\chapter{Specii. Discurs și comportament politicianist în literatura noastră de secol XIX și XX}
\autor{Student Name}
\scoala{Name of School}
\prof{Professor 1}