叠加规格严格高于 X,比如说 Y > X,则不会显示电影。它似乎认为电影应该出现在幻灯片 Y 上,而不是 X 上。
% Yeah, it's obsolete, but media9 is even more so now that Flash is dead
% Notes from movie15:
% 1. Options `autopause' and `autoresume' should be set, as this prevents the
% movie from being rewound when passing from one overlay to the next.
%%%%% -> BTW I never got this to work, overlays always reset movies for me, tried in Okular and pympress.
\frametitle{Cool video frame}
Here is a cool movie coming up.
\visible<3->{That was a cool movie, eh?}
% This wouldn't break it, but the overlay spec cannot be after the movie
% \visible<2->{That was a cool movie, eh?}
% This works, but limits us to only specify stuff after \includemovie
% \visible<3->{That was a cool movie, eh?}
可以得到预期的结果仅有的放置\visible<3->{That was a cool movie, eh?}
后 \includemovie
Beamer Github 上出现了交叉引用问题,我认为这是一个错误:https://github.com/josephwright/beamer/issues/733