

我刚刚安装了 miktex/texmaker 并从这里运行了一个示例http://mally.stanford.edu/~sr/computing/latex-example.html.但是连接树的线没有像示例中那样显示。我该如何解决这个问题?谢谢


\section*{Notes for My Paper}

Don't forget to include examples of topicalization.
They look like this:

\enumsentence{Topicalization from sentential subject:\\ 
\shortex{7}{a John$_i$ [a & kltukl & [el & 
  {\bf l-}oltoir & er & ngii$_i$ & a Mary]]}
{ & {\bf R-}clear & {\sc comp} & 
  {\bf IR}.{\sc 3s}-love   & P & him & }
{John, (it's) clear that Mary loves (him).}}

\subsection*{How to handle topicalization}

I'll just assume a tree structure like (\ex{1}).

\enumsentence{Structure of A$'$ Projections:\\ [2ex]
    & \node{i}{CP}\\ [2ex]
    \node{ii}{Spec} &   &\node{iii}{C$'$}\\ [2ex]
        &\node{iv}{C} & & \node{v}{SAgrP}


Mood changes when there is a topic, as well as when
there is WH-movement.  \emph{Irrealis} is the mood when
there is a non-subject topic or WH-phrase in Comp.
\emph{Realis} is the mood when there is a subject topic
or WH-phrase.



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该示例使用 pstricks 包来绘制线条。pstricks 需要基于 PostScript 的系统,因此您需要使用 latex- dvips-ps2pdf来处理文档,而不是pdflatex大多数编辑器中的默认设置。





有关使用 LaTeX 进行语言学研究的详细介绍,请参阅 Adam Liter 在 LSA 年会上讲授的一门课程的讲义。


\noautomath % turn off use of _ and ^ outside of math mode
\AtBeginEnvironment{exe}{\automath} % turn on use of _ and ^ inside examples
\newcommand*\1{$'$} % command for prime in trees (saves typing)


\section*{Notes for My Paper}

Don't forget to include examples of topicalization.
They look like this:

\ex{Topicalization from sentential subject:}
\sn{\gll John_i [ a kltukl [ el \textbf{l-}oltoir er ngii_i a Mary ]]\\
         John {} {} \textbf{R-}clear {} \textsc{comp} \textbf{IR}.\textsc{3s}-love P him {} Mary\\
     \glt John, (it's) clear that Mary loves (him)}

\subsection*{How to handle topicalization}

I'll just assume a tree structure like (\ref{tree}).

[CP [Spec] [C\1 [C] [SAgrP] ]]]

Mood changes when there is a topic, as well as when
there is WH-movement.  \emph{Irrealis} is the mood when
there is a non-subject topic or WH-phrase in Comp.
\emph{Realis} is the mood when there is a subject topic
or WH-phrase.

