使用 tikz 格式化两个超矩阵的总和

使用 tikz 格式化两个超矩阵的总和

我已经使用以下代码用 tikz 编写了两个超矩阵的总和。



 \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={minimum width=1.2cm,minimum height=1.2cm}]
 \matrix (mA) [draw,matrix of math nodes]
 b_1^1 b^2_1  b^3_1 & \hspace{1mm} b_1^1  b^2_1  b^3_2  \\
 b_1^1 b^2_2  b^3_1 & \hspace{1mm} b_1^1  b^2_2  b^3_2  \\
 \matrix (mB) [draw,matrix of math nodes] at ($(mA.south west)+(4.5 cm,3cm)$)
 b_1^2 b^2_1 b^3_1 & \hspace{1mm} b_1^2 b^2_1 b^3_2  \\
 b_1^2 b^2_2 b^3_1 & \hspace{1mm} b_1^2 b^2_2 b^3_2  \\
\draw[dashed](mA.south west)--(mB.south west);
\draw[dashed](mA.north east)--(mB.north east);
\draw[dashed](mA.north west)--(mB.north west);
\draw[dashed](mA.south east)--(mB.south east);
\ \   +   \ \ 
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={minimum width=1.2cm,minimum height=1.2cm}]
\matrix (mA) [draw,matrix of math nodes]
c_1^1 c^2_1  c^3_1 & \hspace{1mm} c_1^1  c^2_1  c^3_2  \\
c_1^1 c^2_2  c^3_1 & \hspace{1mm} c_1^1  c^2_2  c^3_2  \\
\matrix (mB) [draw,matrix of math nodes] at ($(mA.south west)+(4.5 cm,3cm)$)
c_1^2 c^2_1 c^3_1 & \hspace{1mm} c_1^2 c^2_1 c^3_2  \\
c_1^2 c^2_2 c^3_1 & \hspace{1mm} c_1^2 c^2_2 c^3_2  \\
\draw[dashed](mA.south west)--(mB.south west);
\draw[dashed](mA.north east)--(mB.north east);
\draw[dashed](mA.north west)--(mB.north west);
\draw[dashed](mA.south east)--(mB.south east);









 \vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={minimum width=1.2cm,minimum height=1.2cm}]
 \matrix (mA) [draw,matrix of math nodes]
 b_1^1 b^2_1  b^3_1 & \hspace{1mm} b_1^1  b^2_1  b^3_2  \\
 b_1^1 b^2_2  b^3_1 & \hspace{1mm} b_1^1  b^2_2  b^3_2  \\
 \matrix (mB) [draw,matrix of math nodes] at ($(mA.south west)+(4.5 cm,3cm)$)
 b_1^2 b^2_1 b^3_1 & \hspace{1mm} b_1^2 b^2_1 b^3_2  \\
 b_1^2 b^2_2 b^3_1 & \hspace{1mm} b_1^2 b^2_2 b^3_2  \\
\draw[dashed](mA.south west)--(mB.south west);
\draw[dashed](mA.north east)--(mB.north east);
\draw[dashed](mA.north west)--(mB.north west);
\draw[dashed](mA.south east)--(mB.south east);
\ \   +   \ \ 
\vcenter{\hbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={minimum width=1.2cm,minimum height=1.2cm}]
\matrix (mA) [draw,matrix of math nodes]
c_1^1 c^2_1  c^3_1 & \hspace{1mm} c_1^1  c^2_1  c^3_2  \\
c_1^1 c^2_2  c^3_1 & \hspace{1mm} c_1^1  c^2_2  c^3_2  \\
\matrix (mB) [draw,matrix of math nodes] at ($(mA.south west)+(4.5 cm,3cm)$)
c_1^2 c^2_1 c^3_1 & \hspace{1mm} c_1^2 c^2_1 c^3_2  \\
c_1^2 c^2_2 c^3_1 & \hspace{1mm} c_1^2 c^2_2 c^3_2  \\
\draw[dashed](mA.south west)--(mB.south west);
\draw[dashed](mA.north east)--(mB.north east);
\draw[dashed](mA.north west)--(mB.north west);
\draw[dashed](mA.south east)--(mB.south east);



